General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Isn't Kobun the Japanese name for the serve bots?
Yes. since I played MML2 and Tron bonne in jp version, kobun is more familiar to me.

for dungeon, MML 1,2 is more fitable for openworld rather than story following game. so IMO it's quite waste of potential.
woo1108 said:
for dungeon, MML 1,2 is more fitable for openworld rather than story following game. so IMO it's quite waste of potential.

Still there would have to be some order of sequences, making a Legends game for example like Fallout New Vegas wouldn't work.
Or at least I myself can not immediately visualise it like that, but perhaps someone else can.
Ilosar said:
Path of Exile, a Free to play ARPG long in the making what just came out on Steam. It's pretty fun and well-made, with a shit-ton of possible builds. It's less a skill tree than a skill forest, honestly, albeit all of it is passives, most of them boring (+5% sword damage!). Actual skills use a more interesting system, being tied to gems you socket in weapons.

To say the game is, otherwise, a throwback to Diablo 2 is putting it lightly. It's not a copy-paste, but it's very clear what game the devs are basing themselves on, hell even the minimap looks almost identical, and the itemization is almost copied word for word.

Still, lots of fun is to be had, and it looks pretty damn good to boot, especially for a F2P indie game.

I did play it during beta and the thing that made me give up on the game is the endless "same old" grind over and over and over.. and over again... Sigh! I did get it on steam now tho and i might play it soon but i have a feeling all my items are gone after i gave them to a friend :/
Bought Deadlight Max Payne 1-2 and Silent hill comecomming so i guess i got something to do this week.

Steam sale fuck yeah!
Currently trying Deus ex 1.
feels not so good compare to Thief 1 and 2.
but there are some potential that looks good
1. skill usage like RPG
2. dialog
3. many tools to use
4. note, computer etc.
woo1108 said:
Currently trying Deus ex 1.
feels not so good compare to Thief 1 and 2.
but there are some potential that looks good
1. skill usage like RPG
2. dialog
3. many tools to use
4. note, computer etc.
In my personal experience, Deus Ex 1 did not age very well. Which is unfortunate because it was a great game.
The Dutch Ghost said:
At what parts has Deus Ex not aged well?

It looks way to stiff.. Was not that long ago i played it again and even if i love the game it did not really feel too good after all these years like many of the other old but gold games.
Because game's concept is ambiguos?
it would be too early to appraise since my progress is second time to visit hell's kitchin which I guess half way of game.
sneaking is really aweful
shooting isn't that good.
level design is pretty good compare to "modern" FPS but compare to Thief 1,2 , it feels like too spacious but hollowed.
well, it's not fault of Deus ex since Thief is master piece game for stage design.
story is...banal? I don't know what is correct word to describe but simply it's not that funny and nothing interesting.
it sounds like I don't enjoy Deus ex but actually, since the map design is good, I enjoy this game.
Just beat the Deus ex...
neither bad nor good.
has huge amount of flaws but playable .
map design is quite good enough to enjoy the game.
but shooting is awful, sneaking also awful, story is really sucks, acting is really sucks and wel...the combination of RPG and FPS is totally failed.

but who cares? I enjoy the game and will try 2.
Overally, I enjoyed the game and rate it more than average.
but many part of the game is totally broken.
Space Rangers is a nice game, could never get a handle on it. Last time I played it got stuck on a planet as a pirate kept attacking me when trying to leave and would bugger of to heal if I attacked to only come back later.

Completed Dark Souls last week, the epic journey was finally done, could uninstall it with the knowledge Siegmeyer was avenged by a fellow Onion Bro and rest easy knowing the world was saved... sorta... probably not. Dark game is dark.
Playing it again now again as the urge was reignited watching troll videos of DkS on the 'tube. Sorcerer this time instead of Catarina build so a lot easier.
I always played the Arkham Games with a controller, but after trying the combat on keyboard I can say it's a lot easier and more fluid on it.
Walpknut said:
Ok, I am just gonna prepare some pop corn, waiting for the rest of the Forum to read this.
I guess popcorn is spoiled :lol:

currently playing Deadly shadow.
at first I was negative about this.
map was narrowed, 3rd person view? WTF?, no rope arrow, etc.
but while keep playing this, I think it's more fittable for "Thief" game.
Thief 1 is more close to classinc FPS and Thief 2 isn't about thief but some kind of special agent or something(infiltrate factory and sabotage it, it's not a job for Thief!) but this game, more fittable for name of Thief but that doesn't mean DS is better game than T1 and 2 actually I prefer 1 and 2.
Street is quite interesting, listening dialog gives you a informations and that information worths. if this was oblivion or skyrim, then game gives you a chore named "quest", but this game. don't force you to do something but by your own will. it's quite great thing to respect player's will.
I am spending a lot of time playing the Company of Heroes: Eastern Front mod. Think of it as Company of Heroes 2, but without the anti- Russian vibe. I still want that game, though.