Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (Crazy Edition) [unofficial version]

The link to yandex in the original post by @Foxx is dead. Can we get an update? Ideally, the link to the latest "crazy" edition + translation included. I know about at least 3 versions of Neveda and it is pretty hard to figure out which one to use.
Here.. from my private downloads. I Just hope Foxx won't be mad at me, since i heard He discontinued this release.

The translation is not perfect, but it's the latest one I've managed to download. it's still quirky. this game tends to freeze the system from time to time so save often, especially before going to Stryker's teritory. Absolutely never use only one save slot, there are times you need to exit a map to worldmap if you want to get out without crash (even after reloading) and after this happens in stryker's teritory you're basically screwed. Also try updating your sfall to latest sfall eXtended from Mr.Stalin. Crafty's 1.8 just not updated anymore.

Be sure to check thie translation with a virus scaner, since God only knows what's going on with my pc lately. ever since I've installed a machine learning AI video upscaler, my pc went AWOL doind weird stuff at times, it's almost like computer AI is some kind of malware.

anyways @Foxx If you want me to take the file down, I will, just say so.


@gustarballs1983 did you both fixed and crazy edition? if so which do you recommend. Iirc the official version dont have any NPC that join you, correct ?

I don't quite get what do You have in mind by saying i did both Fixed and Crazy editions?? If You are of Slavic origin then you've probably meant: did i do the translation.. and the answer is NO.. it's the original Foxx's files.. it became vapourware it seems, but fortuneatly i had them on my hard drive somewhere..

Possibility#2: You meant did I play both versions from the begining to the end.. Yes I did. It wasn't a legit playthrough though, as there's tons of stuff that high charisma matters thugh (with 0-1 party NPC and a total of 0 usefull party NPCs i couldn't arse a high charisma build) and to pass one heavily armed sherrif peacefully an charisma of 8 is required during the endgame of main plot ( the whole town get's a rep drop if you kill the fucker) and he's armed better than other endgame bosses you'll encounter later on.

As for which version to play, I'd try Fixed first and Crazy is recommended for a later playthrough. i especially liked Crazy edition for the option of balancing burst fire AP req. It's almost no longeer possible to shoot with 3 bursts in a single turn. with proper perks and triats +AG10 you'll be able to shoot 2 bursts though ( the only exception to this rule is standard minigun AFAIK) the other option i liked is that it's now possible to dismantle some types of ammo back into components with worktable, super tool kit, sufficient level and skills. this way One can gather enaugh ammo components for a minigun endgame playthrough and still be left with plenty of ammo. in vailla ammo is much harder to come by since shops have it in little amounts and you're limited to the ammo components you find.

The one thing i really dislike about both versions is the bug with ammoer/ammo maker perk.
thing is it's ben slaped over from what appears to have been "magnetic personality" perk so that in order to take ammoer/ammo maker Your CHA must be <10, otherwise the perk is not present on the perk list for choosing perks. this was the only condition for me, as other stats were maxed out as well (told 'ya it wasn't a legit playthrough). only by starting char with CHA <10 the optio appeared.

Other than that Crazy editon has few neat things here nad there. like Mr.Stalin's ghoul with an avenger minigun He can't use cause of lack of animations iirc :p a place to hunt for more gecko eggs to sell, few other small locations here and there. oh and the most tricked out feature is that now Grizzly armor uses APA animation model. (Foxx tended to explain that Grizzly Armor's inventory icon is black [hence it's a heavily modified T-51b] that's why it should use black PA animation, and the only one pesent is the APA).

Other than that. be prepared to read a walkthrough since some stuff is hidden so well in the game that without a walkthrough it's going to be impossible to ".. gotta catch them all!!..." hoarder aproach. I'tell ya this whole metal detector theme with ship-sinking minigame and a random loot system in these caches was puely made to piss of hoarders. [this goes for all vesions of Fo:Nevada].

Oh yeah almost forgot..
official Nevada release [Fixed included] only has temporary party npcs. No permanent party npcs, and I wouldn't count on them beeing usefull in battle. however there is an unofficial add on by @arroyoman. iirc he made a mod that enables 2 or 3 party npcs. haven't got time to check it out completely yet, however at the time i got the first one she could very easily end up as coyotee food fighting-efficiency-wise.
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I know I'm very late to the party but how come this is up on NMA but the original isn't? I've been struggling to find the original Nevada in order to play but I've been shit outta luck. All I've been able to find was a link to a forum post in the latest English translation but I don't have permission to access the post.
I know I'm very late to the party but how come this is up on NMA but the original isn't? I've been struggling to find the original Nevada in order to play but I've been shit outta luck. All I've been able to find was a link to a forum post in the latest English translation but I don't have permission to access the post.
you can download the original version of mod with translation from here :
doesnt he want the F2 Nevada Mod (Fixed Edition) HD though? I though this was the latest "official" release?
I saw that long after I'd gotten the mod installed but thanks anyways.
you can download the original version of mod with translation from here :
Thanks for posting it with the English translation, I had quite a bit of trouble getting the English translation for Nevada to work so you've saved me quite a bit of time.

Really looking forward to the English translation of Sonora - always wanted to see the area I grew up in in a Fallout game.