Unorthodox Outlander
It Wandered In From the Wastes

I purchased New Vegas about a week ago when it was on sale. It's proven to be a rather enjoyable game, but a few things thus far have come up that I simply cannot wrap my head around; minor irritants in an otherwise decent game, but aggravating nonetheless.
1. Losing Karma for taking items from that one Powder-Ganger camp by the highway. Alright, so I'm getting penalized for taking stuff in the possession of criminals... who I also gain Karma for killing. Rather odd. This goes further on when pick-pocketing members of Caesar's legion, which seem to be the closest thing to a "big-bad" that this game has. Granted, I can still loot their corpses, but there's something satisfying about screwing the Legion over without getting assassins sicced on me.
2. Can anybody give me a valid explanation why a stealth-boy does nothing to ward off incessant artillery barrages from the boomers? The thing makes you invisible. What sort of shenanigans are their spotters pulling?
3. I'm not entirely sure why, but it seems that in order to take NCRCF back from the Powder-Gangers, you have to get a quest from them and THEN get the opportunity to back-stab them and help the NCR take it back. I'm not entirely sure why they didn't just give players the option to help the NCR take it without having to deal with those schmucks, even after garnering a bit of positive NCR rep.
1. Losing Karma for taking items from that one Powder-Ganger camp by the highway. Alright, so I'm getting penalized for taking stuff in the possession of criminals... who I also gain Karma for killing. Rather odd. This goes further on when pick-pocketing members of Caesar's legion, which seem to be the closest thing to a "big-bad" that this game has. Granted, I can still loot their corpses, but there's something satisfying about screwing the Legion over without getting assassins sicced on me.
2. Can anybody give me a valid explanation why a stealth-boy does nothing to ward off incessant artillery barrages from the boomers? The thing makes you invisible. What sort of shenanigans are their spotters pulling?
3. I'm not entirely sure why, but it seems that in order to take NCRCF back from the Powder-Gangers, you have to get a quest from them and THEN get the opportunity to back-stab them and help the NCR take it back. I'm not entirely sure why they didn't just give players the option to help the NCR take it without having to deal with those schmucks, even after garnering a bit of positive NCR rep.