Honest Hearts Question


First time out of the vault
Hey guys. I was wondering if you could help me before I decide to buy the Honest Hearts DLC. I have never purchased DLC for F3 or NV.

I'm currently level 25 and at the point where the main quest starts to splinter into factions.

Can I play Honest Hearts and complete the content there and then come back to the New Vegas area with the same character a few levels higher and pick up where I left off?

Or does the DLC branch from my save and end when it's done and I'll have the reload the save before I started the DLC.

I'm playing on the PS3 if that makes a difference.

Can I play Honest Hearts and complete the content there and then come back to the New Vegas area with the same character a few levels higher and pick up where I left off?

Of course, that's how all FNV DLCs work.

Dead Money also has two possible endings that end the game for real, but these are following your decisions at the end, so it will never happen because you have done action xy while playing the DLC.
Yeah. You'll probably gain a level or three, and come back with some awesome gear; look everywhere, as the best story so far is entirely optional and you can miss it without even trying.
outofthegamer said:
Wintermind said:
look everywhere, as the best story so far is entirely optional and you can miss it without even trying.
Are you talking about the Ghost of She side-quest?
I think he refers to the Survivalist.
ok, I was a little confused about that... maybe you guys can shed some light on that. I went to every possible place I could find, and only got 4 out of 6 of the survivalist's cache things. I must have not fully explored a few of the caves I went into.

Then during the final battle with the white-legs, i killed a tribal that was carrying a unique assault rifle called "The Survivalist's Rifle". Cool looking gun, but it uses 12.7 mm ammo... weird!

Then i thought "Wow, if I hadn't gone back to look for surviving tribals before going to the final scene with Joshua, I probably never would see that gun!". Am I just lucky? or is there another way to get that gun?

Wintermind said:
The ghost of she was totally bland. Take drugs, kill a bear.
but at least you get a unique weapon. Also, when I did that quest, I ran into Joshua on the way out to the ghost den, and he started speaking in cryptic scripture -- so the combination of visuals and crazy dialogue was pretty trippy.
Oh shit. You didn't find all the caches and a white leg had the survivalist's rifle? I thought the reason it wasn't in the bag was because I didn't find all the caches!
The survivalist's rifle will not appear in the bag sometimes, because nearby White Legs can grab and equip it. So if you're within proximity to the rifle, just go ahead and check the bag, then look for any White Legs if it's not there.
WelcomeToNewReno said:
Oh shit. You didn't find all the caches and a white leg had the survivalist's rifle?
Yeah, it was weird. I chose to take Joshua's side and kill all the White-legs; so down we go, along the river. Along the way, I remembered a foot-locker that had a "very hard" lock on it that I couldn't open before (at a ranger substation west of the river), but I had levelled up since then, and had my lockpick at 100.

So, I kept going down the river, to "Three Marys" and went down that curvy river area, killing white-legs. Then when I got to the cave entrance, I knew i was near the end, so I went back to the ranger station to open up that "very hard" foot-locker. (very dissapointing btw, a hunting rifle and some .308 rounds :cry: ) but on the way, I spotted 2 white-legs that somehow me and Joshua missed on the way south. One of them had the rifle.

Nevest said:
The survivalist's rifle will not appear in the bag sometimes.
Is the rifle supposed to be in the bag near the terminal with his last 2 entries? I assumed his 60th birthday entry (2113) and the other one after that, 10 years later (2123), must be his last 2 entries...
In my game, some White Leg had it. I was kinda curious why some random goon had a unique gun :D
Nevest said:

That's where it is, on top of the "bridge" shown in the pic.
damn, my work computer blocks that site! :cry:
And yes, i am at work on a Saturday :cry:

On top of that, i did something kinda stupid and was wondering if anybody can help. So, I get back from Zion with all the stuff they give you, plus a .45 pistol with a modified slide and a silencer (nice!) but when looking at my "Light shining in the darkness" in my inventory, I noticed it needed to be repaired...

So without even thinking about it, I hit the repair button and lost my modified 45 pistol. My last save was before doing A LOT of stuff, so I went back to Zion to see if I could get another .45 pistol and the mods for it. I think not. I checked all over. I found more .45 pistols in Joshua's cave, but nobody that sells the mods.

Anybody know where I can get more mods for this gun? I went to several vendors (vendortron, gun runner guy under the bridge at the 188, Blake at crimson caravan, Ralph, etc.) and nobody has it!!
Vendortron always seems to be carrying them for me. Check back in a few days, he'll have 'em. Failing that, buy some shit, sell some shit, leave, come back.
Courier said:
I think Vendortron restocks every week of game time.
All vendors re-stock on every Wednesday and Sunday (trust me, i have thoroughly tested this) but sometimes there is very little change in inventory after a restock.

note: all my testing was done before I patched my game, so maybe they changed it. My game was unpatched until last thursday.

on a side note: I just picked up the Alien Blaster for the first time in a patched game and, WTF! It has been mega-nerfed? I remember seeing a DPS of over 400 with that gun before... now it's at 144?? My energy weapons skill is at 17, but still, I know my energy weapons skill was not over 25 the last time I got this weapon. Anybody else notice this? I am uber-pissed, that was my Deathclaw-killer gun.
Doesn't it still get a critical hit every time though? The alien blaster is a lot better than its stats make it out to be, I killed the legendary deathclaw with it with three hits and an energy weapons skill of 25. :?
Courier said:
Doesn't it still get a critical hit every time though?
That could be the case... I just picked it up late last night, and have not tested it out yet. If that's true about it always being critical, then I definitely need to get the better criticals perk before I walk into a cave full of deathclaws.

The unpatched version saved my ass too many times to count; I hope this patched version will do the same. I mean how else would somebody attempt to clear out Dead Wind Cavern?? Gauss Rifle??

edit: this is starting to get very off-topic... I think i will take the AB with me to Zion and test it out on some Giant Green Geckos! those things are annoying!!
Holy Frag Grenades are pretty useful in both the deathclaw cave and the cazador cave. Now that I think about it, Mercy is probably awesome after the last patch. Time to make a trip to the deathclaw cave so I can test it out. :D