Guide to fan-made new adventure with original Fallout gameplay


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
It is no secret here that Bethesda take on the IP left many people here quite disapointed. Yet, enough coverage is given here to those new gamebryo adventures. But for those who prefer the isometric episodes, there is not much new official content to dwelve upon. On the other hand, the modding community on Fallout 2 and Fonline engine is not only still active, but the projects are getting more and more ambitious.

My goal here is to provide not only a list of those new adventures, but also provide a fair amount of informations to help people find the projects that would suit more their taste. That thread will be a work in progress that will probably takes a few months before completion as i intend to actually play those mods through the end, in order not only to have fun, but also gather a more appropriate picture of what those mods provide. So don't expect to have a big list of mods from the get go. It will be updated as soon as i finish a new adventure.

For more concise lists, there are some nice sources there : 1 - 2 - 3
(to be updated if i know more)

Also, at that point, my intend is not to try every single mod, but only those which provide new adventures using the original Fallout gameplay, regardless if it is on Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fonline, or even other fan-made engine. Also, i will focus on adventures that are available in english or french as i will be able to actually play and understand them. I might, on a later time, gather information on adventures that are only available in other languages (mostly russian), but it isn't my current priority.

Installation Tips

- First and foremost, the following paragraphs aren't mandatory steps to get the mods working. Most recents mods either have an executable to automatically install the mod or some clear explanations in a *Read-Me.txt* files. Those tips are mostly to help you correct some issues or anticipate some others. Some issues might appear on older mods, some might appear on specific versions of Fallout, but not others, some might not happen at all. If you are lucky, you don't need to seek the following paragraphs. Just play the mods. If not, here are some easy tricks and some less easy tricks to get the mods going.

- There is no way to be sure that the following tips will work with all the game versions, as the game was sold and updated in many versions. You have several CD versions, a GOG version, a Steam version, old versions, recent versions, american versions,european versions etc... There are so many versions that it is almost impossible to keep track of all version related issues. I've made some tests on Steam and GoG versions on some mods to maximize compatibility, but i couldn't test all versions of Fallout with all the mods. Likewise, i only tested the mods on Windows. I don't know the specific issues encountered when playing on another operating system, like Macintosh, Linux or Android. If you are aware of some issues and know how to fix them, you are much welcome to help. Also, as most of the total conversion are made on the Fallout 2 engine, i did more tests with that engine, than with Fallout 1 engine.

- Before updating and installing any mods, there are some things that you might want to check on your Fallout folder. First, while not always mandatory, it is recommanded to have the most complete content possible. If you are installing the game from a CD, pick the humongous version, the largest version, with the most files installed. If not, use a .dat extractor like *Dat Explorer* to extract content from the *critter.dat* and *master.dat* files and put that content into the *data* folder. *critter.dat* and *master.dat* are amongs the most important files of the game. Make sure, they are there. Also, if you are using a recent version of windows, try avoiding to put you Fallout folder into folders like *Program Files* or any other folders that require admistrator privilege to modify contents. Likewise, if you are using steam, make a copy of your Fallout folder and put it somewhere else. Another issue, often encountered with older content, is with the spaces in the name of the path, the names of your Fallout folders and the folders that lead to it. It would be better if you remove those spaces, just in case. *C:\BlackIsle\Fallout2* is better than *C:\Black Isle\Fallout 2* for instance. One very pesky issue that tend to get easily overlooked, but that can destroy your morale is the *Read Only*. This issue, often encountered on the steam version, will lead to crashes to desktop with messages like *Impossible to write blah blah blah*. It means that some of the files are marked as *Read Only* and cannot be modified, which lead to crashes when the game is trying to modifiy them. In order to fix this you can right click on the folder containing your Fallout game, and open the folder's properties. Then you disable the *read only* mark. If you are lucky, it will do the same for every files and folders that are inside your Fallout folder. If you are not, you have to do them one by one. For some mods, only the contents of the *...\Data\Proto* folder will do. And if you install other stuff, you might have to check again if the new files are *read only* or not, and do those steps again if needed. Also, as most mods are internationals, it is recommanded to use the US english version of the game, change your version to english, or install US english patches. You might get lucky if you can get a localized version to work with mod, but it isn't recommanded. Not at all. Better have an english version with a localized patch.

- I would recommand that you update your version of Fallout 1 & 2 to the max before installing any mod on top of it. This would fix a lot of small issues, keeps you up to date and reduce the compatibility issues as your version of the game will be more common within the playerbase. As said earlier, there is simply too many versions and we can't take into account the problems related to each and every single version. The best options availables are the unofficial patches by Sduibek, for Fallout 1 and by Killap, for Fallout 2. Make sure to pick the *FIXES ONLY* version of each, with no additionnal stuff. If you download additionnal contents of those patches, it can conflicts with some of the mods functionnalities. The mods would probably still works, but not properly. Most mods will lose their random encounters with the Restoration Project for Fallout 2, for instance. Alternatively, you can also download the 1.2 US patches, for either Fallout 1 or Fallout 2. It might not work with all mods, but it is smaller and easy to install. As mentioned before, always pick US\English version. Much safer. It might also be necessary to install a patch to make the children visibles, if you are playing with an european CD version.

- Some of the older mods might have graphical glitch related to the way the graphics were rendered then and the different hardwares that are commonly used today. You can either use Galogen's DirectDraw Compatibility tool to remove those glitches while keeping the low resolution, or you can use Mash's Hi-Res Patches to increase the game resolution. (That tool should already be installed with the Restoration Project or FIXT) Then, once you put those files in your Fallout's folder, open *f1_res_Config* for Fallout, or *f2_res_Config* for Fallout 2, to choose the resolution settings that fit the most with your hardware and your personnal preferences, then, don't forget to enable the mod if it isn't enabled. (there is a button for it in the tool menu). If you notice some other glitches like black borders or being unable to move the cameras in some directions, you might as well need to pick the *Manually Edit Config* option. Then, look for those lines.
Depending on your issues, you might need to change some 0 into 1 or some 1 into 0. Then save the file. You might still get some issue with the cursors, but it is only a display issue. The cursor still works. I might come back to it when i've found the source of that issue.

- A mod can be made available in different ways. Most likely, you will have to extract the files with winrar. Then, if there is an executable to automatically install your mod, that's great. Otherwise, always look the Read-Me.txt files. Might give you a clue about what to do with all those files. If not, you might encouter several kind of files architectures. It can be a lone patch000.dat file. If so, just put it in you Fallout folder and check next paragraph about fallout.cfg. You might get a data folder. Then put the folder into your Fallout folder and accept to overwrite the content of the previous data folder. You might get other folders. Then check into the data folder, and check if there are similar folders to do the same trick. If there are only files, check if there are similar files in your folders and overwrite them. If you have no clue of what to do, seek for help. If there is no help, screw that mod.

- You might also need to change a couple of lines in the fallout.cfg file (for Fallout) or fallout2.cfg file (for Fallout 2), with a notepad, especially if your mod is a lone patch000.dat file. (usually very old and very small mods). The only lines that you should care about are the followings :
There shouldn't be any reason to change the music path, but it might be good to keep those lines in mind. Most of the files that are needed to play the game and the mods are contained in the critter.dat and master.dat files. It is imperative that you don't remove them. Likewise, i don't see much reason to change *critter_dat=critter.dat* and *master_dat=master.dat*. On the other hand, each of those lines are followed by a line calling for a patch. First line is the first source of data, second line is where you get additionnal material. So, if your mod is a patch000.dat, you sould edit the patches lines into this *critter_patches=patch000.dat* and this *critter_patches=patch000.dat*. You might also use other paths, but it is rarelly needed. The line *language=english* obviously refer to the language used by the game, but most important, the name of the folder that is called in the *\data\Text* folder (usually *\data\Text\english*). You can store several language folders and play the game is several languages, but it is important that the name of the language called in the fallout.cfg is the same as the folder inside your *\data\Text* folder. Otherwise, you will get only *error* instead of dialogs.

