So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Ok, heres mine.
Up until the time I got FO I tended to dislike RPG's.
One day, I was looking at the bargin shelf and saw the Fallout/Fallout 2 dual jewl case, and te power armour looked coo, plus the general post-appc setting seemed cool, and it was only $10 for both, so I bought them.
I installed, and played them, an loved it.
Then I discoverd melting raiders with my turbo plasma rifle.
An once I got to FO2, I discoverd whoring out female PC's at the den.............
I just have to quote myself and laugh at my typos, and elaborate a bit.
It was the markdown shelf in a targets electronics section and I was tagging along with my mom and got her to buy me the 1&2 dual box for like ten bucks, possibly late '99 probably more mid 2000