Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

With all the work it takes to reverse-engineer the game, you'd think one could just write a new engine from scratch...
No.. that's not what i meant...

Fo1 is now fully ported to Fo2 engine which for the most part is Fo1 engine plus shit-ton of improovements, so why hang on to Fo1 engine for Fallout 1 when Fo1 already exists on an improoved engine with ton of modding tools readily present? Not to mention an original mapper from the creators of the original Fallout game. Maper itself is compatible with Fo2 however, but not anymore with Fo1.

By what i meant "untill Rotators are fully done with engine conversion..."
Fo: et tu is for the most part finished as stated by Lexx all that's left is polishing the code and fine tuning according to the "Fo et tu" thread.

Fo et tu is not inventing wheel anew it's like switching from a steam - powered vehicle to a petroleum one. they both run on wheels, only petroleum vehicle has rubber tires on it's wheels and better suspension for improoved comfort of the travel.

Besides engine conversion of Fo et tu is not about reverse engineering the engine (at least for the most part) it's about porting the scripts to work on the Fallout2 engine. Basicallly If You'd like to know reverse engineering of both engines has been done multiple times by multiple people ( myself excluded {most likely I'm 2 dumb} ) without reversing the engine tools we all love and adore such as sfall or HRP would never exist.
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I've cleaned up the sticky list a while ago. Lots of dead links and other stuff that doesn't really have a point in being stickied.
Don't sweat man It's not the first time Sduibek is gone for so long ( in the past he was gone for almost a year AFAIR) and it's not the first time his self proclaimed deadline was delayed. As far as i can tell from the last 5 or so years he's only been active during summer break. It's Real Life stuff that's keeping Sduibek busy. If You're willing to play Fallout 1 with active development around it, why not give
Fallut: et tu a try? It's the same Fallout 1 but on highly improoved engine of Fallout 2, and further more it's actively developed.

Personally If I were Sduibek I myself would wait until Rotators are done with the egine conversion, and only then fork the repo to continue on FIXT andl leave the damn Fo1 engine on the garbage of history.
Hey man! I thank you for recommending me this mod it's so far really amazing andd it's my first time playing fallout 1/2 and I get to experience it bugless now.
Hey man! I thank you for recommending me this mod it's so far really amazing andd it's my first time playing fallout 1/2 and I get to experience it bugless now.

Well it's not 100% fallout 1 experience, as it adds some flavour of it's own here and there. Mostly a certain special encounter, a vehicle, and slips in some weapons from Falout2. but in contradiction to FIXT it's under active development (extremely responsive development btw.) It's not what I'd recommend for first playthrough, however Fo: et tu has the least bugs/issues of all the fallout 1 versions right now.
Well it's not 100% fallout 1 experience, as it adds some flavour of it's own here and there. Mostly a certain special encounter, a vehicle, and slips in some weapons from Falout2. but in contradiction to FIXT it's under active development (extremely responsive development btw.) It's not what I'd recommend for first playthrough, however Fo: et tu has the least bugs/issues of all the fallout 1 versions right now.
Stupid thing is, i keep getting that annoying movie bug when i set it to dx9 fullscreen mode where every movie stretches out its pixels to the point where i cant see anything. How can I fix that....? If I set it 8bit fullscreen my cursor lags and freezes like hell. There is no way out for me...
it's not the question of dx9 mode (although if any it should be set in HRP) it's the problem with resolution of the screen and the movie size itself if the movie is streached to let's say 1920x1080 and movie itself is 320x240pixels than there's the problem. @Lexx was already looking into this but it seemes little can be done. Upscaling the video gives maginally better results, but still looks not pretty enaugh i guess.
This is going to be completely off topic I believe, but can someone please tell how I am suppose to seduce Lorri in Fallout APNRG, because the option isn't appearing.
Beats me what APNRG is...
The Only way I'm aware it was done in Fallout FIXT is to have CHA of 9 and take the operation to increase charisma, only after the operation to CHA 10 you have a chance of impressing her, and only after CHA improvement in general you get the dialogue options to hit on her.

You may have a CHA 10 character and use drugs to lower your charisma (for example take mentats and wait to get withdrawl effects) and then take the operation while under the debuff.

"Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game", Fallout's full title xP
You have to do the Charisma operation. Once that is done, the same dialog will have a new option:
Lorri: "My, my, you are striking. I really outdid myself. (She looks you up and down a few times and then seems to snap out of it) Oh, sorry, you're free to go now."
Player: "Not as striking as you"

After that there is a charisma check - you need to have at least 8, and a speech skill check with >= 80%.

Once you made it past these checks, you can experience the cringe fest unfolding.
damn acronyms... I thought He ment some kind of pen and paper game...

FYI has many meanings for example besides only For Your Information...

It could mean for example:
Film Your Intercourse..
Fry Your Intensines..
etc. etc.

RU getting it now?

Anyways In clasic Fo1 Lorri Seduction is not implemented. It was planned to by Fo1 Devs but cut in the end. FIXT restored it.
As far as I can see, the whole dialog was added by Fixt / whatever other mod. And it's bad.
There is nothing in the vanilla script hinting at the sex scene to be a thing.
Not in the vanilla script However in Per's guide or somewhere else there is a note that seducing some brotherhood women was a ment to be a thing ( this in turn seposedly should get us acces to BoS Armory the sneaky way Peacefully, because the way Armory Crack-in implemented now is stupid.)

Instead of Cracking-in I'd be happy to simply trade with BoS with all the crap I have for what usefull stuff they have. I mean finally the possibility to offload that load of junk stolen from BoS and Looted from The Glow. 1,1k MicroFusionCell and 2x Power Armors is worth quite some $$ (ofcourse BoS does not Honor bottle caps as trading means).
You have to do the Charisma operation. Once that is done, the same dialog will have a new option:
Lorri: "My, my, you are striking. I really outdid myself. (She looks you up and down a few times and then seems to snap out of it) Oh, sorry, you're free to go now."
Player: "Not as striking as you"

After that there is a charisma check - you need to have at least 8, and a speech skill check with >= 80%.

Once you made it past these checks, you can experience the cringe fest unfolding.
thanks everyone. I appreciate it.
I'm guessing Fallout et tu killed it. So maybe just play that... but wait till tomorrow for the v1.2 release.