- If you want to save time and data, you can also use the following tips from Lexx. Install Fallout 2 into a folder of your choice. Update it with Killap's unnoficial patch (Fixes only). Now create the mod folder in your Fallout 2 folder. Put all mod files into this folder. For Instance, your folder should be *C:\BlackIsle\Fallout2\13V* if your mod is 13V. Make a copy of Fallout2.exe AND fallout2.cfg file in the mod folder. You can also copy the files related with Mash High-Res Mod, although you might have to handle the settings again. In Fallout2.cfg, edit the path lines into this.
If you have several layers of subfolders, add more *..\* at the beginning of the path. This is especially useful if you plan to store several mods at the same time and don't want to copy your game folder too many times. Just make a new folder for each mod, containing only those files.

- A very rare occurence, but that might still happen. The mod is old, has disabled random encounters or removed the content of those encounters, or the method you chose to update your game is conflicting with random encounters. Yet, you still have to travel worldmap. You might get stuck in a black map as soon as a random encounter happens. You might also encounter some issue on august 30th, the day in which you are supposed to encounter Frank Horrigan for the first time. If you are experimenting those issues, use the sfall tool, that should be included with Killap's Restoration Project or Sduibek's FIXT, but is also available separately. Open the ddraw.ini file in your Fallout folder. Change DisableHorrigan=0 to DisableHorrigan=1, to remove the Horrigan encounter. Also, check the line *WorldMapEncounterRate=5* (could be another number). Then set a bigger number than 5. It won't make the problem disapear, but will reduce the number of random encounters. The bigger the number, the less encounters. Save the file and start a new game. (it has to be a fresh start to take the change into account).

Useful tools and patches

Patches for Fallout 1 :
Sduibek's Unoficial Patch (Fixes Only) : 1
Fallout v.1.2 patch, by TeamX : 1
Fallout v.1.3.4 patch, by TeamX (needs 1.2) : 1

Patches for Fallout 2 :
Killap's Unoficial Patch (Fixes Only) : 1
Fallout v.1.02d patch, by Horusxav (pick US version) : 1

Graphic enhancements :
Galogen's DirectDraz Compatibilty Tool (Fix graphics glitches while keeping low resolution) : 1
Mash High Res Patch for Fallout 1 & 2 (Increase Resolution) : 1

Make children visible :
Children Patch for Fallout, by Skynet : 1
Children Patch for Fallout 2, by Henrik Hvidtfeldt : 1

Bring back violent animations on censored versions :
Bloodpatch for Fallout 1&2 by NeuRomancer : 1

Extract data from critter.dat and master.dat :
Fallout 1 Dat Explorer, by Jab : 1
Fallout 2 Dat Explorer, by Dims : 1

Other tools :
Sfall, by Timeslip : 1
Sfall extension, by Crafty : 1

That's it, i guess. For now...
Last edited:
Total Conversions
(Totally new adventures not reusing vanilla plots)

Author : Lich
Version : 1.0
Release date : 2010
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Russian
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links : 1
Short summary : Everything falls apart at vault 13. You have been chosen to explore the Wastelands and get the parts that the computers need to run again.
Short review : This mod is a bit misleading. It appears to be big, with a worldmap the size of Fallout 2 original map. But, ultimately, it is kind of quick to finish. Small locations, short exposition dialogs with barely any choices, very few quests and combats, no random encounters, which limits the gameplay options. Ultimately, it is more an exploration of the author's humors and critiques about Fallout and Fallout 2, through a fun retelling of the main story and major event, with suprising reversals. The writing manage to catch you off-guard a couple of times, and generates more than a few laughs. Also, if, you like sceneries, you would be surprised by what Lich managed to do with the mapper. It also have a few different endings, that are more about where your character ultimately end up, and not consequences of your previous decisions.

Beth the old hag
Author : Lisac2k
Version : Unknown (presumably 1.00)
Release date : 2007
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Before the Chosen One embarks on his quests, he must answers some questions from the village Elder.
Short review : Not quite an actual RPG campaign, this mod consist on a short dialog with the village elder about the player knowledge and beliefs regarding the game series. The dialog options mostly fit with the mindset of someone who played the originals, someone who only played the new episodes, and someone who just want to kick some ass. Depending on your answers, you might get a slightly different ending. If you seek for small parodic mod, i would rather suggest you to try out Vault Rats, from the same author.

Fallout 1 Demo
Author : Interplay Team
Version : Unknown (presumably 1.00)
Release date : 1997
Engine : Fallout 1 demo engine
Languages availables : English
Official Website : Defunct
NMA threads :
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 -
Short summary : The Crypts and the Fools are struggling for the control of Scrapheap, a small town with a fully working power generator.
Short review : Not really a mod, but the demonstration prototype for the first Fallout game comes up with its own simple plot, its handfull of quests, and several ways to solve them. While its lenght is quite short, it has quite some level of replayability and its own quirks. Also, it is not possible to save your game while playing this demo, which can add some bit of welcomed challenge depending on what are you objectives for each playthrough. However, the plot is extremely simple and the map itself is a downsized version of Junktown. Considering how old is this program, it is recommanded to launch it on compatibility mod for windows 95 or windows 98.

Fallout 1 Demo for Fallout 2
Author : FeelTheRads
Version : 1.03
Release date : 2018
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, French
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links :
Short summary : Most of the content of the original demo of the first Fallout ported into the Fallout 2 engine.
Short review : While there are a few minor gameplay differences between this mod and the original demo, the plot itself is mostly untouched. It makes that self-contained little adventure a little more accessible by removing the demo limitation. You can now choose or make your own character, save your game, gain XP, or just play without troubling yourself with compatibility mode. There are even an hanfull of restored content, that was in the original demo, but couldn't be reached, because of some faulty scripts. FeelTheRads made this to train himself with the modding tools, so it is possible that we hear that modder's name again.

FalloutNow! EasterSpecial (FalloutNow! Osterspezial)
Author : Lexx - FalloutNow! Team
Release date : 2008
Version : Unknown (presumably 1.00)
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : German
Official Website : 1
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links :
Short summary : Someone stole the easter eggs from the easter Bunny. Who did this ? Why ? It is for you to find out.
Short review : This mod consist on one small quest to discover who stole those easter eggs from the magical bunny, and how to deal with that information. It is obviously easter themed and would be more appreciated around that famous day.

Fallout Wars
Author : Lich (Devil)
Version : 1.0
Status : Unknown
Release date : 2008
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian
Official Website : None
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : A retelling of the attack on vault 13 by the super-mutants army.
Short review : I played this mod with an english google translation. It is a very combat-oriented mod. You make your way out of the vault by fighting huge squads of the two most powerful factions of the classics, then have a chat with the mod creator. There doesn't seem to be references on the internet other than the file i have downloaded. The Read-Me tells it is a complete mod.

Last Hope
Author : Forgotten Knight
Version : 1.08.1
Release date : 2006
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Russian
Official Website : Defunct
NMA threads : 1 - 2
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3
Short summary : You wake up in a strange post-apocalyptic prison. Some shadowy organization make you pass a series of tests. Once you succeed, they send you on a hunt for escapted prisoners.
Short review : This mod is somewhat a special case. It is probably the oldest Total Conversion on the Fallout engine, and it was made by a single modder. While other modders where barely scratching the surface of the Fallout 2 engine, this guy created a huge mod all by himself. While not as long as Fallout 2, Last Hope might get a good long while to finish, with its big worldmap, its huge cities and settlements and their many quests and npc. It features an hunger\thirst system and a couple of new graphics. And his creator is still active, reacting to community feedbacks and providing some occasionnal updates. (i mean active in 2018, while i am writing this entry) The difficulty is definitely there and the writting is good enough to immerse you in that world. Although, such a big mod also carries a couple of flaws. Even with constant support, the game still have bugs and crashes, sometime requiring you to reinstall the whole game (backup your savegames). The dialogs and options to solve the quests are often limited. And last but not the least, this mod is often too confused for its own good. You can often get stuck, having no idea about what to do because the game didn't warn you if you met the requirements to succeed a quest, or can't access a location because you didn't see a manhole under the grass at the other side of the map, or because that door refuse to open, and won't let you try to use items on it. And don't expect NPC don't give any clue. Which, combined with the fact that there is often only one way to access that door or to validate that quest, might give you some headaches, trying to find the one and only way to make progresses. On one hand, it might provide satisfaction to the old school explorers. On the other hand, it wouldn't be a bad idea to improve the accessibility, if we want players to actually finish the game.

