Fallout: New Vegas previews

Interesting to finally hear Matthew Perry's voice in FO3 (4:23). Not sure if he suits the character yet.

"If you want to you can kill literally every single character in the entire game."
I'll take you up on that offer, but you best not be bullshitting us, mister! If there's anything remotely resembling the Little Lamplight fiasco, I will consider it a massive failure to deliver!

Also, orbital laser makes me wanna cry. Grenade machine gun makes me wanna cry. Attempt to justify grenade machine gun with "This actually does exist" makes me wanna cry.

Khan FurSainty said:
The moment she squealed "Sweet!" was when i wanted her to die.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of this relatively new notion of chicks doing the game interviews: sometimes you can tell they never even heard of the title and/or couldn't care less. They ask boring questions. Devs get shy, stutter and answer boring answers.
Khan FurSainty said:
The moment she squealed "Sweet!" was when i wanted her to die.

I guess you were disappointed when she didn't get killed off. It was a pretty short film though, so I think you'll live.

Seriously though, it is weird that these girls want to get jobs involving video game stuff when they would be better at reporting the weather or news or whatever. It doesn't really bother me though. They do their job and it's not like an uber-geek that knows everything about gaming journalism would make us appreciate the video more.

Maybe you guys would like it better if Batman did the interview? Or maybe the Stranger from Resident Evil 4. Of course, that's a hit or miss scenario which would result in 100% epic or 100% lame.
SkuLL said:
"If you want to you can kill literally every single character in the entire game."
I'll take you up on that offer, but you best not be bullshitting us, mister! If there's anything remotely resembling the Little Lamplight fiasco, I will consider it a massive failure to deliver!

I guess he should have said "every single adult character", then.
As wonky as the walking animation is, I still find it an improvement over F3. Also, I like what I've seen of the intro so far, looks pretty good.
Moester said:
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
I think Obsidian used the "good" or "evil" path perfectly in KOTOR 2.

If by Good you mean boyscout and evil you mean troll. Then yes, it was perfect. I never played evil in either KOTOR games because the "Dark Side" choices were never the paths to power; they were the choices of a petulant child. The dark side should have been about acquiring power by any means, the dark side isn't evil as much as its completely selfish and amoral. Why get someone to agree with you when you can just choke them. Why spend the time earning loyalty when you can have them fear you. Why spend time meditating when you can tap into your emotions and be powerful right now.

And it should be the same for any RPG. Evil isn't just going around capping people...that's insanity. "Evil" should be the easiest path the costs the most to others around you. You can accomplish things that are good for other by being "evil" just as easily as you can hurt good people by being good.

This was a distinction that was made quite handily in Fallout 2 especially when you consider any situations where more than one faction was involved. Lets hope that we see at least some of that coming back. If we don't then its just another RPG that's light on the role playing.

I think you might be giving the star wars movies a bit too much credit
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
I guess he should have said "every single adult character", then.
He should have, he should have... Because if there's as much as one un-killable character, kid or adult, he's a dirty lying whore.

Seriously, it would be a pretty big slip-up to promise that sort of stuff in an interview and then not deliver. Especially in an RPG - the notion of un-killable characters giving compulsory quests pretty much kills the genre, IMO.
SkuLL said:
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
I guess he should have said "every single adult character", then.
He should have, he should have... Because if there's as much as one un-killable character, kid or adult, he's a dirty lying whore.

Seriously, it would be a pretty big slip-up to promise that sort of stuff in an interview and then not deliver. Especially in an RPG - the notion of un-killable characters giving compulsory quests pretty much kills the genre, IMO.

It won't happen for the first time. 200 endings.
Actually about a dozen or so endings and they are all shit.

Anyway, still looking for that opening video.
Ceasar Legion sounds pretty fun to play with. Anyway, I'm really curious how this game will look in action. It can't be worse than fallout 3 anyway.
*Crosses his fing...paws.*
Has it been mentioned if any decent gambling games (poker etc.) will be making it into the game? Slots, blackjack and roulette are just a slow and painful way of giving the casino all of your money.
OakTable said:
[PC]How DARE those console gamers make grammatical errors! I will see those subhumans CRUCIFIED for neglecting to edit.[/PC]

Jokes aside, we need to get someone with a PS3 to take videos of the things you get from the slot machine minigame they had with the magazine.

I have a PS3, although judging by the video, they seem to be little post cards that maybe open up new loading screens or maybe even hints to a new location.
SkuLL said:
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
I guess he should have said "every single adult character", then.
He should have, he should have... Because if there's as much as one un-killable character, kid or adult, he's a dirty lying whore.

Seriously, it would be a pretty big slip-up to promise that sort of stuff in an interview and then not deliver. Especially in an RPG - the notion of un-killable characters giving compulsory quests pretty much kills the genre, IMO.

I'm pretty sure I heard that all but one of the characters can be killed.

About the reporter girl, I wouldn't mind it if she didn't have to act like trying to get the nerds horny. For example, the way she said "What can you tell me about the big guns? What are some of the big, BIG, GIANT guns that you can tell us about?" really sounded like a sexual innuendo (check 7:07). Or maybe I just have a dirty mind.

@4:45 Is that Indiana Jones? :P
Gaddes said:
OakTable said:
[PC]How DARE those console gamers make grammatical errors! I will see those subhumans CRUCIFIED for neglecting to edit.[/PC]

Jokes aside, we need to get someone with a PS3 to take videos of the things you get from the slot machine minigame they had with the magazine.

I have a PS3, although judging by the video, they seem to be little post cards that maybe open up new loading screens or maybe even hints to a new location.
No, there's a video of the intro you get from playing the minigame that came with the video magazine.
I didn't find the reporter too bad. O.k maybe stereotypically generic but it's a games review program and they stopped being interesting in the 90's.

Anyway love the clothing, nice to see some variety in outfits.
1 major character plus kids is what I've read also.

But yeah, they really shouldn't be bullshitting like that. I mean, I think it's a great step to have only 1 major NPC and kids unkillable, it should do wonders for the freedom of the game.
But then they should say that as well. Saying that every single character in the game is killable is a lie and creates false expectations.

I am extremely glad that they stated before that kids are not really important characters or anything though. I don't think I could've handled another Little Lamplight situation.