Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

Crossbow does a bit more damage than equivalent rifles, you keep it loaded in second slot and fire off once per encounter for a bit of extra punch, it isn't a good main weapon. Sadly, we can't have silenced weapons in the game.

Anyway, the real point is to give some purpose to bolts before you get the lategame weapon that uses them (which is pretty good).
In that case, you really should have put more HEI or poison bolts earlier and more frequently. With that kind of hassle, currently the crossbow doesnt worth it, even in earlier stage.
After Newton, a little bit of looking back.

I have my looted M2 Browning collected dust because not enough .50 caliber ammo. Needless to say the 2 M2 sold in QM is also dust collectors. My sole sniper consume much of the ammo for that Tac 50 gun.

No EMP ammo. The few that I collected from shops and loots, are too few. 20 round of shotgun shells get consumed in Preoria. I have the 40mm grenades for the coming Behemoth.

AP is also few. The one get sold and can be looted barely keeping up with use. THe only thing remain is 556mm AP, because the machinegun doesnt cause enough damage compared to others. I use a few for the pistol but that is for 556.

I started to use a heavy melee user in order to deal enough damage to robot without resorting to EMP or AP.
Excellent, that's exactly what I wanted to do. You shouldn't be able to just gather everyone with fast shot, give them heavy weapons and burst your way through the game, you have to spread resources around more.

What I'm curious about is how many people managed to find Flak Cannon.
Eh. Found it. It's in the place of the 1st advanced power armor mk2 originally so of course I would check it out.
Great, I was afraid people wouldn't bother because you're unlikely to get power armor at that point.
Try it at Canyon city. It's like a long range shotgun which is pretty great.

OTOH, bot equip plasma grenades kick my butt. Why is it that my thrower causing about 20-30 damage with plasma grenade, they consistently cause 140+ damage? bot with plasma shotgun also pretty dangerous but I think it's par for shotgun with EMP shells if I can splurge a burst shot.
No idea, humanoid bots are about as resistant as advanced power armor, a bit more versus normal and a bit less versus explosives, they shouldn't be having any hidden damage bonuses either.
Yep, tried it again. 200+ Throwing cause 20+ damage with a plasma. Niceeee~

On the other hand, I am not sure Flak Cannon is any good versus armored bots. The next mission, Canyon City, got a bot with burst-capable grenade launcher. The damage this gun cause each round is equal or 20% lesser than Flak Cannon but it's longer range, causing more damage each turn, and therefore kill enemy faster.

To illustrate on that Pacification bot in that mission with a sniper and a melee help, That BG launcher burn through 20 rounds of 40mm but kill that bot before her HP run out. In the same example, she get killed before her Flak Cannon take out half of target's HP.

It is good that this new launcher can be a good anti-armor weapon, PROVIDED that we can find enough EMP grenades. Expensive though~
Flak Cannon is only for anti-humanoid or maybe anti-roller.
Well, that's the way it works, the grenade does some damage and a bot is typically well protected, the skill won't really help with that. That said, I've noticed some strange stuff from that burst damage fix, some weapons start behaving a bit wonky but bots were taking the expected amount of damage from plasma rifle in my playthrough so beats me what's going on. Well, most weapons were working good enough, snipers, gauss rifle, energy, bolts (both normal and HEI), burst weapons were ok in general but yeah, targeted shots are probably the best way to do it, they do a lot of damage and you save ammo.

But yeah, Flak cannon does a lot more damage at point blank, it's just a big badass shotgun.
I run out of my 40 rounds of 40mm and the looted ammo to get to the inner sanctum of Buena Vista. Flak Cannon does get the job done shotgun-style, but it's eating ammo like candy. The burst-capable launcher and multi-round versions are shelved for the time being.

Viva Flamer! A Pyromaniac can do wonder with Flamer against robot. It's not at the level of EMP but it's nice.

Note to self: Buena Vista really really need all the ammo you can carry. And then double that. You can always store it on the corpses of two bots in the deadend for starter.

I test a BG run for this mission: drug to the gill to have 16AP, enough inventory for the ammo and guns. Anna does get the job done but she's very expensive compared to a melee run, and merely expensive compared to a Small gun run (though faster).

Also, the rocket launcher is frankly shit. It's very hard to launch it safely every time. She stand on the ledge of a big height, there should be no obstacle, firing down to target at the base of the ladder... and boom, still explode near enough to get hurt. If there's a multi-round version I might consider it again, but RL is so very disappointing.

Also, Buena Vista's humanoids with laser rifle is hell on wheel. They can shoot accurately in their visual range. Well, they are overleveled compared to me (not farming) so it's easy to see why.
Yeah, rocket launcher targeting is awful, nothing I can do about that, sadly.

Laser rifle is the energy version of sniper rifle, weaker than plasma but hella accurate so it's no wonder they're shooting aces out of cards.
In the end I crawl my way to victory with looted ammo. with a lot of rockets left though~.

Freaking grenades are too weak compare to its AP cost. The only reason of existence is thank to a bug, ie the throwing through wall if ceiling disappear bug.
This is very weird. After Scott City, my low CHA (2) MC got jumped two rank to General (13).

My roster has one new recruit: General Debbie.

But when I reload the save to mess around in the map, then return to pick the pool, she disappear. Even if I chem up to CHA 8 she wont appear.
Can't remember for certain but I think it was removed in Redux even if I haven't.

No idea what happened with the recruit, that's one part of the game I haven't been tampering with much, aside from altering the stats of non-human ones.
The multishot rocket launcher really should be introduced much earlier than the first stage of Cheyene mountain. Its value should be no reload for at least two round, no need to carry a second RL in the other hand, so make rocket ammo more utilizable than before.

Sure, the threat of multiple rocket per round is big BUT in higher difficulty explosion damage is not decisive in killing enemies anyway. And if enemy is equipped with this weapon it become more dangerous than it's currently, which is big already.