Living dead Mod
Author : Haris & Miran
Version : Unknown (presumably 1.00)
Release date : 2003
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English (but there is no dialogs)
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Other links : 1
Short summary : A pretty big graveyard is invaded by a never ending army of ghouls. Someone needs to put them back in their graves.
Short review : This mod is one of the oldest ever made for Fallout 2 and, sadly, one of the worst. Here, you will fight your way through hundreds of unarmed ghouls, slowly walking toward you, to punch your face in turn-based combat... And that's pretty much it. You will face an endless ocean of unarmed ghouls, tombs, dead trees and containers. No plots, no dialogs, no grim descriptions, no music, no context, always the same unarmed enemies. I also wonder if the authors actually created more than an handfull of maps. After the first few maps, you will constantly end up in the same map, with the same enemies. I don't know if they copy-pasted the same map several times in the mapper or if they made the exit grid lead you to a loop that constantly reload the very same map, resetting its content. I wonder if there is actually an ending to this mods. I abandonned after i ended up in the same map for more than 15 times. I don't know what the creators expected, but i simply can't see what kind of players would be interested by that thing.

Olympus 2207
Author : Nebesa Games - Dieselship Studio - Rainman & Gumych
Version : 1.1
Release date : 2014
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian - English (only the demo so far)
Official Website : 1
NMA threads : 1 - 2 - 3
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 -
Short summary : A new post-nuclear roleplaying game series started on the Fallout 2 engine.
Short review : One of the most criminally overlooked behemoth of the Fallout 2 modding scene. Designed and developped by a huge team of modders and artists, that includes the authors of Oblivion Lost, this Total Conversion is currently complete, but only available in russian, which means that most non-russian-speakers, myself included, don't have much knowledge about what this mod is about, and how the overall game experience is designed. What we know is that the plot isn't set in the same fictionnal universe as Fallout, that the game is almost entirely made of new graphics and sound assets, has a dieselpunk and art deco style, features a crafting system, and some new kinds of interactions with the scenery. It also aims toward an open-ended progression, in which you can choose your own endgoal. As i write this, in 2019, the english translation is far from finished and will most likely takes many more years to be done, if it even gets completed. In the meantime, you can still play the english demo released in 2012. After trying it, i would say that i was impressed by the numerous new graphics, soundtracks, and interface updates, but that the demo is quite slow to play, with slow animations, locations with a lot of dead ends, important npc that don't stand out in a crowd, mostly mandatory quests with few options, some being hard to guess. But that demo takes place in an enclosed area, that you leave at the end. So it is a bit safe to assume that the game get more open-ended and engaging as you go on. Still worth the try, even if it is only in order to get amazed by the possibilities of the Fallout 2 engine. The team is also working on a sequel, on Unreal Engine v4.

Fallout: Nevada / Fallout of Nevada
Author : Nevada Band Studio
Version : 1.0.7
Release date : 2015
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian, English, Polish
Official Website : 1
NMA threads : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 -
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Short summary : Before the events of Fallout 1 & 2, explore the US states of Utah and Nevada, looking for pieces of machinery to help out what would later become Vault City.
Short review : Another one of the biggest mods for Fallout 2, and arguably the most praised of the bunch. And much of that praise is well deserved. While some specific decisions are questionable, most of the writing is quite down to earth and lore-friendly. And the world is a delight to explore. There is a couple of big cities, acting as quest hubs, and a lot of small town and prewar facilities to discover and explore, at your own pace, in any order you want. There are a couple of new ways to interact with the environment, that remain quite intuitive for the most part. The team devoted a lot of passion into building a world that makes sense, feels alive, and is intriguing. There is also a great emphasis in exploring and investigating the secrets of some shady characters and organization. The crafting system, the reputation system, the car customization, and the ability to learn skills from npc were also given a lot of care. On the downside, however, the main plot is one of the weakest of the series. Most of this plot is dumped down by a couple of exposition characters and computer logs, near the end of the game, and those informations feel disconnected from the rest of the game, thematically, and with how little it interacts with the rest of the world. Ultimately, while the game world is a delight to explore, the ending feels rushed and doesn't leave a lasting impression, compared with some less praised games and mods. It should be mentioned that while the polishing of the english version is not over, the entire game can be played and understood in its current version. There is also an addon called Crazy Edition, that might get its own entry, later on.

Fallout 1.5 Resurrection
Author : Daemon, Maryo, Ratman, Saruman - Resurrection Team
Version : 1.5
Release date : 2013
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Czech, Polish
Official Website : 1
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
Short summary : Set in New Mexico between Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, your character must uncover the truth about his past, while facing the aftermath of the Master defeat and struggling to survive against the many factions vying for the control of the area.
Short review : It took around a decade for this czech team to make one of the biggest mods for Fallout 2 available. Although it makes use of the Fallout 2 engine, it claims more legacy from the original game. Similar size, reminiscent sense of mystery, high use of scripted events, less jokes, less functionnal societies, more inter-factions battles and a tight plot that question what fate humanity should deserve after the trauma of the Great War. There are also characters and factions crossing over from the original game. It put a bigger emphasis on choices and consequences than a good number of mods, and provide a great replay value, while still not reaching the same level of flexibility the originals or New Vegas. The increased amount of interaction with the companions also deserve a mention. On the other hand, the setting is much more cynical that the original. Most New Mexico inhabitants are self-serving assholes, or even outright monsters, and the few people that seem to have a shred of moral fiber are just weak preys that wouldn't survive without you. It makes the choices of the faction to pledge for a little less black and white, but it can also be suffocating at time. You wonder if you should bother to care about their sorry lives. On the other hand, if you ever wished to make an evil playthrough, the game provide many opportunities to ruin the lives of others. And if you don't, you are most likely to get your hands dirty at some point or another.

Revenge of the Pong!
Author : darkrf
Version : Unknown (supposedly 1.00)
Release date : 2014
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English (no dialogs)
Official Website : No
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links : 1
Short summary : This is some akward version of Pong on the Fallout 2 engine.
Short review : Pong is one of the oldest arcade video game, roughly inspired by Tennis. Here, you move your character to intercept and throw back the ball.

Rock Collecting Mod
Author : Per Jorner
Version : 1.00
Release date : 2003
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : No
NMA thread :
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links :
Short summary : Instead of looking for the Geck, you start a career as a Rock Collector.
Short review : One of the oldest and one of the shortest mods. Instead of doing the Temple of Trial, you go on the right side of the first map, and start a career as a Rock Collector. You will have to find 25 rocks scatered in a medium-sized map, while some funny characters and some nasty critters are roaming around. There was definitely some missed opportunity to replace those rocks by easter eggs.

Second Apocalypse
Author : Haris & Miran
Version : 1.2
Release date : 2004
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : No
NMA thread : 1 - 2
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3
Short summary : A mod focused on level-based random encounter.
Short review : Four years before Bethesda, Haris & Miran introduced Level-scaling to the Fallout series. This mod is mostly consisting in random encounters getting harder as you level up. There is a couple of location for trading and one location for storage. The rest is just random encounters. Seems like filler to me...

Shattered Destiny
Author : Lexx
Version : 1.1
Release date : 2007
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, German
Official Website : Now defunct
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links : 1 - 2
Short summary : A band of well organized raiders just slaughtered the caravan you were supposed to protect. Before planning your next move, you seek shelter in a small community that seem to have its share of secrets.
Short review : This adventure is supposed to be the first chapter of a series of mods made by Lexx. Unfortunately, planning something never make you safe from unexpected setback, and the following chapters might not see the light of day before many years. As tempting as it might be to put this one amongst the unfinished mods, this little game can stand on its own feets. Sure, there are hints of something bigger here and there, but most of the plot is centered in a small city and its outskirts and all the quests there are complete. The mod is short (4 to 12 hours depending on your playing pace), but the gameplay is effective, the scenery is dense, the writting is decent, the worldbuilding is given enough love and there are nice little twists down the line. So instead of waiting for the next chapters, i would recommand you to try out this little gem for what it is. You will get your share of Fallout feelings

Vault Rats
Author : Lisac2k
Version : 1.02
Release date : 2007
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, French, Czech
Official Website : Now defunct
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links : 1 - 2
Short summary : This very short new adventure released a few months before Fallout 3 dwelve into the changes made by Bethesda, on a parodic style.
Short review : If you seek for a long in-depth adventure with moral dilemmas and long-lasting consequences, this mod will not cater to those needs. It is extremely short. You will probably finish your first playthrough in less than one hour. There is only one simple map, a dozen of forgettable characters, three short quests, and an handfull of endings. It doesn't look that the mod has more content than the demo of the first Fallout. Yet, the strenght of this mod are its tone and its replayability. Sure, we are all aware of Fallout 3 flaws and shortcoming. Yet, we aren't so used to see them translated into the Fallout 2 engine. Also, it can be fun to fight your way through a gang consisting of Todd, Pete, Emil and their buddies. The 3 quests and your relationship with the gang can be dealt in a few differents way, which aren't so obvious on the first playthrough. Also, there is ton of hidden content that you will certainly not see the first time. And there is some item randomization. Ultimately, even including replayability, the mod is still quite short, but nowhere near as much as it initially appear.

