Fallout 2 mod Adding some new Weapons to Fallout2.

Might as well just add some radiation poisoning to stimpaks. Would be a lot less work and finally rad-x and radaway become somewhat useful.
Might as well just add some radiation poisoning to stimpaks. Would be a lot less work and finally rad-x and radaway become somewhat useful.

Yes first i had the same idea to add at wasteland radiated stimpaks, and to vaults etc normal.

Radaway and Poison Antidote are now more useful.

The new drug in high tec locations are painkiller, they can heal but have heavy side effects.
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I have my doubt radiation food/healing would be that effective.

1. By extensive buying and hoarding fruits, I have collected about 150 units. So that's how many of that available in the course of a game (could be more but shouldnt be over 200). How many rad unit you plan to add to each Fruit? Remember, that's going to spread all over a game, so the effect is not that concentrated. More like water-down.

2. Healing Powders should be much more rare than Fruits. I have not intentionally collected powders but that should be 75-100, top, generously estimating. For one thing it's not as widely carried by critters and sold by shops.... Although I estimate that would be enough to use for a game, because I think I use stim (for real, not for making items) should be 100-150.

3. you probbabbly can add rad effect to antidote (to simulate antidote materials contain rad) But antidote is not that often used either. In my test game of high poisonous rats, scorpion, floaters, centaurs, I still dont use that much antidote. 30, top, over the course of a game.

STILLLLLLLL~ It should be interesting to test in real game.
I have my doubt radiation food/healing would be that effective.

1. By extensive buying and hoarding fruits, I have collected about 150 units. So that's how many of that available in the course of a game (could be more but shouldnt be over 200). How many rad unit you plan to add to each Fruit? Remember, that's going to spread all over a game, so the effect is not that concentrated. More like water-down.

2. Healing Powders should be much more rare than Fruits. I have not intentionally collected powders but that should be 75-100, top, generously estimating. For one thing it's not as widely carried by critters and sold by shops.... Although I estimate that would be enough to use for a game, because I think I use stim (for real, not for making items) should be 100-150.

3. you probbabbly can add rad effect to antidote (to simulate antidote materials contain rad) But antidote is not that often used either. In my test game of high poisonous rats, scorpion, floaters, centaurs, I still dont use that much antidote. 30, top, over the course of a game.

STILLLLLLLL~ It should be interesting to test in real game.

1. I understand what you mean, but fruit have not only radiation as effect to use many of them dont help. Fruit give 1-4 TP have radiation and another terrible side effect.

2.Healing Powder can remain in game because its not so high tec, but now it is weaker and the side effects even more difficult. Yes i will limit them because Food will be nr 1 for healing a long time.

3.That is a good idea, because for the Antidote will use Radscorpion Tail. There will be Poison effects so Antidote become more important also Radaway.

How many Broc flowers and Xander roots are there in the game world?

You mean now no one.
So this means that in your mod Hakunin does not make 'powders of healing', and Myron won't make stimpaks then... (Presumably the spoken dialog options for these are gone, or edited.)
*Also the landscapes are changed, missing the medicinal plants—or just the option to use them is gone.
How many Broc flowers and Xander roots are there in the game world?
So this means that in your mod Hakunin does not make 'powders of healing', and Myron won't make stimpaks then... (Presumably the spoken dialog options for these are gone, or edited.)
*Also the landscapes are changed, missing the medicinal plants—or just the option to use them is gone.

Hakunin and Myron dont exist.

@Lexx why? i make something new and not only add there a thing and there.

Jet, Buffout, Mentats also dont exist.
Hakunin and Myron dont exist.
I think at this point you should clarify that your changes are not for "Fallout 2" ... everyone here thinks you are changing the balance of vanilla Fallout 2 and not some other mod.
I think at this point you should clarify that your changes are not for "Fallout 2" ... everyone here thinks you are changing the balance of vanilla Fallout 2 and not some other mod.

It will change the balance, only pro gamer can beat this game now.

You are not safe in a power armor anymore. There are ammo that can pierce that armor easy.

A strong weapon is useless because the enemies have them too.

Super High tec drugs exist only in hig tec locations and cant buy.
In my last RP game I have collected broc flowers and not making it into anything. According to that number should be 50-60 total. Xander roots should be much more but they are no use without broc flower.

I am not sure about original F2, but that should be less, not more. RP has some extra content that contain brocs in critters and containers.
In my last RP game I have collected broc flowers and not making it into anything. According to that number should be 50-60 total. Xander roots should be much more but they are no use without broc flower.

I am not sure about original F2, but that should be less, not more. RP has some extra content that contain brocs in critters and containers.

Iam thinking to add a Strength Powder.

Yes i am thinking to limit that, or completely erase or, only make it weaker with more side effects.

Ps. Laclongquan when you have any idea for new items like weapons drugs etcc, only say it i look if i can include that.

Maybe a Grenade Launcher...

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A rifle grenade would require no new graphical assets.

Hmm but this is a Vintage Method weapon.

This weapon is for the Enclave and it make no sense, that they use a weapon like this and other side high tec weapons, so the grenade launcher must look like high tec.

But maybe as a primitive weapon like the piperifle a pipe grenade launcher.

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Iam thinking to add a Strength Powder.

+STR powder could be a workable idea : broc+xander +fruit+booze with hermit shaman maker. duration canbe one hour.

There's something similar ingame: Ms Kitty's one of three buffs.
+STR powder could be a workable idea : broc+xander +fruit+booze with hermit shaman maker. duration canbe one hour.

There's something similar ingame: Ms Kitty's one of three buffs.

Its will be like the Voodoo in fallout tactics, the tribals have this to gain more strength but the side effects are strong.
So why exactly is a +STR drug good, but healing powder etc. not (and removed)?
So why exactly is a +STR drug good, but healing powder etc. not (and removed)?

Because i have returned healing powder Stimpaks etc, without them you dont have a chance to win even 1 fight in the game.

But all drugs are really weak now, not like vanilla fallout take in fight 10 Stimpaks and good.

For example healing powder heals now 3-6 tp - 1 pe and have another side effect.

Against Frank Horrigan you need now a good tactic, he is nearly immortal now and can kill guys in power armors with 1 shot.

All other like raiders etc also.

The Strength powder is for early game, that you have a chance to survive.