Chrissy’s Having a Bad Day


You Have Alerted the Horse
So I’m replaying Fallout 2, and I ended up taking the Rescue Chrissy quest outside Vault 15; everything went wrong.


So, first off I figured I’d go in guns blazing, take her back to her mother by killing the raiders. Karla died in the shack... Phil, Chrissy’s room key holder, died in a transition area, so every time I tried to loot his body I was just taken back to the previous area.

Ok, I thought, I’ll just pick the lock. So I did.

And promptly jammed it shut.

For all intents and purposes, Chrissy is dying in there, starving to death in a locked room never knowing that the guy hired to save her fucked it up royally.

I find it hilarious.

Have you ever had anything like this happen in a classic Fallout side quest? I’m interested in hearing about your fondest cock ups.
I remember having trouble with some missions, like the 'floor is lava' -mission, forget the name of it. And the radiated nuke plant -mission. But those were mostly trial and error -type situations where eventually I figured it out.

Some of the shootouts in close quarters were fun, with the bad guys hitting each other instead of me. Some of the most fun I've had with a game.