In June 2020 there was an attempt to cancel Chris Avellone with allegations of sexual misconduct that supposedly happened back in 2012. We have previously covered the story here.
Chris Avellone was effectively cancelled by this and was cut off from almost every studio he was working with.

However in September 2020 David Cernat posted a youtube clip where he could show that the accusers story didn't add up if you cross-referenced the allegations with what she herself had tweeted over the years. She had deleted 60k+ tweets but they have fortunately been archived elsewhere.
Chris Avellone remained in silence and people began to think that he had accepted his miserable fate. However on June 26 this year he reapperaed with his version of the story as well as a law suit.
His story exists in a short and a long version.
Chris Avellone said:I have never violated consent with anyone, ever. Even Karissa’s story of the two of us making out outside her hotel room was consensual. It didn’t matter, though, the result of her accusations were the same.
Avellone on his silence since June 2020:
Chris Avellone said:I was in a pretty dark place, and I took steps to avoid the internet and to avoid any contact with the outside world. I confess I was considering more drastic steps, and this isn’t unusual when one is the target in these situations. Fortunately, I had family and loved ones around me, and they provided enough stability to keep going. But for the most part, I avoided email and avoided the internet.
There's been a lot of commentary from different people and I won't post it all here. I could mention this article in Forbes by Erik Kain which was somewhat interesting and which mention how the gaming press is partly to blame for the situation since they just spread the allegations instead of investigating them as proper journalists would.
Give us your thoughts in the comments!
UPDATE: 2021-07-10
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