Slaughter Manslaught
Vault Senior Citizen
(I hope this is the right forum section, as its not actually a mod, just shooting some shit idea-wise)
You know, which guns from the later games (FOT/FO3/FNV/FO4/FO76) would you bring to FO1 and FO2 (maybe FOT too). Especially in a way that fits these games. And where it would be? Which game? How you would implement it?
Top of my mind:
Service Rifle (Fallout New Vegas)
Where: NCR in FO2
Ammo: .223 (because there's no 5.56 round in FO1/2)
Implementation: Not sure if as a burst-capable .223 rifle or a single-shot semi-auto with a -1 AP bonus. The former seems like it would make it a decent upgrade on mid-game burst weapons, while the later seems more unique in giving it a unique role as a fast-shooting rifle with a good round, AFAIK there's no -1 AP rifle. Considering the Service Rifle is the NCR's go-to rifle, I think it would fit well to have rangers and police in NCR carrying it.
AEP7 Laser Pistol (FO3/FNV)
Where: Early game FO1, FO2 and FOT
Ammo: Small Energy Cells
Implementation: Start with this one if you tag energy weapons in FO1. Maybe get another one in V15. Not sure where it would be found in FO2, perhaps in the Crashed Vertibird site on the body of the dead Enclave personnel? Or maybe in the Toxic Caves. Could be brought from Vault City inside the inner shops, or maybe looted from Vault 8 stocks. Energy Weapons should be rare.
(I actually hate how this gun looks, but it works in this role here. Its also pretty low-powered compared to the Wattz)
It would be a low-powered laser pistol comparable to the 10mm Pistol, except with laser modifers (yeah I know lasers suck by default. When I mention lasers here, assume a mod that makes them not suck dicks)
Laser RCW (FNV)
Where: FO2, New Reno, being wielded by some Salvatores. Also, in Sierra Army Depot
Ammo: Microfusion Cells (FO2 has no Electron Charge Packs)
Implementation: Dude, Laser Tommyguns. Its a natural fit for the Salvatores in New Reno. Obviously, the Enclave gave it to them. Also, this would definitively make the Salvatores look more intimidating and generally cool. It also be an interesting weapon, filling a unique niche of laser burst weapon in the mid-game. Good for giving to companions too, because it would use the Rifle sprite like the Tommy Gun does.
EMP Shells (FOT/FNV has Pulse Shells too)
Where: FO1 and FO2
Implementation: Rare late-game shotgun ammo brought in like one shop. Remember how EMP doesn't damage only robots but also cyborgs and enemies in Power Armor? Not that useful in FO1 (aside from fighting a few robots, the BOS and The Lieutenant and The Master), but in FO2 this could clean house. Remember how good the late-game Pancor Jackhammer with EMP shells was in Fallout Tactics? That's the idea here. It could make running a Pancor in late-game FO2 viable.
You know, which guns from the later games (FOT/FO3/FNV/FO4/FO76) would you bring to FO1 and FO2 (maybe FOT too). Especially in a way that fits these games. And where it would be? Which game? How you would implement it?
Top of my mind:
Service Rifle (Fallout New Vegas)
Where: NCR in FO2
Ammo: .223 (because there's no 5.56 round in FO1/2)
Implementation: Not sure if as a burst-capable .223 rifle or a single-shot semi-auto with a -1 AP bonus. The former seems like it would make it a decent upgrade on mid-game burst weapons, while the later seems more unique in giving it a unique role as a fast-shooting rifle with a good round, AFAIK there's no -1 AP rifle. Considering the Service Rifle is the NCR's go-to rifle, I think it would fit well to have rangers and police in NCR carrying it.
AEP7 Laser Pistol (FO3/FNV)
Where: Early game FO1, FO2 and FOT
Ammo: Small Energy Cells
Implementation: Start with this one if you tag energy weapons in FO1. Maybe get another one in V15. Not sure where it would be found in FO2, perhaps in the Crashed Vertibird site on the body of the dead Enclave personnel? Or maybe in the Toxic Caves. Could be brought from Vault City inside the inner shops, or maybe looted from Vault 8 stocks. Energy Weapons should be rare.
(I actually hate how this gun looks, but it works in this role here. Its also pretty low-powered compared to the Wattz)
It would be a low-powered laser pistol comparable to the 10mm Pistol, except with laser modifers (yeah I know lasers suck by default. When I mention lasers here, assume a mod that makes them not suck dicks)
Laser RCW (FNV)
Where: FO2, New Reno, being wielded by some Salvatores. Also, in Sierra Army Depot
Ammo: Microfusion Cells (FO2 has no Electron Charge Packs)
Implementation: Dude, Laser Tommyguns. Its a natural fit for the Salvatores in New Reno. Obviously, the Enclave gave it to them. Also, this would definitively make the Salvatores look more intimidating and generally cool. It also be an interesting weapon, filling a unique niche of laser burst weapon in the mid-game. Good for giving to companions too, because it would use the Rifle sprite like the Tommy Gun does.
EMP Shells (FOT/FNV has Pulse Shells too)
Where: FO1 and FO2
Implementation: Rare late-game shotgun ammo brought in like one shop. Remember how EMP doesn't damage only robots but also cyborgs and enemies in Power Armor? Not that useful in FO1 (aside from fighting a few robots, the BOS and The Lieutenant and The Master), but in FO2 this could clean house. Remember how good the late-game Pancor Jackhammer with EMP shells was in Fallout Tactics? That's the idea here. It could make running a Pancor in late-game FO2 viable.