Wasteland Merc 1
Author : Haris & Miran
Version : Unknown (probably 1.2)
Release date : 2005
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Polish
Official Website : (Defunct but archives exist) - 1
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3
Short summary : Instead of having a definite goal, you are a merc who perfoms random tasks to make a living.
About the series : After introducing level scaling in Second Apocalypse, Haris & Miran introduces radiant quests, ten years before Bethesda. While their first mods seems more like experiments, Wasteland Merc 1 & 2 are full blown Total Conversion, with a lot of locations and npc, and they had their own fanbase. Although, one should be warned that the gameplay is very different than Fallout 1 & 2. Instead of doing quests and exploration to move forward the plot and change the gameworld, those two mods are more focused on doing repeatable content, like some MMORPG. You usually have two kinds of locations. Dungeons full of enemies and loot, that reset when you leave them, and some excuse towns that containts roughly three kinds of npc. Flavor npc with floating lines, traders who barter stuff, and quest-givers that always ask for the same kind of item, that you usually find in dungeons. There is supposedly no ending. You keep repeating the same tasks until you are bored, rich, or reaching an hypothetic level cap. While i don't like that kind of gameplay, i respect that they tried to do something different than the usual mods. Although, one could say that those mods were made obsoletes by Fonline, which provide a lot more repeatable activities and use Fallout assets. And if i am not wrong, some of the Fonline versions can be played offline as well.
About Wasteland Merc 1 : This first episode introduces most of the gameplay concepts and features more *towns* than the sequel. Although, the dungeons are much smaller and many npc refuse to talk to you if your level isn't high enough.
Additionnal note : Haris & Miran also made a small addon called Black Market, which add one location, in which a couple of traders just want to sell overpriced stuff. Also, traders can no longer be looted or stolen.

Wasteland Merc 2
Author : Haris & Miran
Version : Unknown (probably 1.1)
Release date : 2005
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Polish
Official Website : (Defunct but archives exist) - 1
NMA thread : 1 - 2
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Short summary : Instead of having a definite goal, you are a merc who perfoms random tasks to make a living.
About the series : After introducing level scaling in Second Apocalypse, Haris & Miran introduces radiant quests, ten years before Bethesda. While their first mods seems more like experiments, Wasteland Merc 1 & 2 are full blown Total Conversion, with a lot of locations and npc, and they had their own fanbase. Although, one should be warned that the gameplay is very different than Fallout 1 & 2. Instead of doing quests and exploration to move forward the plot and change the gameworld, those two mods are more focused on doing repeatable content, like some MMORPG. You usually have two kinds of locations. Dungeons full of enemies and loot, that reset when you leave them, and some excuse towns that containts roughly three kinds of npc. Flavor npc with floating lines, traders who barter stuff, and quest-givers that always ask for the same kind of item, that you usually find in dungeons. There is supposedly no ending. You keep repeating the same tasks until you are bored, rich, or reaching an hypothetic level cap. While i don't like that kind of gameplay, i respect that they tried to do something different than the usual mods. Although, one could say that those mods were made obsoletes by Fonline, which provide a lot more repeatable activities and use Fallout assets. And if i am not wrong, some of the Fonline versions can be played offline as well.
About Wasteland Merc 2 : The sequel features less towns, but more dungeons, bigger and more varied dungeons, more markets and introduces mining sites. It also introduces more features like crafting, mining, fishing, hunting, cooking, and random loot. There is no hunger system, but food is needed for healing wounds.
Additionnal note : There is a lot of addons for Wasteland Merc 2. Those are all included in the first download link. The cyborg patch (which fixes one npc) and the Fast Cooking mod by Macros (which allow stacking of cooking order) are both included on the later updates. Those updates are the The Vault net addon, then the 1.1 patch by Cubik2k. Both add bug fixes and several features. Lastly, you can add a patch by Cubik2k to remove the *talking* heads if you consider them too ugly.
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Additionnal quests and locations
(The new quests, locations and adventures are added on top of the vanilla plots)

Fallout 1 FIXT

Author : Sduibek - FIXT team - Fallout Community
Version : 0.81
Release date : 2010-Ongoing
Engine : Fallout 1 (might migrate to Fallout 2 engine)
Languages availables : English, Spanish, Czech, French, Russian.
Official Website :
NMA threads : 1 (might as well count as official website)
Download links : 1 - 2 -
Other links : 1 - (and numerous others websites)
Short summary : This mods fixes issues with the Fallout vanilla game, add new features and some new content.
Short review : Being a modification of the first Fallout vanilla game, it is not really a new adventure on its own, but it would be a bit unfaiir to not mention it considering the huge improvements it brings to the base game. Even if it is the 0.81 version and Sduibek intend to add many new features, the mod is fully playable from the beginning to the end. It fixes many bugs, add a few more feature to run the game more smoothly on modern computers, and bring back some of the contents intended by the developpers, but cut before the release. As for the main quest, it is pretty much the same as the base game. It also come with a *fixes only* version.
Additionnal note : You might have also heard of the restoration mod or the update mod, two other projects which had similar goals. Most of their content is already included in the FIXT and the rest willl follow.

Fallout 2 Restoration Project
Author : Killap - Restoration Project team - Fallout Community
Version : 2.3.3
Release date : 2007-Ongoing
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Russian, Polish, German, French
Official Website : 1
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Other links : 1 - 2 - (and numerous others websites)
Short summary : This mods fixes issues with the Fallout 2 vanilla game, add new features and some new content.
Short review : Being a modification of the second Fallout vanilla game, it is not really a new adventure on its own, but it would be a bit unfaiir to not mention it considering the huge improvements it brings to the base game. It fixes many bugs, add a few more feature to run the game more smoothly on modern computers, and bring back some of the contents intended by the developpers, but cut before the release. As for the main quest, it is pretty much the same as the base game. Although the number of new locations, new npc, new quests and new ways to solve the already existing quests, is impressive. The mod brings back many small satellite locations and quests that are meant to blend smoothly with the base game. There is also two medium settlements and a pretty big dungeon that can stand on their own feets, content-wise. It also come with a *fixes only* version.
Additionnal note : Some of those locations, like the Abbey or the EPA are also available to download separately.

MIB88 Megamod
Author : MIB88 - MIB Team
Version : 2.47.3
Release date : 2006-Ongoing
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Russian, Czech
Official Website : Unknown
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Short summary : This mods add a lot of new features, locations and contents into Fallout 2.
Short review : While Killap's Restoration Project tries to focus on contents that reflects the informations we have about the developpers original intends, MIB88's Megamod tries to make your Fallout 2 experience as long, as rich and as diverse as possibe, by adding much more community content. With such an high goal, expect numerous updates and fixes, each time the modders get new ideas or catch up some pesky bug. Also, expect a few more glitches than Restoration Project, at it has more contents to handle. If you enjoyed Fallout 2 and plan on doing several playthrough, it is most likely that you will try Restoration Project for the second time, and MIB88 Megamod for the third time.
Additionnal note : It already includes other locations mods, like Alternative Life by Avega and Mynah, Bunker 21 by Lich, Cold Hearth by Chris Parks and Dude101, Colly by Sokil, EPA by Chris Parks, New Vision by TeamX, New Year mode by TeamX, Primitive Tribe by Chris Parks, Vault 14 by Austin, Vault 23 by TeamX, Dominion by Pavel, Abbey by Skynet and Shadowbird, BOS Addon by Den Baster, Shania of Arroyo by Endocore, Carson City, and A letter From the Past. Those mods won't be mentioned as separate entries, but they are also available as separate downloads.

