Blastwave Dave
First time out of the vault

It may be wishful thinking, but I sincerely hope that one day we'll get a Fallout game that once again covers a massive stretch of land like the classics; Fo1 and 2 covering literally half of Cali for their whole stories manage to get away from such super focus and reliance on cities still existing. Like Fo3/NV/4 with D.C./Vegas/Boston.
Of course, fat chance of that. The FPS style that tries to teem with immersion at every corner and hyper-dense content/story focusing on a single location is the norm now. Even NV saw that, but did well enough to make it work.
I don't think it would be impossible to do this in the FPS style. Maybe just have isolated 'chunks' of land that you can explore in more detail when you arrive. I guess the 76 expeditions are supposed to kind of be like that.