Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

how's that old saying? "every time you mention Deus Ex, someone will reinstall it". well, guess what. I'm reinstalling it.
aenemic said:how's that old saying? "every time you mention Deus Ex, someone will reinstall it". well, guess what. I'm reinstalling it.
Hellion said:I'm pretty sure that work on all Deus Ex HD mods has ceased a long time ago. There were 2 or 3 noteworthy attempts a while back, they each released a "demo" of sorts that replaces some of the world's miscellaneous items (garbage bins, desks etc) with HD models, but that's about it AFAIK.
I already replayed Deus Ex recently when I bought it for 2 euros on Steam's Christmas Sale (a digital copy can always come in handy), but am already considering another attempt. Accursed masterpiece.