I was under the impression that Charisma affected rank......

Excalibur Bane

First time out of the vault
However, it does not. With a CHA of 9, I only got the standard recruits for several missions. Equipment after each mission is identical to that of a person with an average Charisma of 6. Rank appears to be the same as well. So it appears the general belief that a higher Charisma is good, in regards to recruit quality and equipment availability is wrong.

Or perhaps I'm not doing something right? I can't think of what that would be though.

Anyone else experience this?
I've played FOT a hell of a lot, and I did notice differences when you lower your CH. With CH2 you can get three new recruits after the first mission, but they all stink since they are initiates (the only really good one is Trevor, imo, his Throwing skill combined with ST9 is quite usefull). With CH6 or more (I forget), you'll get to choose from 6 recruits after mission 1 and 3 of them will be senior initiates (great recruits like Rage and Rebecca!). With CH2 you'll only get a chance to recruit Rage and Rebecca after (I think) the third mission, which sucks since Rage's Awareness Perk and Rebecca's Lockpick skills are very usefull from the start of the game (I mean, that way you won't have to spend a perk on Awareness and you won't have to tag Lockpick - you can tag other skills, choose combat perks, whatever...).

All my experiences with FOT have showed me that CH DOES indeed influence the recruits pool. Some say it's your rank that does (and they might be right as well, but rank certainly isn't the only factor). CH also affects the skills and stats of the recruits, by the way.

So, in general, I would say that the CH of your character influences the amount of recruits in the recruits pool and the quality of those recruits (how good they are).

It's too bad it doesn't affect the availability of equipment, earlier. That would be an even more significant advantage. The FAQs should fix that part but I guess nobody really cares now. Game is getting pretty old :)
Re: True

Excalibur Bane said:
I guess nobody really cares now. Game is getting pretty old :)

Well that's a pretty ignorant thing to say on a Fallout fan site.

In a Fallout Tactics Help & Tech discussions section.

In a thread asking for advice on that very subject.

Not especially. Ignorant is when a person does not know better. So that term doesn't apply. If the FAQ writers and readers had cared, they would have found this simple anomaly long before now and updated it. Thus: Nobody really cares. It's not a big issue to have a typo in a FAQ apparently. Whatever. It doesn't really matter.

It has nothing to do with being in a Fallout forum or fansite. I'm just stating the obvious. It's old, and I doubt anyone can be bothered to go back and update an FAQ.
Excalibur Bane said:
Not especially. Ignorant is when a person does not know better. So that term doesn't apply.

You're quite correct. However, I would have to substitute another term. You weren't ignorant, you were just stupid.

If the FAQ writers and readers had cared, they would have found this simple anomaly long before now and updated it. Thus: Nobody really cares. It's not a big issue to have a typo in a FAQ apparently. Whatever. It doesn't really matter.

It would be nice to know which FAQ you're using to make such broad, generalizing statements about all of the FAQ writers. Remember, their job is to make it easier for the people too stupid or without the time to figure things out on their own.

It has nothing to do with being in a Fallout forum or fansite. I'm just stating the obvious. It's old, and I doubt anyone can be bothered to go back and update an FAQ.

Well, I doubt anyone is going to be helpful or bother wasting any more of their time on you after you've made that remark.

Good job!
I think your mistaking me for someone who gives a shit, Rosh. I've ran into far too many mod types like you before for you to be little more then a buzzing fly to me. :roll:

How people like you manage to get moderator a position says a great deal about this site and it's operators. Allowing a rude, arrogant individual like yourself to moderate a forum and do nothing but add mindless jibberish to each and every thread that you nearly post in is hysterical at best, sad at worst. You add absolutely nothing to half the posts you reply to, certainly nothing helpful. God forbid. You should take a trip over to the Battlecruiser forums, you'd fit in nicely over there. :lol:
Excalibur Bane said:
I think your mistaking me for someone who gives a shit, Rosh. I've ran into far too many mod types like you before for you to be little more then a buzzing fly to me. :roll:

Good, then you should leave by now. I really don't care to have my time and the time of others on this forum be wasted by some clueless idiot who is stupid enough to insult the very people they are trying to get help from.

We are not your parents, and judging from your attitude, I bet they didn't like you either.

How people like you manage to get moderator a position says a great deal about this site and it's operators.

How people like you got an ISP account says a lot for the world, in letting any self-serving moron to go online, fill out a form, and then spread their mental diarrhea onto a forum. It's such bullshit that "people like me" have to clean up after on a regular basis.

Allowing a rude, arrogant individual like yourself to moderate a forum and do nothing but add mindless jibberish to each and every thread that you nearly post in is hysterical at best, sad at worst.

Funny, I was merely pointing out where you were being an idiot.

I guess the fact that I was discussing your idiocy confused you into thinking it wasn't about you. That would also fit into your other apparent reading disabilities.

