(IC) World of Darkness: Hunter RP


The W'rkncacnter
You pass through the neon lit streets of Seattle in a green Mercury Mariner SUV, watching the lights of the various downtown buildings lit up at night pass by. The journey thus far has remained quiet, with not a word spoken as everyone is left to their own thoughts, gazing out the car windows or staring at some other object lost in thought. Though the ride is quiet, a mood of heavy anticipation hangs thickly in the air, dotted occasionally with nervousness.


Melvin is driving the vehicle, whilst George sits in the passenger seat with a half smoked cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, staring calmly out the window. The rest of you are sitting in the back seats, idly and quietly left with your own thoughts. The time; 7:50pm, just after sunset. The night is October 31st, 2010 - All Hallows Eve, and the city is a hive of bustling activity as the night streets fill with vehicles carrying passengers to and from their various destination. The date is mere convenience to your endeavors.

Your group has been in Seattle for a month now, after having spent the last four months in nearby California tracking the beast you currently hunt. It has turned out that is indeed a vampire, masquerading as a Seattle businessman "James LeMont" who takes frequent "business trips" and from the evidence you've collected is highly suspected to have ties to the human trafficking market in East Asia and the American west coast. Your surety of his true nature came when you caught a lucky break and were able to capture one of his agents in the city, a man who was serving LeMont and was undergoing the beginning process of ghoulification - the act in which a Vampire ensures their servants loyalty by blood addiction, small amounts of a Vampires blood can provide a rush far stronger than any drug, and an addiction far greater. After some "coercion", he spilled everything he knew - including important pieces of James schedule and his address. After the servant revealed what he knew, George put him out of his misery.

James has been out for the past week on one of his "business trips", and is due home tonight with his flight expected to arrive at 10pm. It's your plan to be waiting at his home for him to return, set up an ambush and kill zone somewhere in the home, and bring the bastard down. There's a small caveat here though... George doesn't want to kill him, not yet. He wants to incapacitate him, so he can be brought back to the safehouse and interrogated for information, possibly the whereabouts of other vampires. He figures it would be a good "learning moment".

After about a thirty minute drive, you've left the Seattle city area and have entered the outermost outskirts in which a upper class gated community lives, with enough space between the homes that you can just barely make out the lights of the next closest house in the distance. Thanks to thorough scouting the week prior, your group was able to locate an old, rarely used service road which bypasses the community's main gate entrance so as to further obscure your presence.

Upon reaching the old service dirt road, George instructs Melvin to kill the brights and only keep the dim headlights on.


A quick five minute journey following GPS instructions, and you find it. There it is, the house looming before you. The lair of the beast you seek.


You drive a bit closer to the home until you're about fifty yards away, in which case George instructs Melvin to kill the lights completely and park off on the side of the road, a small distance away. A quick cursory glance of the house also reveals another thing, however. There is a vehicle parked outside.

"Fuck." George says under his breath, a fresh cigarette clenched between his teeth.
"I surveyed this house everyday for a week and never saw a single car there... he could be home early...

...or, it could be another servant, possibly even an acquaintance. Could be a fuckin' housekeeper for all we know." George takes the cigarette from his mouth and looks over at the group.

"This changes the plan. We can't wait for this bastard to take another one of his 'trips', so it needs to be done tonight. Unfortunately for whoever might be in there, that also means we can't afford witnesses..."

He falls silent for a few long moments, then finally speaks. "We don't know if he's home yet, or if he is home that he won't try to flee the very moment he catches sight of us. Somebody's going to have to volunteer to go around into the backyard. Once there, you're going to need to watch for any cars pulling in, and make sure no one goes out the back door while we enter the house."

Before anyone can speak up, he immediately interjects and points to Melvin with the cigarette in his hands. "Not you. A house like this, and knowing the nature of it's owner, there's almost sure to be a goddamn security or house alarm system. I need you with us when we go into the house to disable the alarm."

George then peeks towards the back seat, cigarette alit in his mouth. "So... who's volunteering for watch dog?"
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I guess I can be on the lookout.
My eyes aren't very good since my face got destroyed, but I should be able to stop someone from getting out, especially by force if necessary.
George nods, and then reaches down to grab a small canvas bag. From it, he takes out five small short-length radios, handing one to Bob first, then to everyone else while keeping one for himself.

"This is how we're going to keep in touch. Only use it in the condition you find something particularly interesting, or are in danger."
He then draws everyone's attention to a small button on the top of the radio.

