Hello all,
I came across this news bit whole going through a Dutch news site: the announcement of a new fan made expansion mod for Fallout New Vegas called The Frontier
Now at one side I am of course interested in a new Fallout New Vegas expansion as it remains one of my current favorite games. But after looking at this I can't say it really has a Fallout vibe for me yet.
Of course the whole winter setting is a little to get used to of course so perhaps that plays a role but there is something missing that makes me think more of a war themed FPS game or Fallout 3/Fallout4 (lots of space to go through, lots of landmarks/pre war references, but barely any settlements or quests.
Being a story fag I immediately of course checked out what the story was about. At first I didn't like it that much then later realized it has a lot in common with an idea I once had for a story involving an NCR military insurrection so I guess it could work. But the surname of that general? Blackthorne? I had to look it up to see if it was a real surname and not something from an Ultima game.
And the region? The State of Washington? Last I checked the NCR had barely expanded into North California into Oregon.
And the Legion is going to go through the state of Idaho in order to invade California through Washington and Oregon? Well I am sure they are not going to see that one coming but I am reminded of a Blackadder sketch in with the Duke of Wellington (played by Stephen Fry) tells Blackadder disguised as the Prince Regent that he has stationed Nelson and his forces in Alaska in case Bonaparte's army tries to attack the British army by going through the North Pole (despite being in North Africa at the moment).
I guess if you want to get rid of a trouble general that is getting a little to popular with the common people it is wise to send him away as far as possible but me thinks this whole setup of the Legion also going all the way there (actually it is a local tribe assimilated by the Legion) does smell a bit contrived.
Ugh... and yet more vertibirds. I like Vertibirds, but what made them so special is because they were rare. It was one of those things you did not expect to find in a Post Apocalypse setting like Fallout were modern industry seemed nothing more than a fairy tale, only to be surprised by actually seeing vertibirds manned by people in Advanced Power Armor. This is like the past coming to life for a regular wastelander who might only have heard about these things in bedtime stories and old books.
I also can live with the idea that NCR had some, they assaulted Navarro after all, and to the winner goes the spoils of war.
I just had the idea that these would be all NCR has (and perhaps some fixed up planes), and that they would be difficult to keep up as they require rare components that can not be manufactured in what goes for a factory now because of how complex they are, and fuel of course.
Now the East Coast BOS is pumping them out by the dozens and wasteland mercenaries can actually steal and fly them, and prototypes linger around the wasteland (though I guess that could be in tune with Operation Anchorage in which a vertibird appeared, though it was mentioned that that simulation was based on General Constatine's exaggerations and overdone imagination as even the programmers wrote that some stuff in the scenario never actually happened)
The gameplay also has me a bit in doubt when I read stuff like "Aerial dogfights and airborne assaults". I have to assume the Legion now also has flying machines as otherwise there would not be much in the dogfight department.
Sorry for all the dissing about this mod, especially as I have never made one myself despite always talking about wanting to do one. These people have done a lot more than I have to this moment.
But still, a lot of this sounds like... well Bethesda would do. Yet another war scenario in which the focus is on a conflict between two military nations, barely any other factions that have their own ideologies, history, and goals in life separate from the NCR and Legion.
This doesn't sound like an RPG setting in which go out and explore the world while trying to complete a quest that motivates go to start traveling in the first place. There doesn't seem to be any curiosity and mystery in it other than yet more Pre War stuff with an emphasis on weapons.
I am going to play this but I really hope there is more to it than just the war scenario.
I find it frustrating that I can not exactly describe what nags me to think that doesn't feel that Fallout.
I came across this news bit whole going through a Dutch news site: the announcement of a new fan made expansion mod for Fallout New Vegas called The Frontier
Now at one side I am of course interested in a new Fallout New Vegas expansion as it remains one of my current favorite games. But after looking at this I can't say it really has a Fallout vibe for me yet.
Of course the whole winter setting is a little to get used to of course so perhaps that plays a role but there is something missing that makes me think more of a war themed FPS game or Fallout 3/Fallout4 (lots of space to go through, lots of landmarks/pre war references, but barely any settlements or quests.
Being a story fag I immediately of course checked out what the story was about. At first I didn't like it that much then later realized it has a lot in common with an idea I once had for a story involving an NCR military insurrection so I guess it could work. But the surname of that general? Blackthorne? I had to look it up to see if it was a real surname and not something from an Ultima game.
And the region? The State of Washington? Last I checked the NCR had barely expanded into North California into Oregon.
And the Legion is going to go through the state of Idaho in order to invade California through Washington and Oregon? Well I am sure they are not going to see that one coming but I am reminded of a Blackadder sketch in with the Duke of Wellington (played by Stephen Fry) tells Blackadder disguised as the Prince Regent that he has stationed Nelson and his forces in Alaska in case Bonaparte's army tries to attack the British army by going through the North Pole (despite being in North Africa at the moment).
I guess if you want to get rid of a trouble general that is getting a little to popular with the common people it is wise to send him away as far as possible but me thinks this whole setup of the Legion also going all the way there (actually it is a local tribe assimilated by the Legion) does smell a bit contrived.
Ugh... and yet more vertibirds. I like Vertibirds, but what made them so special is because they were rare. It was one of those things you did not expect to find in a Post Apocalypse setting like Fallout were modern industry seemed nothing more than a fairy tale, only to be surprised by actually seeing vertibirds manned by people in Advanced Power Armor. This is like the past coming to life for a regular wastelander who might only have heard about these things in bedtime stories and old books.
I also can live with the idea that NCR had some, they assaulted Navarro after all, and to the winner goes the spoils of war.
I just had the idea that these would be all NCR has (and perhaps some fixed up planes), and that they would be difficult to keep up as they require rare components that can not be manufactured in what goes for a factory now because of how complex they are, and fuel of course.
Now the East Coast BOS is pumping them out by the dozens and wasteland mercenaries can actually steal and fly them, and prototypes linger around the wasteland (though I guess that could be in tune with Operation Anchorage in which a vertibird appeared, though it was mentioned that that simulation was based on General Constatine's exaggerations and overdone imagination as even the programmers wrote that some stuff in the scenario never actually happened)
The gameplay also has me a bit in doubt when I read stuff like "Aerial dogfights and airborne assaults". I have to assume the Legion now also has flying machines as otherwise there would not be much in the dogfight department.
Sorry for all the dissing about this mod, especially as I have never made one myself despite always talking about wanting to do one. These people have done a lot more than I have to this moment.
But still, a lot of this sounds like... well Bethesda would do. Yet another war scenario in which the focus is on a conflict between two military nations, barely any other factions that have their own ideologies, history, and goals in life separate from the NCR and Legion.
This doesn't sound like an RPG setting in which go out and explore the world while trying to complete a quest that motivates go to start traveling in the first place. There doesn't seem to be any curiosity and mystery in it other than yet more Pre War stuff with an emphasis on weapons.
I am going to play this but I really hope there is more to it than just the war scenario.
I find it frustrating that I can not exactly describe what nags me to think that doesn't feel that Fallout.