Global Mod
Author : Akkella
Version : 2.46
Release date : 2008-2017
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian
Official Website : Unknown
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Short summary : A russian alternative to Megamod.
Short review : Like Megamod, it add many community content into Fallout 2. Some are similar to Restoration Project and Megamod and some are different. It has crafting, item durability and hunger system, and more focus on survival in the wilderness. There was some talk of an english translation. I hope that idea is still a possibility.

Fallout 2 Setting Improvement
Author : Human Shield
Version : 3.00
Release date : 2004
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1 - 2
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links : 1 - 2
Short summary : This mod aim to bring a more believable Fallout 2 experience.
Short review : While other mods like Megamod or Global Mod seek to add some content into the world of Fallout 2, this one seek to remove or replace the more controversial content. Less magic, less talkative animals, less gangster coming from the 1930s, etc... It aims at a more realistic experience than what the dev actually put in the games. The changes are usually subtles, but noticeable.

Fallout 2 Survivor MOD
Author : Lisac2k
Version : 1.02c
Release date : 2005
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Russian, Polish, French, German
Official Website : Defunct
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3
Short summary : The main idea is that you can go through the whole game using only one class of weapons.
Short review : It is more a rebalance mod than a plot mod, but i makes a couple of changes in the gameworld, and produces a widely different game experience.

Mack_The_Knife's Deep Gameplay Impact Mod
Author : Mack_The_Knife
Version : Uknown (Presumably 1.00)
Release date : 2002
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA threads :
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Other links :
Short summary : Lethality cranked up to eleven.
Short review : It doesn't change the plot, but provides a widely different game experience. The concept is simple. The player character and the NPCs have much less hit points, while the weapons do much more damage. Existe in two packages. A data folder or a .dat file.

Sanchez Mod
Author : Sanchez
Version : Uknown (Presumably 1.00)
Release date : 2006
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Spanish
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Another rebalance mod.
Short review : New weapons, stronger enemies.

Economy and combat rebalance Mod
Author : Phobos2077
Version : 0.6.2
Release date : 2010
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Another rebalance mod.
Short review : Many changes in weapons, economy, enemy behavior, crafting etc... It requires Fallout 2 Restoration Project.

FO2 Mechanics Overhaul Mod

Author : JimTheDinosaur
Version : 0.8
Release date : 2013
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Another rebalance mod.
Short review : Many changes in weapons, economy, enemy behavior, crafting etc... One version requires Fallout 2 Restoration Project but you can also download another version compatible with unmodded Fallout 2.

Fallout : Oblivion Lost

Author : Rainman & Gumych
Version : 1.02d
Release date : 2009
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Russian
Official Website : 1
NMA threads : 1 - 2
Download links : 1
Other links : 1 - 2
Short summary : The Zone, from Stalker, is taking root into the US west coast Wasteland.
Short review : This crossover between Fallout and Stalker is both an adventure on its own and an addon for the Fallout 2 quest. The whole plot line is added into the gameworld, allowing you to revisit familiar locations, while most of the new locations are gathered in the same area, the new Zone. Considering the difficulty of navigating into the Zone, it is likely that you will visit other locations first, to get more gear and XP. Plotwise, mixing Fallout 2 quest and Oblivion Lost quest doesn't seem a great move. You have two extremely different plots in the same worldmap, with some gameplay difference, and have to accept the premise that there is a ton of russian stalkers exploring the west coast, and that somehow, the chosen one can speak russian (dialogs are translated) . I have yet to finish this mod, but so far, the writting isn't that great and the path can often be confusing. On the other hand, it is very exploration oriented, with some huge maps, full of dangerous hazards, and mysterious secrets. It also introduces a couple of new gameplay features, like the anomalies and artefacts, and a couple of new enemies. It also put a greater emphasis on radiation than the main game. The authors of this mod also made Olympus 2207. For better graphics, it is recommanded to use BOTH Mash's high-res mod AND Galogen's DirectDraw Compatibility Tool.

Home Sweet Home
Author : Horusxav
Version : 1.1
Release date : 2016
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Add a mansion near New Reno, for the player to acquire.
Short review : While not mindblowing, it does its job and provide a nice and and comfy place to rest after an hard battle. Also comes with a little quest involving an usually overlooked faction. Optimal compatiblity with Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3.

Fallout Restoration Project map changes
Author : Nineeva
Version : Uknown
Release date : 2017
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English (no additionnal dialogs)
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Add buildings to make cities a bit bigger
Short review : There might be a couple more of generic npc, but it is mostly about buildings. It requires Fallout 2 Restoration Project.

Harry as NPC
Author : Skynet
Version : 1.0
Release date : 2008
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Add Harry, the dumb super-mutant from Necropolis, as a companion for Fallout 2.
Short review : Harry joins you at Arroyo. He is voiced. Use an unused companion script, so he can be mentioned as doc by some npc. No additionnal plot.It requires Fallout 2 Restoration Project.

Underground Base
Author : Budz
Version : 2.0
Release date : 2010
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA threads : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Add a dungeon in Fallout 2.
Short review : This mod supposedly add an huge six lfloors dungeon full of super-mutants. I would have loved to try it, but that mod has compatibility issues that i have hard time solving. According to Budz, you have to install the 1.2 US patch and the city limit before installing the mod. I could launch the mod, but i couldn't manage to enter the place. I will still put it there, as it is supposed to be a complete mod, not a demo. We just need to find a way to make it work.
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While Fallout 1 & 2 engines are the most frequently used to make community games with the gameplay and asset of the classics, they aren't the only ones. Many other engines were built from the ground in order to work around the original engine limitations. Other were already existing engines repurposed to fit with fallout gameplay. Some were never finished. Most didn't add more content than what was already included in the classics.

The most important and successful of those engines is FOnline. Not only the engine was playable and played, it also led to the creation of new worlds, quests and adventures, and pushed the limitations of the original engine, by adding 3D critters, real-time, and many interface improvements. While it does allow the creation of single-players campaigns, which led to the success of that engine for at least a decade was the ability to create mutiplayers servers. It even reached the point that some people believe that FOnline is just one or several servers and not the engine itself.

It would be very difficult to provide an hexaustive, accurate and especially up to date situation of individual servers. New servers keep be created all the time, while other ones slowly die. Those which keep existing suffer from the occasionnal server wipes, which erase all players, wealths and data to start anew. And those which don't wipe are still dependant of an ever changing playerbase and always get some smaller updates. So, any informations about them are bound to change too fast to keep tracks. And, of course, as you are sharing the gameworld with other players, it is not possible to save your game and reload a couple years later. (unless you downloaded one of the released source code and host your own server for yourself) For all those reasons, i won't give too detailed informations about those servers. If you wish to go further, you can check the english speaking or russian speaking websites for FOnline development.

Otherwise, it should be noted that the first server was created by CVET (creator of the engine) in 2008. People know it as The Life After or FOnline port 4000, and it took place in Fallout 2 gameworld. In 2009, a team called The rotators created anothed another server called FOnline 2238, and it took place in a gameworld that merged the locations of Fallout 1 & 2. Those two servers were the most famous servers in the FOnline early era. They are both closed now and released their source code. They also form the basis from which laters servers built upon... Which means that most servers essentially features familiar locations. That is not saying that there a no new locations, but the major ones are already known by the Fallout playerbase. On the other end, those locations are mostly rewritten to feature new quests, new traders, new ressources and new gameplay options like Town Control. Also, the real-time and the presence of other players and factions create a very different experience. A couple of server also try to create new gameworlds, with stories taking place in other locations of the known world.

Most server names start with "FOnline". It seems unecessary to mention it each time. Some mods are still active and playable in english. Many more are dead or only playable in russian. Check current status here.

