So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I am here, hopefully everyone else is.
WelcomeToNewReno said:Alright, after a month of absence, I've returned!
Better catch up on the story.
*5 minutes later*
that was fast.
In fact, it seems like all activity is kind of slowing down. Could it be that now we have nothing new to discuss, fallout wise?
White Knight said:WelcomeToNewReno said:Alright, after a month of absence, I've returned!
Better catch up on the story.
*5 minutes later*
that was fast.
In fact, it seems like all activity is kind of slowing down. Could it be that now we have nothing new to discuss, fallout wise?
Well I am going to create a new RP about David, to do with him and the Enclave. Would you be up for that?
Chromevod said:White Knight said:WelcomeToNewReno said:Alright, after a month of absence, I've returned!
Better catch up on the story.
*5 minutes later*
that was fast.
In fact, it seems like all activity is kind of slowing down. Could it be that now we have nothing new to discuss, fallout wise?
Well I am going to create a new RP about David, to do with him and the Enclave. Would you be up for that?
What's it about? Might be interesting to have Jacob join in on that.
White Knight said:Chromevod said:White Knight said:WelcomeToNewReno said:Alright, after a month of absence, I've returned!
Better catch up on the story.
*5 minutes later*
that was fast.
In fact, it seems like all activity is kind of slowing down. Could it be that now we have nothing new to discuss, fallout wise?
Well I am going to create a new RP about David, to do with him and the Enclave. Would you be up for that?
What's it about? Might be interesting to have Jacob join in on that.
Well, in the next two years after blood ties, David's hatred for the enclave and guilt over what hes done turns into an obessession, and this is made worse by the Remnants at Hoover Dam. He's started hunting down old enclave members, whether they still support the enclave or not. Basically he's going to be the antagonist for the RP, and the RPers will be protecting an old enclave member. This also lets me explore the corruption in the NCR, as they are deliberately slowing down any investigations once they find out Davids getting rid of what remains of the enclave.
Darknessscythe said:i joined the new RP too. lol