Fallout 2 The Last Hope 1.04 Released

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This one slipped under our radar for a bit, don't let it slip under yours. Forgotten Knight released a Fallout 2 total conversion mod called The Last Hope. Overview:<blockquote> This is a total conversion mod for Fallout 2. Version US 1.02d is not required since this mod comes with it's own executable and .dat file.

Main features of this mod are:
- new world map look, bigger
- changed encounters, adjusted difficulty
- new cities, very few visible at the beginning
- new NPCs, dialogs, scripts
- changed weapons look (some of them) and some new ones
- new vehicles, not directly drivable but used to store items
- some new items used for quests
- new quests
- now you can't see NPC's inventory if your steal skill isn't high enough </blockquote>Screenshots (courtesy Vault of the Mad Brahmin).

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to start up the ol' jalopy again.

Link: The Last Hope mod on NMA.
Link: The Last Hope mod thread on NMA.
Link: The Last Hope website.

Thanks JaW.
8.9 MBs? That's it? Ugh....w/e I'll play FO2 for... (counts on hands and toes) The 32nd time... lol
Yeah, the writing looks pretty horrible. Reminds me of Highschool journalism, all the kids that couldn't write would ask me for help, short of re-writing their article there's really nothing you could do for the poor souls. But i'll download this thing and give her a whirl
Mentats said:
8.9 MBs? That's it?

If you don't add lots of new graphics to the game, a Fallout 2 mod can be pretty small. Even a total conversion. The maps and scripts are not very big...
Lexx said:
Mentats said:
8.9 MBs? That's it?

If you don't add lots of new graphics to the game, a Fallout 2 mod can be pretty small. Even a total conversion. The maps and scripts are not very big...
Hey! Dont hold it again people, when its today usual to release 1 Gigabyte Demos [Supreme Commander anyone?!], I am sure you remember the time when one was runing around with 20 floppy disks to get a game, and it worked! :mrgreen:

I miss my Amiga! :P
I'm not going to judge the writing based on two screenshots...

It's pretty cool someone started, and finished (that's the important thing) a TC for the game.

I'll be checking this out later tonight.
A full TC made by a one-man team? Wow, that's old-school dude, congrats on finishing it! :notworthy: :ok:

Crazy pic, that one with the guy in the robe (?) in a room full of giant radscorpions, bare-knuckled! That's badass in my book, and i mean like Nada-badass (Nada was the main character in the movie "They Live", btw).
Yeah the dialog and options are not bad, its just the way they are written, which certainly seems to be by someone who's first language is not english. Anyway I prefer that to bad dialogs written in perfect english.

@ eternaut: my god! is that really you Juan? Juan Salvo? Have you finally found your wife and daughter?
Temoid said:
Why couldn't we have people like this at FMF a year ago?

I think its a bit strange that we have three TCs being made at this moment, instead of, I dunno, a super-TC made by a big group of mapmakers and artists.

I would love to see the teams behind Mutants Rising, FMF and Fallout 1.5 Ressurection teaming up after the release of their TCs to make a new TC.