Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

So the good folks that made Fallout: Nevada announced a new Fallout TC.

Link to the thread: http://www.nuclear-city.com/index.php/topic/818-fallout-sonora-обсуждение/page-1

Dev's response and announce, translated:
BlackDesigner said:
Due to BlackFlame's frivolity, I have to go online and explain the situation.

Yes, I'm developing Fallout: Sorona for a year so far. But I didn't quite had a time for press-release since a good visual base is required for that, which is left for last development stage (first goes scripting, writing, then graphics). News article is planned with poster and intro video, which are not quite ready yet.

Everything was revisioned. From weapon arsenal to cultural connotations. I had to do extensive research job - watch hundreds of old Hollywood films, study kilometers long worth of articles about America and Mexico, analyze other games of similar genres. The whole scripting-macro mechanics is redone, (the engine part is untouched, of course) all prefabs are redone, balance is drastically changed many more. And this is a completely different project than Nevada, don't even mention it.

Some of it you already know. The map is located to the right and bottom of F1 map, a bit on the edge of crossing (the region is chosen due to the story theme). Biggest city is named Phoenix. Tucson is also present (named Two Sun), with a crazy faction of tinsmiths. Rangers who established a bastion at Parker Dam - one of the central faction of the story. There are 11 big and 5 smaller locations planned (and almost all of them are tied to the main storyline). The project is aimed for roleplaying and storytelling, like all of you love. I won't tell anything regarding the story because it's too easy to spoil.

What about music, I warned Anton that I'm intended to use Fallout OST only. But if this person really wants to grow professionally, then be my guest to research do his best. I only need advisers/consultants/observers, and later - correctors and playtesters.

For now: a couple of screenshots showing off new architecture and loot. As you can see, the interface is also reworked.

P.S.: I'm really sorry for not responding in discussions (here and at VK) but the feedback is too distractive from my own business, besides I don't have that much of a free time. Every hour lost in talking could lead to a new script, dialog or graphics asset for the future game. Due to personal circumstances I already lost 4 months, although I could've been in time for Fallout 20th anniversary. Now the timing is very uncertain.

About HRP and sfall integration - "Let the others to do it. My aim is to make a project, fill it with content, writing and gameplay. I don't have time for other things."
And some other screenshots.


Time to learn Russian, I guess.

Thanks to @0wing for the newsblurb (yes, most of this post was copy/paste from him, so really, all thanks to him).
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So how are they working so fast? There's plenty big mods for Fallout 2 over the past 10 years, but barely any released, and these guys want to pump out two big games in that time? What's their secret?
So how are they working so fast? There's plenty big mods for Fallout 2 over the past 10 years, but barely any released, and these guys want to pump out two big games in that time? What's their secret?
This is the latest project on the F2 engine to prove itself. Next will be paid on another engine, but with the same focus.

For reference: Nevada was made six years
No gods, no kings, only man.

There's large modding comunity in Russia. Not only Fallout2, also Heroes3 I think. And They are working good, wonders I'll say.

But a little to fast? Maybe? I haven't got the chance to try Olympus 2077 yet.

What's their secret?

Look outside. Bears on the street, Moskwa -10, Nowosybirsk -8, Irkuck -13. Nothing to do but strip Fallout2 down to atoms.

Just joking.

спасибо Foxx!
спасибо русский мод-маикеру!

Извините, за мой ломанный русский.
No gods, no kings, only man.
There's large modding comunity in Russia. Not only Fallout2, also Heroes3 I think. And They are working good, wonders I'll say.
But a little to fast? Maybe? I haven't got the chance to try Olympus 2077 yet.
Look outside. Bears on the street, Moskwa -10, Nowosybirsk -8, Irkuck -13. Nothing to do but strip Fallout2 down to atoms.
Just joking.
спасибо Foxx!
спасибо русский мод-маикеру!
Извините, за мой ломанный русский.
I did not participate in the creation of Nevada & Sonora :)
Yes, but you keep us updated -> that what I had in my mind.

Don't know the team but I do appreciate their work. 2019+ and still F2 is alive. It's great!
If you chew, Yes. Don't forget to clean your mouth before the reception.
No, man, what he meant isn't that Nevada is shit, but he meant that it's *THE* shit. It's an American/English/whatever expression that means they REALLY love it. English is second language for me, too, but I've seen people all over the internet calling things they really love as 'THE shit'. Dunno why they say it that way myself, but there you go.
No, man, what he meant isn't that Nevada is shit, but he meant that it's *THE* shit. It's an American/English/whatever expression that means they REALLY love it. English is second language for me, too, but I've seen people all over the internet calling things they really love as 'THE shit'. Dunno why they say it that way myself, but there you go.
It is funny how some words change their meaning so drastically. Don't be mad @Foxx
Man, I'm so used to the slang way of saying "the shit" as in being good that I was really confused when I read Foxx's comment. I had no idea what he meant by that at all. I misunderstood the misunderstanding.

But yeah, I see how you can misunderstand that easily. He was complimenting it, not insulting it.
I kinda agree with @Fat Luke though. They look really good, but it's just not (classic) Fallout style. If you use them, you can't use the vanilla icons or it likely feels out of place.
I really would like to see a new cool shotgun, even if it is a modified version of another shotgun, just like "the exterminator" (I think it is called that way) which was a modified combat shotgun in fallout 1.5
Anyway, I wonder if we ever know what happened to the soldiers stationed in Mexico that were supervising the constant flow of oil to the US.
Also, there should be Mr. Handies roaming in the wasteland.