Servers based on the classic locations :
The Life After : Source Code -
FOnline 2238 : Moddb - Wiki - Source Code -
Aftertimes : Website - Forum - Wiki -
FOnline 2 : Website - Forum - Wiki -
Forever : Moddb - Thread on fodev -
Reloaded : Website - Forum - Wiki - Source Code -
Requiem : Website - Forum - Wiki -
TLA (The Life After) MK2 : Website - Forum - Wiki -
Too Much of Heaven \ Goon Haven : Forum -
Fo4YouTM : Website -
Return of the Chosen One : Russian Thread -
Desert Conflict : Forum -
Survivors : Thread on fodev -
EL - Website -
New Asylum - Website - Thread on fodev -
Just Life : Forum -
Last Hope : French Thread -

Servers based on new locations and\or assets :
Arcanum Reborn Riverrise : Website - Youtube video -
Ashes Of Phoenix : Website - Forum - Wiki -
Australia : Moddb -
Last Frontier : Website - Forum - Impressive video -
Desert Europe : Thread on fodev - Source Code -
The Last Stand : Thread on fodev -
Racial Wars : Moddb - Source Code -

Other servers :
Battle Royale : Thread on fodev -
Battleground : Thread on fodev -
Vault 112 : Thread on fodev - Source Code
Next Day : Website -
The New Future : Website -
Origins : Thread on fodev -
Battle of the Fallen : Russian Thread -
Wasteland 2155 : Thread on fodev -
Equilibrium : Thread on fodev -
Teleport : No link.
Fallout Tactics Online : No link.

Other Engines

While FOnline led to the creation of new worlds to explore, many other engines were either unfinished or simply porting the original campaigns on the new engines. Few new adventures were made, which give those engines little significance from a player standpoint. So i won't dwelve much further into the history and contents of those engines, and will only give you a couple of links to look for yourself. It one of them raise to prominence, i will extend on them. And if new adventures are made, new entries will be created, amongs the Total Conversions and in devellopment projects.

Faltergeist (last update in 2018) : NMA thread - Website - Wiki - Source Code -
IanOut (very resilient vaporware) : NMA section - NMA thread - Source Code - Other -
FIFE (some dev worked on IanOut) : NMA thread - Website -
Zero projekt (game project on FIFE) : NMA thread - Wiki - Youtube channel -
DarkFO : NMA thread - Source Code -
FalloutX : NMA thread - Shamo thread - Website -
Fallout Evolved : NMA thread -
Fallout Unlimited Zero : NMA thread -

Unfinished or Abandoned mods

Ardent's Mod
Author : Ardent
Version : 1.00.8.
Status : Supended
Release date : 2009 (demo)
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3
Short summary : While looking for a piece of pre-war technology in a Fallout Shelter, you get cornered by members of a mysterious organization called *The Cartel*.
Short review : This must be one of the bests, if not the best demo for a Fallout 2 mod currently available. Instead of taking the mod at a random step of development time and release it as it is, Ardent chose to put his mod in a better light possible by disabling unfinished town and content, and embark the player in a mostly self-contained plot\location that features the strenghts of the mod. From the get go, you can take a widly different path, depending on your choices of dialogs, loyalty or your overall ability to observe and adapt. Player's freedom, choices and consequences, are not just words in this mod. I even tried to think outside the box to see if the develloper thought about this option or that option, and i wasn't disapointed. Also, the writting, the level design and the couples of new ways of interacting with the game contribute to an unique experience. The atmosphere can be sad and bleak, but not humorless. I also noted a couple of nods to some Fallout sequels and other mods (those might not all be on purpose) that were hilarious in insight. Also, the most obvious path for this plot will force you to rely on your guile and patience, as most combat situations would be pure suicide if you dared to try. That feeling of helplessness is extremely welcomed. As for now, in 2018, the devellopment on this mod is currently suspended. Ardent, the main author, is heavily involved in the devellopment of Mutant Rising, a pretty big mod for Fallout 2, by a big team of veterans developers, like .Pixote, Lisac2k or Wild_Qwerty. We are all eagerly waiting to try on both of those mods when they will be finished.


Author : TeamX
Version : 1.01
Status : Abandoned.
Release date : 2003
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Russian
Official Website : None
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : An alternate version of Arroyo, with a few changes at Klamath.
Short review : Traps were changed at the Temple of Trials. The trials takes your character stats into account. Some new quest at Arroyo. A bigger mod was initially planned, but this version doesn't go further than that. It seems that you can't save your game.

Author : Den Baster
Version : Unknown
Status : Unknown
Release date : 2002
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian
Official Website : Unknown
NMA thread :
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Fallout unoficial training ground.
Short review : This mod consist in an empty map in which some opponents regularly spawns, so you can train yourself by fighting them. Supposedly, enemies become more numerous and better geared as you level up, but i didn't have the patience to wait for it.

Black Steel 1
Author : Lich
Version : 1.70
Status : Abandoned.
Release date : 2005
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, Polish
Official Website : None
NMA thread : 1 - 2
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : The goal was to do an alternate version of Fallout 2, much like 13V was an alternate version of Fallout 1 quest.
Short review : Sadly, there isn't that much playable content here. Those littles maps are included in the Fallout 2 worldmap. And the sequel demo, which has its own worldmap, features even less content.

Chronnicles of Riddick\Desert Duty\Mad Max Return
Author : ArekBalcerzak
Version : 1.1
Status : Abandoned.
Release date : 2008
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : A mix of English and Polish
Official Website : None
NMA thread : 1 - 2 - 3
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links :
Short summary : The premise seems to be a crossover between Fallout, Mad Max and Riddick.
Short review : The criminals of the Wasteland have been captured by the Enclave and must pass some sort of tests. I wasn't able to do much, considering the mix of english, polish and *error* in the dialogs. Weidly enough, there are several versions of the mod, all having different name, but all seemingly featuring the same weird content.

Dangerous Quest! 1 & 2

Author : Lich
Version : 1.6 & 2.8
Status : Two chapters released, then abandoned.
Release date : 2007
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA thread : 1 - 2
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links :
Short summary : A Klamath drunkard manage to go through the temple of trials alive. The villagers think he is the chosen one.
Short review : This mod consist on an alternate version of the beginning of Fallout 2, with more humor and a bit of insight. Unfortunately, only the alternate version of Arroyo, Klamath and the Den were made before the author stopped working on this mod. Technically, those are two episodes, the first one and the second, but the maps and quests that we see in the first one are also included in the second one. Yet, the author called them episode 1 and 2, and so they are mentioned as such.

Dark Times
Author : Cpunk
Version : 1.0 Alpha
Status : Abandoned.
Release date : 2004
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA thread :
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : An attempt at an alternate version of Fallout 2.
Short review : This demo is the beginning of some attempt to do some modification of the Fallout 2 plots. From what i can see, there are new npc here and there. Most of them don't react when the player character tries to interact with them. I didn't try to play it further, as i didn't want to replay the entire game to see the few changes here and there. Beside, i am not sure what the author ultimately planned. But this is definitely a playable demo, with stuff all over the place. Just lacking the relevant scripts...

Fallout 1 ported into Fallout 2 engine

Author : Sduibek - Jordan - Darek - Fallout Community
Version : Unknown
Status : In slow development.
Release date : 2007-Ongoing
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English (might be compatible with other localizations)
Official Website : None
NMA thread : 1 - 2
Download links : 1 - 2 - 3
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 -
Short summary : As the title may suggest, this mod aim to port the original Fallout content into the Fallout 2 engine.
Short review : That port may not seem much important from a player perspective, as both engines seem similar and the original Fallout plot is already playable on the Fallout engine. Beside, the current version of the mod is not feature complete. Yet, that port might prove very helpful in increasing the potential of modding the original Fallout content, as many things that were hard-coded (like the number of locations) will then become moddable. Also, many Fallout 2 features like companion control, drivable vehicles, town reputation etc... Will take effect in the world of the original Fallout. First version of the mod was released around 2007 by Jordan, then the development was resumed by Darek and Sduibek, with the help of other members of the Fallout Community. Sduibek is also the author of the FIXT and claims that the FIXT development will someday continue on this port. As Sduibek is already quite busy with the FIXT itself, expect a slower development of this port

Author : A russian team
Version : 001
Status : Abandoned
Release date : 2014
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian
Official Website : Unknown
NMA thread : 1 -
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links : 1 - 2
Short summary : An attempt at bringing Van Buren into the Fallout 2 engine.
Short review : The project was active for several years, bringing hope for finally bringing Van Buren to light. Unfortunately, despite the ressources shared with the community, the demo itself is quite short. A huge prison to escape for, with a couple of quests and some new HUD features, and that's it. Let's hope that some future attempts will escape the Van Buren curse.

