anyone up for a game?

cratchety ol joe

Mildly Dipped
Hey folks,

So, being that I spend some goo amount of time here [lurk, lurk] i wondered if I could have a spot of fun at the same time.

This is the part where you can call me crazy:

I enjoy running and organising games, I have a broad past of writing and creating games systems (tabletop/rpg) all at a purely amateur level. I love tinkering with numerical systems and generally faffing about 'creating' games worlds or scenario's.

So, to the crux of the post, would anyone be interested in taking part in a play-by-forum game (either here at NMA or if the mods don't like me I'll set up a forum to play out the game)

The game I have in mind is called simply: Ninja! if you imagine 80's style cheesy ninja movies its based on that kinda thing. The very very basics of the idea are:

Players will 'control' one (or more, I'm undecided as to multiples for each player, one keeps it simple) ninja student choosing weapons, fight style and many other options.

Each week players may challenge another player, if accepted I will then run the fight scenario (its basically number crunching within a specified format)

At the end of each week any challenges are played out, depending on how popular this gets I'll limit the number that are played (simply so I'm not overwhelmed) the results and a short description of the fights are then posted.

Players gain xp and cash to improve their ninja, with an updated leader board posted each week.

(p.s if anyone has webspace / forums they could aid me with in this that'd be great)

Sooooo Any interest or should I shut up and go away? If I do see some interest I'll post PDF's documenting various things about the game and its contents / rules. (also: spread the word on other forums or to people that may be interested in such a game)

Edit: I just thought, I might host all the 'resuslts' etc on a blogger blog page.
This sounds pretty neat, though I didn't get it all exactly, I'd be willing to try out whatever. :)
well here's a draft of information, sorry its quite heavy reading :? I tried to be as concise as I could be, but I wanted to best explain things to those that might want to take part.
click here direct link to PDF</center>

so, have a read, have a look... and yes it does mention I'm still ironing out some parts of this, but I only really had the idea last night! got to find out how to get a table top style game to play over the intra-tubes while still maintaining some modicum of player control over things without actually having the players there!
I must confess I have no idea why that's happening, the file is there!

try accessing the following URL


and then within that directory downloading the PDF. failing that I'll use a files share page or some such.

edit much:-
a quick thought: i added it to my 'cloud computing' google doc's!!!

so everyone should now have unhindered access using the following link
google docs shared PDF file click me!

I have no idea what naruto is... so if it is sorry for the similarity, but its jsut something i kinda came up with off my own head.
Your offer intrigues me, but must I read this qouth "heavy" document, good sir? (Chances are I'll read it around noon, after the chemistry exam is put out of my mind.)

And if I wanted to join without weapons would fists be considered duel-wield? If so, I wish only to be one-fisted.

*One-fisted, just because.

*Removed the redundancey, and added another.
weapons are optional, I'll think about a specialised unarmed option (i was actually looking at that part last night.)

as for dual wielding, this is something that can be done. and the appropriate bonuses are applied.

retrospectively : if i do 'add' unarmed specialisation it will be done in similar fashion to weapon use, so a ninja would have the option should they wish, only to fight with one hand.

the standard for unarmed would be dual wield, so one handed would be a negative 'bonus' that would be given.
You can count me and my freakishly strong, but submissive, left hand in then, good sir.

Edit of the Eve:

Well, after reading the provided documentation, I must say, Joe, you've put far too much effort into this. I might even be somewhat proud, if it sway's yon GM's dice in my favor.
cool just for you will work out a specialised unarmed training route, and I'll have your ninja character ready soon, I've already set up a blogger for all this but I'll PM your character details.

I'm gonna roll a guy up for myself jsut b'cus I can (an no I wont make him super powerful or anything silly)

expect results tomorrow!

EDIT!!! -->>

Blogger now accessible, (still working on it) with mine and Jay's ninja entered as fighters.

the ninja game .blogspot/

Don't forget to spread the word other forums, twitter, twotter, chan's, and your mum's postman's dog's previous owner's last fling.
cratchety ol joe said:
Hey folks,

So, being that I spend some goo amount of time here [lurk, lurk] i wondered if I could have a spot of fun at the same time.

This is the part where you can call me crazy:

I enjoy running and organising games, I have a broad past of writing and creating games systems (tabletop/rpg) all at a purely amateur level. I love tinkering with numerical systems and generally faffing about 'creating' games worlds or scenario's.

So, to the crux of the post, would anyone be interested in taking part in a play-by-forum game (either here at NMA or if the mods don't like me I'll set up a forum to play out the game)

The game I have in mind is called simply: Ninja! if you imagine 80's style cheesy ninja movies its based on that kinda thing. The very very basics of the idea are:

Players will 'control' one (or more, I'm undecided as to multiples for each player, one keeps it simple) ninja student choosing weapons, fight style and many other options.

Each week players may challenge another player, if accepted I will then run the fight scenario (its basically number crunching within a specified format)

At the end of each week any challenges are played out, depending on how popular this gets I'll limit the number that are played (simply so I'm not overwhelmed) the results and a short description of the fights are then posted.

Players gain xp and cash to improve their ninja, with an updated leader board posted each week.

(p.s if anyone has webspace / forums they could aid me with in this that'd be great)

Sooooo Any interest or should I shut up and go away? If I do see some interest I'll post PDF's documenting various things about the game and its contents / rules. (also: spread the word on other forums or to people that may be interested in such a game)

Edit: I just thought, I might host all the 'resuslts' etc on a blogger blog page.

Ah yes my good sir,i believe that you are trying to reinforce the geek who lives in his parents basement only leaving it to watch a new star wars movie stereotype :D
im am most intersted just let me read the pdfs and ill get back to you i also do a little DMing in my spare time maybe i can help with the numbers.
ok i've read up on your pdf i have not gotten on the blog yet but how will the names be randomly generated or is that explained on the blog.
i'd be interested in a forum/irc game, but not ninjas. I hate ninjas. If you decide to do something else (I'm not experienced, but keen to be so), give me a ring. Esp. if you guys decide to do Fallout.
wow, way to resurrect a thread! :) to the newer folk; (biggestantman) the names are created purely by random choice (virtual dice roll) but within reason (and some limitations) I can allow a player to choose their own character names.

I openly admit this project has been dormant, mostly due to massive massive re-decoration project at home taking up my time... but with enough 'activity' its easy to re-boot the game to get it going.