I thought the 2.1.2 change log said the gecko pelts in Primitive Tribe got removed? (I haven't been there yet.)Darek said:And for others, until killap has fixed this, just drop any gecko pelts before you do the stimpak quest. When you come back you can safely pick them up again.
It probably does but he missed one (in a pot), and you can always bring some with you you know.NovaRain said:I thought the 2.1.2 change log said the gecko pelts in Primitive Tribe got removed? (I haven't been there yet.)Darek said:And for others, until killap has fixed this, just drop any gecko pelts before you do the stimpak quest. When you come back you can safely pick them up again.![]()
Nope I'm Danish, though I was born here in Sweden. I know my name sounds Polish... I kinda nicked it from a Polish dude.Qron88 said:Thank you Darek (by the way, is Sweden a country of your origin? Your name is so Polish![]()
Nice catch! I'll fix this shortly and release another update. This is pretty significant, as it can cause a crash.Darek said:killap, I just realized that it was nothing wrong with the gecko pelts at the Primitive Tribe. All small gecko pelts will bug out there, due to bad code in the Merchant map script.
killap said:How did you install the RP? Do you have ddraw.ini in your main F2 directory? If you open that file up, is ModifiedIni set to 42?
That's strange then. That message should only come up if that value is not set to 42. I really don't know what to say. To remove the message go to fallout2/data/scripts and delete glmodini.int. While this will solve your problem, I feel there is more at play here... Is anyone else having this problem?kedimsidomuz said:I used the windows installer and did nothing else, I have the file in my inventory and yes, it is set to 42.
My guess is that it's a vista/win7 install to program files, and there's another copy of the ini in the virtual store. I wonder if there's something I could do to detect that...killap said:That's strange then. That message should only come up if that value is not set to 42. I really don't know what to say. To remove the message go to fallout2/data/scripts and delete glmodini.int. While this will solve your problem, I feel there is more at play here... Is anyone else having this problem?
Timeslip said:My guess is that it's a vista/win7 install to program files, and there's another copy of the ini in the virtual store. I wonder if there's something I could do to detect that...
Try doing a search through your entire system for ddraw.ini and see if another copy comes up somewhere else.kedimsidomuz said:Timeslip said:My guess is that it's a vista/win7 install to program files, and there's another copy of the ini in the virtual store. I wonder if there's something I could do to detect that...
Yes, my system is windows7. Why would this cause a problem? I don't know how to solve this, it's always an issue to play old games with that system, I really miss xp.
killap said:I honestly can't recall off the top of my head whether that's normal behavior. Can you start a new game and see if you can reproduce it? Others care to comment here?
ufo_hunter said:Then a question that has plagued me for a long time. If the other critter initiates the combat my chance to hit on the first round is higher than on the later rounds. In the village my chance to hit the spore plant was 44% on the first round but only 38% on the later rounds. Against ants in the temple it was about 36% and dropped to 31 on later rounds. I don't think it is an RP issue, just thought to ask if anyone figured it out?
Darek said:Yeah like the Haen says it's a vanilla "feature". I reckon it was to to give you a lead on where to start, even if you managed to miss talking to the Elder.
I say leave it as is.
Haenlomal said:ufo_hunter said:Then a question that has plagued me for a long time. If the other critter initiates the combat my chance to hit on the first round is higher than on the later rounds. In the village my chance to hit the spore plant was 44% on the first round but only 38% on the later rounds. Against ants in the temple it was about 36% and dropped to 31 on later rounds. I don't think it is an RP issue, just thought to ask if anyone figured it out?
This is normal behaviour, and off the top of my head, I believe it is documented in Fallout 2's manual. Basically, this is a consequence of Fallout 2's combat system.
Here's the details if you want it: when an NPC initiates an attack, it always has the first move, no matter what relative Sequence stat it has compared to you. In its first move, it spends its AP to get next to you (if necessary) and launch an attack or two. Because it's AP has been used up, it can no longer contribute to its AC, and hence it is easier for you to hit it.
In subsequent turns, normal sequencing kicks into play. Unless you have a really bad Agility stat, you're most likely going to have a better Sequence stat than the enemy. This means that for each combat round after the first, you get to move first. Unfortunately, since APs regenerate at the beginning of each combat round, this also means that the enemy can use all of its AP towards its AC, thus lowering your overall to-hit percentage.
-- The Haen.
Two outcasts in addition to Kaga? Yeah, that sounds right.kansar02 said:There are always 2 outcasts in first Kaga encounter is this normal ?
Odd. Have any save games of this?kansar02 said:And once there were 2 outcasts.. Kaga initiated a dialogue but after dialogue he disappeared...
And once he disappeared after 1 turn when I was trying to flee the scene.