Fallout Shelter out now on Android

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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Overall, for a mobile game i find it quite entertaining. The level of detail as compared to other mobile games i've played recently is unprecedented and on top of that its free and has no pay walls. Sure purchasing more lunchboxes would be beneficial, but there is enough oppurtunity to win them in game that i dont feel compelled to purchase any. If you leave the game running and don't pay attention, your vault will most certainly fail, but if you close the game out to its main menu, it will save your progess and wait for your return. It is a simplistic game (as should be expected with any mobile title) but it is entertaining. The ways at which you can improve your vault offer interesting design choices if nothing else. The dwellers have amusing (albeit cliche/unoriginal) dialog and sending one out to the wasteland offers a little tidbit of a text adventure that while extremely reptetive can be useful to gain supplies. A complaint i would raise would be that you can't truly do a vault-tec style science experiment on your vault basically rendering it a control vault, but alas i don't see a feesible way they could include a players own imagination to any game, without mods of course. if you're bored and don't have too much time to kill i suggest you go download it. It's free, so what have you to lose?
Oh, and I thought Todd said they wouldn't even offer real-money purchases in the game? I find it pretty low of a company like Beth to release junk like this, to be honest. They don't make enough money on regular game sales, so they have to lure the Candy Crush market as well.

Not true. They said they wouldn't lock everything off behind a pay-wall. Unless you absolutely have to have a Mr. Handy, you can get everything for free. At least to my knowledge. I've tried the game out a little. It is a good way to pass time. No one should go in expecting much.
Haven't played yet. But, I've read that the game has no "end". You continue building, breeding, and defending.

Haven't played yet. But, I've read that the game has no "end". You continue building, breeding, and defending.

Why would I play a glorified screensaver while pooping? I can play Persona 4, Pokeymans and Megaman while shitting....

Honestly, I think that the fact that pregnant women get the same "panic invincibility" that children get is kind of insulting. So now Bethesda doesn't want to see harm come to a child or a fetus? Is this some "life begins at conception" BS?

Would have been better if the women had a chance of panicking, and had an equal chance of hulking out a la the "nerd rage" perk in Fo3/NV, but more or less behaved like everybody else.

But, it's not like it's a good game anyway.
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Isnt the popularity of such games kinda the proof that to be succesfull a game doesnt have to be FPS and with the newest 3D renders?

I mean technically, when you think about it, good gameplay, engaging story and stylish look like this one:

Should be more than enough for success, or not?
For a mobile cow clicker, it's not too bad, but I often find myself without a lot to do in the game... just a lot of slow waiting for the money to roll in, levels to increase, etc. It doesn't hold up well over longer sessions.

The overall management angle isn't too difficult either as once you get a good balance down, it's easy to stay with your resources nearly maxed out at all times. Once you get a breeding mill ready, you can keep churning out dwellers at fairly rapid pace. Then just put people where they'll be best served, put a few on training attributes, and assign them out when they've reached high levels. Attracting new dwellers with the radio room is far, far slower than just making them yourself too, so it's not very useful.

There are very few things you need to really respond to and the threats don't really change as the game goes on. Once you've played a day or two, you've kind of seen it all.

Still, not awful for a game of its type. Just a bit overly simplistic.

I think if it was a AAA title with Xcom style combat on the missions it would do really well. I'm all for whoring out the Fallout franchise into different genres. At least we might get something fresh out of all the shit, not unlike finding a diamond you accidentally swallowed in a turd.
Kind of bugs me that Beth can make this shit, but can't contract obsidian to make a top down iso. I'm sure a pay to play phone game is probably ultimately more profitable, but I a new real fallout could be made for only a few mil and will at the least be a moderate success.
They should, but Bethesda doesn't have the guts.

Remember their response when people asked if kids could die in Fallout 3?

Black Isle didn't really have the guts either. Fallout & Fallout 2 didn't allow childkilling in the version most of the world got. I remember having to mod my game just to be able to, just like in Fallout 3 and FNV.

Gnarles Bronson said:
Kind of bugs me that Beth can make this shit, but can't contract obsidian to make a top down iso. I'm sure a pay to play phone game is probably ultimately more profitable, but I a new real fallout could be made for only a few mil and will at the least be a moderate success.

