Chris Avellone ends his silence


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

In June 2020 there was an attempt to cancel Chris Avellone with allegations of sexual misconduct that supposedly happened back in 2012. We have previously covered the story here.

Chris Avellone was effectively cancelled by this and was cut off from almost every studio he was working with.


However in September 2020 David Cernat posted a youtube clip where he could show that the accusers story didn't add up if you cross-referenced the allegations with what she herself had tweeted over the years. She had deleted 60k+ tweets but they have fortunately been archived elsewhere.

Chris Avellone remained in silence and people began to think that he had accepted his miserable fate. However on June 26 this year he reapperaed with his version of the story as well as a law suit.

His story exists in a short and a long version.

Chris Avellone said:
I have never violated consent with anyone, ever. Even Karissa’s story of the two of us making out outside her hotel room was consensual. It didn’t matter, though, the result of her accusations were the same.

Avellone on his silence since June 2020:
Chris Avellone said:
I was in a pretty dark place, and I took steps to avoid the internet and to avoid any contact with the outside world. I confess I was considering more drastic steps, and this isn’t unusual when one is the target in these situations. Fortunately, I had family and loved ones around me, and they provided enough stability to keep going. But for the most part, I avoided email and avoided the internet.

There's been a lot of commentary from different people and I won't post it all here. I could mention this article in Forbes by Erik Kain which was somewhat interesting and which mention how the gaming press is partly to blame for the situation since they just spread the allegations instead of investigating them as proper journalists would.

Give us your thoughts in the comments!

UPDATE: 2021-07-10
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I think Chris Avellone is one of the best writers in the industry and I think it's fantastic he's back

Well done to him on battling this sort of thing. Dudes rock.
It's still absolutely ridiculous that a bunch of people jump on the bandwagon to cancel someone when that someone apparently did some bad shit, and those people jumping on that bandwagon do it without doing any research or asking for the accusant to show actual evidence.

I still remember the whole Projared thing where he got cancelled for basically five months. Thankfully he spent those months gathering evidence showing how most of the shit he was being accused of were bullshit. If Chris is actually not guilty of the shit he's being accused of, i hope he exonerates himself.
It's still absolutely ridiculous that a bunch of people jump on the bandwagon to cancel someone when that someone apparently did some bad shit, and those people jumping on that bandwagon do it without doing any research or asking for the accusant for evidence.

I still remember the whole Projared thing where he cancelled for basically five months. Thankfully he spent those months gathering evidence showing how most of the shit he was being accused of were bullshit. If Chris is actually not guilty of the shit he's being accused of, i hope he exonerates himself.

I lean on the side that people should believe victims but with healthy skepticism - very healthy skepticism. Avellone had the fortune of calling this girl up on the fact she didn't have the receipts for her story.
Take a persons claims seriously and open an investigation, but people are also innocent until proven guilty. Not something cancel culture or internet mobs ever account for. I have no idea why companies think they need to bow to this kind of thing. Just meet it with silence until a court shows what the truth is. Especially if you're a fortune 500 company a twitter mob can't do shit as a minority of the population use Twitter and an even smaller number use it in this way. It's just companies severing the possibility of any and all risk. We need an update to our laws to protect people against being fired and ruined if they haven't done anything and it's yet to be proven.

In summary:
Innocent until proven guilty, not fired and branded until proven innocent.
Take a persons claims seriously and open an investigation, but people are also innocent until proven guilty. Not something cancel culture or internet mobs ever account for. I have no idea why companies think they need to bow to this kind of thing. Just meet it with silence until a court shows what the truth is. Especially if you're a fortune 500 company a twitter mob can't do shit as a minority of the population use Twitter and an even smaller number use it in this way. It's just companies severing the possibility of any and all risk. We need an update to our laws to protect people against being fired and ruined if they haven't done anything and it's yet to be proven.

In summary:
Innocent until proven guilty, not fired and branded until proven innocent.
Companies overestimate the reach and importance of Twitter. It's easy to think that Twitter opinion is important, but it's an echo chamber extraordinaire. Not sure about the exact numbers, but like 20% or less of the users are responsible for 80+% of the content, and only a minority of the population are even on Twitter in the first place. But somehow it got to people's heads that Twitter is important and people there should be treated as having reach and influence.
Yeah, pretty much. I guess it's where they use these places to advertise so much? Not sure if worker protection laws would help in this case as the company would just nit pick something they don't like all of a sudden and then fire you over that. You'd likely need a union to represent you in this case and I just don't see that ever happening here again.
Staying neutral because I can't trust what anyone says at this point. Seen too many people who got "exposed" and canceled and turned out to be innocent. I hope Chris is innocent though.
Good post, will be interesting to read more about this as more is revealed and whether or not his accusers will recant or stand by what they say by releasing a detailed statement of their own in response.
Saying that he encourages them to speak out is a pretty baller move, makes it seem like he is pretty sure of his position and of what happened.
Saying that he encourages them to speak out is a pretty baller move, makes it seem like he is pretty sure of his position and of what happened.
I know of a bunch of people who thought he sounded like a beta cuck who got what he deserved. they are also not very smart but that is besides the point.

Reading his suit filing had some really funny stuff in it.
This man molested me, so later I set him up on a date with my friend.
what the hell does she do to her enemies?
I was black out drunk and the only reason he didn't rape me was because I was having my period.
If you're black out drunk how the hell do you remember? also since when did Blood stop a rapist? Was it like the fucking Shining and you pinned him against the wall with a tidal wave of menstrual blood?

My Favorite though was the random person who shows up to make accusations.
He touched me but it was only sometime later after I went back home did I realize I was molested.
I can just picture them sitting there reading the paper and the sound of pool break going off in their head as they say to themself "oh snap. I was touched. in a Baaad way".
I'm just glad Arnust doesn't post here so we can have this thread.
Nah he whined about it then asked to be banned because he wanted a vagina.
I really don't like these people that go through with an intimate moment and are fine with it, but then later look back and feel traumatized, or that something bad happened. I can understand being pressured into something, but if you were still okay with it at the time I really don't think you can claim something bad happened because your future self decides they have a problem with it. This goes doubly so if the whole thing was reciprocal and you didn't need to be pressured to go along with it.

There is already enough confusion around intimacy as it is. We don't need people having to worry about what the future you might think one day about what they were once okay with. If you change your mind on what is okay and what lines you draw in the future that one is on you and you alone. Don't go saying the other person did something bad to you because your stance has changed since it happened. It is not hard to know what you're okay with in the moment. Comes pretty naturally, no pun intended.
Tell us about him!
I can as I was once friends with him. Arnust used to be pretty chill but then he went to college to study game development and fell in with the SJW crowd. He became a smug prick. Constantly putting people here down and acting morally superior to us because he had the "right" politics in regards to gaming. He even would stick up for Randy Bitchford and Anthony Burch who both by the way have more dirty laundry then Chris in regards to sexual misconduct with women but since they both have the right politics he defended them to the death like every other cock sucking degenerate in the Western game industry. He ended up getting piled on here with the Avellone case. He sided with his accuser and called us all rape apologists when many of us here stated we wanted to wait for more evidence before we pass final judgement instead of jumping on the cancel culture band wagon. He got so ass mad that he rage quit and deleted his account.