For me personally, I stopped coping for the hope of a new good official Fallout game and started looking more towards the community. When you learn to let go of that misguided hope for a good new game amongst a bleak future, you'll see there are gems to be found all over. And hell, if a new good game DOES eventually come out, it will be even better since you didn't expect it.
Start looking more to the community, total conversion mods in development, fan fiction to read, write your own setting, start interesting discussions on here. I found that creativity is the best outlet for satiating that want for Fallout content. I may not be the greatest writer or world builder, but I still throw my hat in the ring.
And lastly, just remember that "canon" means nothing. Bethesda can make a million Fallout games, shows, movies, etc. and call them "canon" with Reddit behind their backs touting that word in your face. But no matter how bad Bethesda handles the series, it can't possibly take away from Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas because those games are still good as-is. You can dislike the changes to the franchise on a core level like a lot of us do, but don't let it sour your enjoyment of things that are good. For me, "canon" means Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas much like you said you enjoy, and no one can tell me otherwise.