Some fuckin' camera angle isn't what makes a 'real fallout' a real fallout, imo. Excellent writing, dialogue and world design is what makes a great Fallout game. For me as a Fallout fan, Fallout 3 wouldn't have been any better if it was turn-based and isometric. On the flipside, Fallout 2 would've been just as great to me if it was first-person. It was the bad writing & dialogue that made F3 not as good as the others, not the camera angle.
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They should, but Bethesda doesn't have the guts.

Remember their response when people asked if kids could die in Fallout 3?

Black Isle didn't really have the guts either. Fallout & Fallout 2 didn't allow childkilling in the version most of the world got. I remember having to mod my game just to be able to, just like in Fallout 3 and FNV.

Well, it was either that or nobody would get it.
Cept it was an option for part of the world.

It wasn't as if they designed the game to where absolutely no-one could ever possibly harm the children.

They got told "You can't let kids get shot/stabbed/exploded or we won't let you release it here".

If you want to make a world where kids can possibly be put into the line of fire, it's incredibly disjointing to see them get hit with a stray shotgun blast and somehow shrug it off while screaming and fleeing.

People can get hurt, this includes pregnant people and if Bethesda can't come up with a way to treat them like people, it's pretty shitty.

Fuck, if it was just about the idea of protecting the pregnancy, all they had to do was have a maternity ward where pregnant dwellers go when they get pregnant.

They're out of the way until they give birth, which means that they don't contribute to the vault, which makes pregnancy more of an actual mechanic instead of a "Hah, ladies got knocked up and I gots babbys now" deal.
Gnarles Bronson said:
Kind of bugs me that Beth can make this shit, but can't contract obsidian to make a top down iso. I'm sure a pay to play phone game is probably ultimately more profitable, but I a new real fallout could be made for only a few mil and will at the least be a moderate success.

Some fuckin' camera angle isn't what makes a 'real fallout' a real fallout, imo. Excellent writing, dialogue and world design is what makes a great Fallout game. For me as a Fallout fan, Fallout 3 wouldn't have been any better if it was turn-based and isometric. On the flipside, Fallout 2 would've been just as great to me if it was first-person. It was the bad writing & dialogue that made F3 not as good as the others, not the camera angle.

3p iso style is a better story delivery system. It cuts down on a lot of the monotony, like hiking simulation and random FPS encounters, and kind of just gets you focused on the story and the world. Being story-centric is also why I said give it to obsidian, but even then, New Vegas was great, but it still isn't in the same category to me as the classics, for one because of its presentation.

Like I said it's just annoying to me that it could be made drastically cheaper than the FPS-style, and as a virtual sure success, and they still make this fucking phone game instead.
I love how their update was just one giant dramatic shit on everyone, smiling smugly right in front of them. "It's free to play, just uh...you won't survive the Deathclaws unless you shit out tons of money to us". So far, made it to 35 Vault Dwellers, I must be lucky because from what I heard, people hardly make it to this point and beyond, something about Molerats and Deathclaws pounding their asses, that and I did get Amata from my 2nd lunchbox reward (Who is quite Overpowered, honestly). Some of the rooms have purpose, but the only one I despised making was the Radio Station. Absolutely useless, you might as well breed and let random chance occur of having a Dweller at your doorstep instead of relying on that piece of crap, even had it at lvl.2 upgrade and it was worthless. What's even more hilarious, is that having someone occupy the radio room gives you a large chance of having Deathclaws knock on your doorstep, along with opening the vault door to explore, so in other words: Make long explorations and make them count.

If you get Amata, you're probably gonna have an easy time with that, just try to get her SPECIAL stats up during breaks of exploration and give her as many stimpaks and radaway as you can afford.

Overall, the music is catchy enough to play the game a bit, but it's not enough to keep one interested, especially with how in-vault combat merely relies on the level of the Vault Dweller and the weapon they're using, SPECIAL doesn't affect anything in that situation and is only useful for exploring and maxing out one stat on a dweller for a role. Hilariously enough, Charisma is yet again a dump stat.

They should've made updates a with a more reasonable approach, such as adding coyote/wild dog raids, Super Mutants, Mercenary raids, Centaurs, Mirelurks, Ghouls and so on, with each one having unique attributes over the others, though not as 'hurr hurr' as the sudden gap leap from Raiders--->Deathclaws.
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