OOC: Already completed the game, Raven. As Independent, NCR and Legion. Still have to do it House's Way.
Name: Carib
Full Name: Ramses Talbolt
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Blood Type: A +
Occupation: Formerly NCR Ranger Veteran, now Nuka-Cola Chaser
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 194 lb
Complexion: African American (Caribbean Descent)
Voice: Deep
DESCRIPTIONS: Carib is scarred up man, with a jagged scar cutting across the left side of his face and his right arm is covered in a tattoo sleeve he got during his tour in Baja. He would be considered handsome if not for the cold look in his eyes and the scars. He no longer cuts his hair regulation length, but opted for dread locks. He is medium framed, muscled and his skin is tanned darker due to his dark heritage. On his right hand are scars from torture he endured while combating the Legion along the Colorado.
PERSONALITY: Carib is a grey kind of character. His time in the NCR Rangers and doing Black Op missions have caused him to become a bit jaded when it comes to black and white. Sarcastic and hard headed, he doesn't stop or quit; and he is stubborn as a bull big horner. He has a soft spot for children and reviles anyone who treats children like meat.
Carib during the Baja campaign
Bio: Carib was born in Southern California to a fairly large family, he was the eldest of five. He grew up venerating President Tandi as many citizens did during her reign. Carib grew up with a strong sense of right and wrong and justice.
It was when Tandi stepped down and eventually passed on that NCR began to decline. He like many of his peers and siblings were drafted into the NCR military. He went from regular line unit, to the 1st Recon and eventually worked his way into the Rangers. He found he liked it. His other siblings are continuing to serve in the military though he hasn't heard from either of them since the first battle of Hoover Dam. It was during that faithful battle did Carib's world change.
Carib Circa. (Aftermath of 1st Battle of Hoover Dam)
Even with the war with the Enclave a distant memory, he fought like any good soldier did. He took his orders, though in hindsight, he now see's many of them to have been questionable. He lost comrades along the way. While he was fed up with the bureaucracy and the politics of the wars fought by the NCR, he still stayed true to his oath to protect and serve the Republic.
As time went by, he fell in love, and married. His wife Katja had given him purpose, something to believe in. However, life changed during the first battle of Hoover Dam. While he and his wife served in the Mojave, she was on a separate mission. He fought on the Dam while his wife was on a recon mission behind the enemy lines.
The Dam was won, but his wife and her team were killed to the last man across the Colorado river. For Carib, that had been it. After the battle of the Dam, Carib cashed in his separation from the NCR military. While he hated the Legion, he understood they were soldiers, fighting for their cause. The same with the Enclave remnants, which he saw no reason to pursue people who were just soldiers or whose war was over. He didn't have much feeling towards the Brotherhood of Steel, nor did he care. Carib was a free agent now.
Looking West, Carib realized his life and fate lay in the Mojave, and he didn't care if the NCR stayed or left. Now he works as a gun for hire and also in pursuit of finding more Nuka-Cola.
Carib keeps close contact with the Followers of the Apocalypse, often doing work for them in exchange for medicine and healing. He may agree with their beliefs, but he does respect what they do. Rarely will he do work for NCR, though when bounties on Fiends come up, he is the first in line. However, when it comes to the Great Khans, Carib leaves them alone, mainly out of how the NCR treated them during the raid on Bitter Springs. As for the Brotherhood of Steel, he opts to stay out of their way, though he hasn't seen them since the Battle of Helios One.
Currently, Carib is on the strip delivering a bounty put out by the Omerta's on a Fiend named Barn-Burner who had warranted the wrath of Boss Nero. Carib had delivered and butchered the small enclave of Fiends. As he gets ready to enter the Gamorrah, he see's an old friend he knew from his days within the NCR.
Assault Carbine w/extended magazines and rail system to accommodate any added optics or laser. Also it has a heavier barrel, so it has a higher rate of sustained and rapid fire without wearing the weapon away.
-Combat Tomahawk
-10mm Pistol w/suppressor
-Tom Brown Tracker Knife
-Anti-Material Rifle hidden away in a lock box in one of the many layered hills of Southern Nevada as well as other cached stockpiles and munitions. He had a good idea he wasn't heading back west.
Clothing: Worn Ranger Combat Armor with insignia and numbers scratched out. He wears a pair of faded wrangler jeans with steel toed boots. He wears cut glove fingers. Usually wears a shemagh like mocha/black colored scarf around his neck. Usually seen worn wearing his Desert Ranger Helmet with face mask.
SKILLS: Carib can use about any rifle, pistol or smg. He has some familiarity with a few energy weapons, but doesn't really care too much for them. Carib favors rifles and melee weapons in a pinch. He can also modify and field repair rifles and pistols.
Being a Ranger, he was inducted into the SERE course, where he learned the rigors of surviving off the irradiated land. This also came natural since Carib and his siblings did a lot of trailing with their parents.
Carib was now just getting into Lockpicking, realizing not all pre-war treasure can be gained by blowing off the lock.
He can read and write. He is, however no scientist and while he may know some basic first aid, he doesn't know a thing about complex surgery or advanced machines.
TRAITS: Weird Wasteland, Kamikaze