Author : Kinten - Oxeye Game Studio
Version : 1.0
Status : Demo available. Abandoned.
Release date : 2008
Engine : Fillauth Engine
Languages availables : English, Russian
Official Website : 1
NMA thread : 1 - 2
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links : 1
Short summary : This is a demo prototype made for a demake competition. It is an attempt to build a Fallout game seemingly using the technology of the early 1990s. The creator didn't continue this project afterward.
Short review : While taking some distance with the game we are used to play, this demake strangely manage to bring the feeling of playing a Fallout game with some blurred eyes. Considering the game itself is mostly a prototype, you won't be able to make any satisfying progress in your quest. On the other hand, spending an hour or two playing this prototype is an experience on its own. I also come with its own map editor if you feel inspired by it.

Last Hope 1
Author : Forgotten Knight, Silent Runner
Version : Unknown
Status : The full mod was released
Release date : 2006
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website :
NMA thread :
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : You visit a post-apocapoclyptic small town and try to solve their problems.
Short review : Considering the name and the fact that Forgotten Knight is involved, this demo is likely a prototype for the Total Conversion Last Hope mentioned in another entry. Yet, the town featured here doesn't appear in the finished mod. It has a dozen of npc and a couple of small quests.

Mutants Rising
Author : Nuclear Winter Studios
Version : 1.01
Status : In Development
Release date : 2011 (demo)
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English, French(demo)
Official Website : 1
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1 - 2
Other links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Short summary : It has been 8 years since the chosen disapeared. Dear old Cassidy wishes to embark you on a quest to find out his whereabouts. But some unexpected event comes to question those plans.
Short review : If the demo features only a couple of locations, the goal of this Total Conversion is to provide you with a whole new open-ended adventure into the Wasteland, that allow to revisit post-apocalyptic Nevada, years after the chosen one quest, while uncovering new mysteries. The demo itself features the town of Elko, founded by the chosen one and his companions, and inhabited by Vault 13 dwellers and Arroyo villagers. Elko isn't the heaven that the chosen that we thought New Arroyo would be, and has to face its own set of problem, including the envy of some outside forces. The mod also features new sceneries and critters, while, building upon the strenght of Fallout 2. Some modding veterans, like .Pixote, Aguirre, Soda, Lisac2k or Wild_Qwerty are involved in the development of this mod.

New Arroyo
Author : Jargo, Cubik, Sir.Calleb and Silencer
Version : Alpha 7
Status : Abandoned.
Release date : 2005
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : English
Official Website : None
NMA thread : 1
Download links : 1
Other links : 1
Short summary : The villagers of Arroyo and the dwellers of Vault 13 used the GECK to build New Arroyo. Some years later, you come back to visit the place.
Short review : If you even wondered what New Arroyo would look like, here is some answers.
The city is big, full of life, full of technologies and recreational areas. There is a lot to visit, and a lot to talk with npc. This is the perfect location to spend time after you finished your Fallout 2 playthrough. So you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. On the other hand, there isn't that many quests or things to do. That mods is exposition heavy, but as an epilogue, there no more goal to achieve. Beside, according to the authors, the mod was 80% finished and it wasn't tested before the release of the demo. So you might encounter some bugs or some missing contents. But that mod is worth the try. There is so much already in it. Hopefully, someone might finish it someday and include it in some bigger mod... If we get lucky...

Novoe Arroio
Author : I.D
Version : 1.5
Status : Unknown
Release date : 2009
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian (not an issue)
Official Website : Unknown
NMA thread :
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Your quest to find the GECK starts with a bunch of useful assets.
Short review : This mod is one of the many *cheat* mods that you can find on the internet. Those mods, that i won't cover there, usually consist of adding a bunch of free gear lying on the floor of Arroyo, Klamath or the toxic Caves. Most of those are labelled as mods, but don't bring anything other than what a savegame editor usually offer. This one goes a bit further. Enough to earn an entry on this guide. It reshapes the whole village of Arroyo into a huge Brotherhoord of Steel styled building. The npc have the same script, but different skins and stats. Beside, you also get to choose amongs a bunch of obediants followers shaped like Horrigan, robots or creatures that you wouldn't usually have as allies. Don't expect any kind of meaningfull dialogs. You can only give them basic orders, like robots. It is mostly a cheat mod after all. Also, it is labelled as a russian mod, with a russian Read-me, but it doesn't seem to create any new dialogs. So it works quite well in english. Although, some npc seems a bit unresponsives.

Running for Geck
Author : KeMLeR
Version : Unknown
Status : Unknown
Release date : 2004
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian
Official Website : Unknown
NMA thread :
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : Another reshaping of Arroyo.
Short review : The Temple of Trial is reshapped into a bigger map with more critters while arroyo is a bit more modern city, with mostly the same people, plus an handful of new faces. There are other modified maps, but i crashed while attempting to reach the bridge of Arroyo.

The Threat
Author : APA workgroup
Version : 1.4
Status : Unknown
Release date : 2004
Engine : Fallout 2
Languages availables : Russian
Official Website : Unknown
NMA thread :
Download links : 1
Other links :
Short summary : A Total Conversion project supposed to take place 35 years after Fallout 2.
Short review : The version i tried didn't seem to contain that much of the planned content. So far, you can explore the New Arroyo, an more modern version of the city we are used to explore. A couple of location like the Toxic Cave, are also altered. Sadly, it doesn't go much further than that.

Mods with no sufficient playable content

Might release something one day :

Fallout: Sonora
Author : Nevada Band Studio
Engine : Fallout 2
Links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Informations : A new project announced in 2017, by the team behind Fallout of Nevada, one of the biggest mods for Fallout 2. The mod should take place at the border between the US state of Arizona and the Mexican State of Sonora. Few informations were released so far as the developpers didn't feel ready to announce too much at that point. Considering what they achieved with Fallout of Nevada, it is very likely that the mod will be released at some point, but don't hold your breath too much for now. Only about 30% of the content was made so far. In order to finish it, polish it, translate it from russian to english, and polish the translation, it might very well take more than a decade. Still, when the day will come, you will most likely not regret it.

FOnline: Ashes of California
Author : John Porno
Engine : FOnline
Links : 1 - 2 - 3
Informations : The aims of this project is to feature most of Fallout 1&2 content as a single-player and coop real-time game, using the maps from FOnline: 2238 as a basis. The project is led by John Porno, one of main devellopers of FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix, one of the best FOnline servers ever. The project was announced in 2016, but little progress have been in the following years. Yet, it is a bit too early to bury the project. You can follow the progress on Trello.

Van Buren: A Fallout RPG Adventure
Author : Hexer - Van Buren Team
Engine : FOnline
Links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
Informations : You probably all heard about Van Buren, the codename for the Fallout 3 that was worked on by Black Isle, but cancelled before it was finished. Fallout: New Vegas draws heavily on its design notes, but made some changes along the way. Beside, the latter was made on the Gamebryo engine, which is of little relevance here. In 2013, Hexer, the project lead at the time, announced his intend to make Van Buren a reality, first on the Fallout 2 engine, then on the FOnline engine, once he got a cold answer from Bethesda. The project gathered much acclaim and seemed to be advancing pretty fast, with a huge team, several new assets (including new creatures and the famous desert ranger outfits), and a wish to fit in the same continuity of New Vegas. According to the news at the time, more than 50% of the intended content had been made during the first few years. Then, Hexer, the project lead, had to temporarily withdraw himself from the project, (he is still out) in order to focus on building his own video game company. His departure, and the departure of many others, considerably slowed down the project. Although, according to the new project lead announcement on facebook in 2018, what remains of the team is still active and willing to finish the job.

What remains
Author : Surf Solar
Engine : FOnline
Links : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Informations : This FOnline solo adventure is supposed to take place in the Midwest Commonwealth, an humid area, which consist of Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois, amongs other states. It aims to be a quite linear story, split in several chapters. The project is led by Surf Solar, a veteran of the FOnline community, and hosted on the rpg codex. Sadly, it seems that Bethesda, the owner of the IP, presumably sent the author a letter, telling him to not release it if there is some Fallout related content in it. Surf Solar claimed to have been removing Fallout related assets, and to have still been active in 2016. No official announcement have been made since then. It may be possible that the project has been cancelled, but considering that the author has been an active member of the FOnline community for years, it seems likely that he would make an announcement if it was the case.

Whispering Winds
Author : Lexx
Engine : Fallout 2
Links : 1 - 2
Informations : This project is some sort of sequel of Shattered Destiny, the mod released in 2007 by Lexx. Although, this project was officially announced in 2017, it always had been the author's intend to make more chapters of his story. While, technically, you don't have to play Shattered Destiny before this one, both mods takes place within the same continuity and feature several similarities. This new project is set in Utah, and should have a larger scope than the previous chapter.

