Bethesda has uploaded raw videos from E3


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Bethesda has added a couple of videos to their YouTube channel showing E3 Fallout 4 footage. There is no new footage but these videos are the raw videos that were presented at E3. So no crowd reactions, cuts to the convention stage or Bethesda commentary.

First up is the 'Gameplay Exploration' video from the Xbox E3 2015 Briefing. It show some combat with raiders, V.A.T.S use and power armor:

Second is the 'Combat Gameplay Compilation' from the Bethesda 2015 E3 Showcase. This montage was the last Fallout 4 footage from Bethesda's E3 Fallout 4 show:

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I can already see that the laser musket is a pointless addition as there were already recharge rifles in FNV.
Also, in what way was Boston hit by a nuclear warhead? It looks more a few months into 'Life after people'

I know, the Boston issue was brought up before but I think the same mistake with Washington DC was made here, the city doesn't look like it suffered from a devastating nuclear war that totalled the US.

And what is up with the raider that wears all that metal crap? It may offer protection but isn't it heavy as hell?
Power armor and minigun combination looks really badass, but i wonder if this might fuck up the balance of the game... What am i saying, there is no balance in beth games.
The "rifle" does actually use ammo, apparently, there's an ammo counter at least.
As for the devastation, eh, whatever. It's not realistic, but not severe enough for me to care.
And the metal armor, well, I guess if it's balanced enough it's actually not all that heavy. I mean, heavily armoured knights in medieval times were actually quite agile in their armours.
I can already see that the laser musket is a pointless addition as there were already recharge rifles in FNV.
Also, in what way was Boston hit by a nuclear warhead? It looks more a few months into 'Life after people'

I know, the Boston issue was brought up before but I think the same mistake with Washington DC was made here, the city doesn't look like it suffered from a devastating nuclear war that totalled the US.

And what is up with the raider that wears all that metal crap? It may offer protection but isn't it heavy as hell?

I think some of what we are seeing is post-war construction, but I'm not sure on that. The metal armor on the raider is no different than the clunky shit they had in Fallout 3 or New Vegas really. I do think the junkyard aspect looks a bit uninspired. Clearly the city was hit in the intro. At this point I have no illusions about a realistic PA world in any way. At least not to the extent of New Vegas.
I don't get this metal debate. Wasn't there already a metal armor in F1 and F2? Not to mention the concept of a lether jacket giving you any kind of protection. Not that It really bothers me ... but *shrugs* just saying. It's one of those cases where I can say, who cares, as long it looks and feels decent. But that's of course opinion.
I don't get this metal debate. Wasn't there already a metal armor in F1 and F2? Not to mention the concept of a lether jacket giving you any kind of protection. Not that It really bothers me ... but *shrugs* just saying. It's one of those cases where I can say, who cares, as long it looks and feels decent. But that's of course opinion.

We weren't talking about regular metal armor, you know, the suits made of reforged and cleaned up metal. Rather the armor that seemed to be a mix of various scrap metal welded together along with pieces of what I think is a shopping cart. Stuff that is rusty and sharp.

That one looks like an actual armor, not like a bunch of scrap strapped to you....

That is precisely what it looks like. It's scarred, bolted together, with random spikes jutting out. You wann talk about tetanus, let's talk abut falling the wrong way and jamming one of those things into your face...
No, that one has a breast plate, shoulderpads, belts and has a shape which indicates it was manufactured, not welded together at random. No idea how you are gonna jam one of those spikes when they Sprout in the opposite direction.... You would need to dislocate a shoulder for that, or remove the shoulder pad and jam it into your face yourself.
I can already see that the laser musket is a pointless addition as there were already recharge rifles in FNV.
Also, in what way was Boston hit by a nuclear warhead? It looks more a few months into 'Life after people'

I know, the Boston issue was brought up before but I think the same mistake with Washington DC was made here, the city doesn't look like it suffered from a devastating nuclear war that totalled the US.

And what is up with the raider that wears all that metal crap? It may offer protection but isn't it heavy as hell?

Funny you bring up Washington DC. I didn't think F3 was all that great but I remember all the people here who fucking hated it never-endingly bitching about how the world looked in F3 because "they should've rebuilt by now." Now that F4 shows signs of reconstruction you're complaining that it's not apocalyptic-looking enough.

Also, raiders have worn shit like that in every Fallout game. Especially in Fallout 2 - are you just conveniently forgetting the zillions of raiders walking around in the metal armour which was basically just full plate?
This might be scientifically lacking, but I presumed that the bomb went off in the wasteland, or outside of the city, and less damage was directly done to the center and nuclear wind/background radiation did most of the killing. Bring in raiders and deathclaws and you have a ruined city easily within 100 years.
Funny you bring up Washington DC. I didn't think F3 was all that great but I remember all the people here who fucking hated it never-endingly bitching about how the world looked in F3 because "they should've rebuilt by now." Now that F4 shows signs of reconstruction you're complaining that it's not apocalyptic-looking enough.

With 'rebuilding' we mean new settlements like Shady Sands, the Hub, or Adytum, building new buildings or restoring buildings that are still somewhat intact.
I don't think the survivor population of Boston decided to rebuild all the previous pre war buildings like that government building (the one with the golden dome) in the same style because they felt like preserving the 'authentic' feel of the city.
By all means, most of those buildings should either suffered severe damage from the bomb, or have collapsed over time after the war, if not stripped for raw material for construction.

Most of Boston should be a collapsed mess and skeletons of buildings.

Sorry Moosick but that would not make any sense, the bombs and missiles would be targeted at as close as possible to the population centers and industrial centers to do as much damage as possible.
The only way the bombs could be that off target is if someone decided to move Boston in the last few days dozens of kilometers from where it stood for centuries.
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