Also, let's not forget your previous thread, CHOCK FULL of idiocy. Remake Fo1 and Fo2 into the FOT engine. Dear god, boy, are you THAT dense? Not only does it show you have zero clue about game mechanics, it also shows that you have no in-depth familiarity with any of the games to really understand how that wouldn't really be possible. It wouldn't be practical, either, as you obviously fail to see that not many people would be interested. They liked the CRPGs, in the way they are, and tended to dislike FOT on more counts than just setting alone.

Sure, I'd like to see Fallout done with a better resolution, and I do wonder if something like a Super 2XSAI graphics engine would be good in giving it an updated look, it's done well in SNES games. Yet you showed no hesitation in carrying the retard flag when you displayed absolutely no clue about FOT in general. No clue about who made it, and obviously no clue about game development. No, like some total moron, you just saw "Interplay" on the box and thought Interplay made it, then posted your mental ejaculate upon the forum. Interplay was just merely what we call a "publisher". That is, if the copy of FOT had a box to begin with.

After that, you whine about "Sorry. Geez. I didn't know it was such a crime to ask a question." when that wasn't the point. You cross-posted and also posted something so incredibly stupid, I was about to delete it because it looked like a blatant trolling attempt. Now I'm convinced it wasn't a troll. You're just a fucktard.

Let's also not forget that you also posted that thread in the wrong forum. I bet you were just hoping that "Fallout Tactics" was enough and posted, or you might have figured that someone would come along and move your garbage without much of a comment. We're not your parents, kid. If I was, I'd find a nice patch of desert to plant you in.

Then you go ahead and make a blanket insult towards the users of this forum. From the sound of things, it looks like you purposefully went onto the BC forums and deliberately tried to irk them, despite their proclivity towards drama around Smart. Well, either that, or your natural stupidity was starting to show through. I have a feeling that wasn't the first time, either.

On top of that, your only involvement in this forum has to post a stupid thread, another thread that pointed out that you're pretty much completely ignorant about computer specs and required specs (good luck in trying to get anything other than shareware and pre-2000 games to run on your computer - bottom specs are never going to result in a good experience), and then you've made this thread. A thread in which, you've made blanket insults towards the people who do spend their time to mod and help people with a game that not many like (an insult to their dedication), you've also griped about "The FAQs" without even specifying which ones they were or their location.

That is where I verbally nail you in the head with a cluex4. So I've done my job. You just appear to be useless and furthermore nothing else but a waste of time for anyone to deal with. Frankly, with all the files you've needed and the other help (CHA has been said to help the advancement of rank by a few FAQs, not automatically give you more rank, and people other than you have noticed CHA have affect) and bugs that cropped up, it really sounds like you're using a pirated copy of the game.

You add absolutely nothing to half the posts you reply to, certainly nothing helpful. God forbid.

My job is not to serve you. If you think it is, then you're sadly mistaken, kid.

You've added nothing to this forum but a bit of sniveling and exhibit your antique of a computer, certainly nothing intelligent.

You should take a trip over to the Battlecruiser forums, you'd fit in nicely over there. :lol:

You should stick to AOL chatrooms, they are more your evident intellectual level. Go to them and enjoy paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool with the rest of the netnewbies.
Re: I was under the impression that Charisma affected rank..

Excalibur Bane said:
However, it does not. With a CHA of 9, I only got the standard recruits for several missions. Equipment after each mission is identical to that of a person with an average Charisma of 6. Rank appears to be the same as well. So it appears the general belief that a higher Charisma is good, in regards to recruit quality and equipment availability is wrong.

Or perhaps I'm not doing something right? I can't think of what that would be though.

Anyone else experience this?

My main character has a charisma of 9 and the brown noser perk. I could recruit Joe and Jim Grimm for Coldwater and after Coldwater and Great Bend I was General. What prerequisites do you have to meet to recruit Clarisse?
Wow you bumped one hell of an old thread. Damn you got general early. With CH of 8 I usually don't get it until the end of bunker delta/start of bunker epsilon. Anyrate, recruit availability isn't just dependent on rank; it also depends on what bunker/stage in the game you're at-i.e. You could start the game at Paladin Commander but you still won't be able to recruit mutant squaddies before bunker delta.
In the case of Clarisse, she becomes available at the start of bunker epsilon, assuming you do indeed have the rank of general.
Re: I was under the impression that Charisma affected rank..

My main character has a charisma of 9 and the brown noser perk. I could recruit Joe and Jim Grimm for Coldwater and after Coldwater and Great Bend I was General. What prerequisites do you have to meet to recruit Clarisse?

Thanks for clarifying that. I have just started my play throughout of FT with a character with Charisma 2. Before the final mission, his rank was 'Paladin commander'. I am now certain that CH does indeed affect rank, and if you start the game with a character with CH of 10, your starting rank is Senior Initiate, instead of Initiate.