Dead and buried :

Abbey 2 (parody) by Lich - Couldn't find any link to download it, or that much information. - 1
Ardin, Slim and Nomad Lore by Endocore - This mod existed, but can no longer be downloaded - 1
Awakened for Fallout 2 by Kevin Black's Unofficials - No playable content released - 1
Base mod by Ray - The game crash as soon as i try to enter the new location. - 1 - 2
Between good and evil by Destinero and Mr. Lizard - There were active for at least five years, saying that the mod almost finished, then went silent for much more years. It doesn't seem that they released anything playable - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Black Steel 2 by Lich - There is even less content than Black Steel 1 - 1
Bloodlust by Manzo - No sign of released content. - 1
Day of Blood by Shadowbeast - No download link works. - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Dust and Blood by Lich - There is a demo, but nothing to do - 1 - 2
E.C. Paris by Prometheus - A lot concepts, but not much to do in the demo. - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Enclave Rampage by Daimler and Red Isle Team - It seems that the mod existed at some point, but even the russian community no longer have working links. - 1 - 2
Europa map mod by czak_norris - Only changes the worldmap background. - 1
Fallout 2012 by ArekBalcerzak - The demo has no script. - 1
Fallout 2 New Life - No demo. - 1
Fallout Enclave Edition by Altairp - Only showed a couple of screenshots - 1
Fallout PnP by TeamX - The demo crashes as soon as it is loaded. - 1
Fallout Rise of Empires - No demo. - 1
Fallout Unlimited by Hi-Logik - It Never reached the demo - 1
Fallout2Collection by Prometheus - A map collection for modders. - 1
Fallout Zero by Chewie - Added a critter, but not much quests - 1
Fanout by Enderandrew - Only an announcement - 1
Fan Made Fallout - Several unfinished projects - 1 - 2 - 3
Fight for Freedom by Puniser and Red Isle Team - It seems that the previously available links no longer work. - 1 - 2
Fo2XP mod by dude_obj - Can't load the demo. - 1 - 2 - 3
FOnline Last Breath by Doon and Gass - Didn't release anything playable - 1
Funnymod by Orlangur - The mod doesn't seem to change a thing ingame. - 1
Glow by Lich - There is a demo, but nothing to do. - 1
Heart of South - No demo. - 1 - 2
Home mod_German by helios2000 - The small location crashes soon after loading. - 1
Huarenmod - Small chinese demo that features 3 npc - 1
Infinite Fall, by Ghoster, MarshallBry, Kao, Elensila and Yamasuka - It doesn't seem that they released anything playable. - 1 - 2 - 3
Le Prix du sang (The price of Blood) by Soifran - Demo lost so far - 1
L.I.M.O.N. - Didn't release that much - 1 - 2 - 3
New Threat - No demo. - 1
ngmod by FredTec - This mod add two location that crash even on the mapper. - 1
Project Black and White by XavierBlazer - There is a demo, but nothing to do. - 1 - 2 - 3
Red Dwarf mod by HudaJan - One map for testing characters animations. - 1 - 2 - 3
Some personal mod by Nirran. - Couldn't load the demo. - 1
Stalker Mod by PoLosaTbIy - Only showed a couple of screenshots - 1
Submarine Mod by Chris Parks - Might be already included in the restoration project - 1
Sweout mod Squad. - No demo. - 1
The Hearth 2255. - No demo - 1
The Tangut Prophecy by CathayanDragon - A single-player rpg set in medieval China and made on the FOnline engine. Showed breathtaking screenshot, but stopped devellopment before releasing anything playable. - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Toxic Mod by Wild_qwerty, Coljack and Jargo - The game crashes when i reach the new location. - 1 - 2
V73 by Antari - Add a small building with a ladder that leads to an empty map. - 1
Vault Tek Umbrella Corporation by Pavel - It seems that the previously available links no longer work. - 1
Wasteland Merc 3 by Haris & Miran - Just the intro and a map with nobdy. - 1 - 2 - 3
Yurop - No demo. - 1 - 2

To be added :

- Fallout of Nevada Crazy Edition
- Fallout Jackal by Foxx (there is a demo)
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Thank you for the link to Second Apocalypse and the reminder that there is no such thing as looking enough into the Drobovik database. Although, i hope that the old NMA download archive isn't lost. There was so much content in it. (with variable level of quality)

- Fallout 1 Demo, Fallout 1 FIXT, Fallout 2 Restoration Project, FalloutNow! EasterSpecial and Revenge of the Pong! are now added.
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I am wondering.

Are the files from the old download section dead forever or do they still exist somewhere ?

It might be interesting to resurrect some of them.
The download button in the archive can redirect to a www.nma-fallout link, but you can just exchange it for an archive.nma-fallout link to make it work. Like so: [in retrospect, leaving download links like this in the open might be a bad idea]
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I didn't manage to use PlanHex trick. I guess i will ask for links on a case-by-case basis if i have troubles.
(don't care much about all those cheat mods that just drop tons of overpowered items if Klamath or New Reno)
You exemple link ends with the name of a zip file.
When i search in the nma download archive and select a mod, my link ends with something like that *downloads.php?do=file&id=1338*, my link end with something like that *downloads.php?do=file&id=1338&act=down&actionhash=guest*. Sometime it downloads, sometime i get an error message. But i don't get a file name that i could use like your example link.

Edit: I can use that :
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I get it now.

What i called the error message was the link you modified. It contained the name of the file. Only had to add *archive.nma* there. I thought it was a generic page that would load at any situation where it wasn't possible to move forward, while in fact, it was an actual link with a file name. Sorry for being slow.
Holy shit, I totally forgot about the Easteregg special mod thingy. Maybe I should digg that up again and pimp it a bit for this year? Hm..
The second part of this post has been moved because i needed the third post of the thread to make a few changes. I will separate the total conversions and the mods that add locations to the main quest.

Any intel about other mods, languages availables, updates, or relevant informations would be much appreciated. Same for tips that would improve the presentation. (or correcting my non-native english)

There is also a sister thread in french for those who those who understand that language.

Putting this on hold for a week or two, for IRL reasons.
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It seems that a week or two turned into a year and half.

If everything turn out as the way it is supposed to, i should have a stable, but heavy schedule.
So i intend to resume the thread, but at a much slower pace.

Not only i have less time available than when i have started this, but i will also focus on bigger mods, bigger campaigns, so, hopefully, each of those should keep me occupied for a longer time.

So, as it will takes a while to be done anyway, it might be a good opportunity to make improvements if needed. So if you have any suggestions, any issues with how things are described or classified or have whatever comment, feel free to mention them. The whole point of that thing is to share it, and hopefully be useful.

I also will repeat that my intend is to actually finish those mods, first to have fun and discovery as a player, but also to provide a better knowledge of the mod. Sadly, when there are bugs or technical issues, i might have to abort before the end. Such is the case for the promising 13V, by lich, which i encountered a bug which prevent me to go any further. Any help would be much appreciated on this thread. Otherwise i will have to make a partial review of the thing. (for the time being. I really hope to come back to it when a solution is found.

Next adventure will be on the land of Oblivion Lost. It should last a while...

Edit: Fixed the issue i had with 13V. So i should play it first.

Added Shattered Destiny.

Also added the release dates. I've noticed that all of them were released after Fallout Tactics and most of them after the IP was bought by Bethesda. It seems like the modders only started to take the helm after there was no longer any hope for an official sequel with isometric perspective and turn-based combat. Too bad the attention stayed focused on the brand and not on those mods.
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Not really for me. It just took years to get stuff done, and Fo3 was no influence on it. It was especially time consuming because we had barely any tools, and lots of stuff needed to be figured out by yourself. I guess with my knowledge of today, I could make something like Shattered Destiny in one or two months of dedicated work.
That's a wild guess about the lack of sequel with Fo1-Fo2 gameplay leading to more mods. My memories of those times are blurry. (plus i think i've discovered the IP by the time of FoT release)

About the time to make the mod, i guess it would take less time with less struggle, but it would probably remains very time consuming.

Added 13V and Dangerous Quest!, both made by Lich.

The guy seems to have been already famous in the modding community when he made those mods. Yet, i can't find his other works so far... (maybe there was no other adventures. I saw he made a lot of arts)
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