"This is the emergency / SOS button. If you press it, the small LED light on our radios is going to start flickering rapidly, letting us know you're in trouble."

George pulls the remainder of the cigarette from his mouth, which is naught but the filter, flicking it out the window before unsheathing another from his pack and lighting it. He then looks towards Bob.

"You're going to need to sneak into the backyard, we can't risk alerting anyone that might be home of our presence. Try to avoid being spoted from the first or second story windows."

George takes a long drag from his cigarette.

"Once you're in place in the backyard, let us know through the radio. That's when we'll start moving to the house. Once we're in, we'll unlock the back door for you to come in as well, we just need to make sure no one flees out the back the moment we're spotted walking up to the house. While you're waiting for us to unlock the door, keep a look out for cars coming down the road. If you think you're been seen or see anything, radio us."

Meanwhile, as Bob steps out of the vehicle to prepare to sneak into the backyard, George turns his head over to Ted.

"So Detective, got any hunches we should be aware of?"

(OOC: Risewild, how is your character going to do this? Also, roll a D20 check for your Agility stat to determine effectiveness of sneaking to the backyard. EDIT: Since your Agility is a solid 5, you'll just roll a D20 and that'll be your number, no bonuses or negatives applied).

(OOC: GM, also make a D20 roll against your perception [remember your Psychic bonus]. With your perception bonus and psychic ability, it's +4 to whatever you roll).

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Detective Stozak leans his head back a little bit, the nub of a cigarette barely hanging from his mouth.
*begins to ponder a bit*

Rolled a 13+4=17
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OOC: Roll Result - You're very aware that someone is home, but you can't tell who or what. However, you're almost 100% positive that someone's inside the house.
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After receiving the radio, Bob thinks about how he's going to do this.

I think I'm going to follow the fence and look for a good place I can climb it without drawing any attention. Then I have to sneak to the back door, trying to find any cover from those windows.

Rolled a 17
OOC: Roll Result - Success, you're able to infiltrate the backyard and hop the fence without drawing any attention to yourself.

IC: Staying far enough away of the light from the front yard, you stay as low as you can while you cross the dirt road to reach the bottom right corner of the fence, so far you've managed to stay out of sight. The fence is a black barred fence about 4ft high, with small dull points at the top.

From your position you crawl to the midpoint of the fence, successfully hopping over it with little noise. On the other side of fence you can get a good look at the first and second story windows on the houses eastern wall. All have their covers drawn, however you think that just for a moment, you were able to see the resemblance of a shadow move behind the closed curtains on one of the second story windows, though you can't be sure.

Moving forward, you successfully make your way to the back wall, near the backyard door. You're pretty positive nothing has spotted you on your way over, and all you need to do now is alert the team waiting in the car that you're in position via radio.

*** *** *** *** ***

Meanwhile, whilst Bob is sneaking into the backyard, and George awaits Ted's answer and Bob's radio call, he turns his head over to Melvin and instructs him to get his laptop out.

"Think you can figure out if there's an alarm system from here?" George coughs violently, before finally recovering and putting the cigarette back in his mouth to take another drag.


> Risewild:
You've successfully snuck into the backyard and now need to alert the team via radio that you're in position, and anything else you think they might need to know.
> Alphons: Make a D20 roll against your intelligence to see if you can detect an house alarms from your laptop. Your intelligence and computer nerd trait net you a +5 to whatever you roll.
Detective Stozak stares at the house, his eyes moving from window to window. looking for something, anything. then with a flash in the back of his mind is the image of a silhouette. the image just pulsates with his heart beat, he can't make sense of it but feels like it is obvious that something or someone would be there.
Hrmph.....There is somebody in there, who or what, dunno. But they are in there... somewhere.
*he removes the burnt butt of a cigarette from his mouth and drops it into the cold cup of coffee in the cup holder*
Caleb watches as Stozak does the trance thing again. He still didn't trust where those hunches come from, but he knew to trust them if only because he would be a bloodless corpse if not for those same hunches. While Bob snuck around the wooded area, and George coughed up another piece of lung tissue, Caleb decided to take the initiative in case anybody inside tried to make a run for it.

Hey George I'm thinking of disabling their car so the assholes can't make a run for it.

OOC: Sneak agility check to pop tires?
OOC: I rolled a 12 with 5 agility.
Melvin stopped biting on his nails and pulled out a cheap looking laptop without losing sight of the house. Typed something on it for a few minutes.

Won't be easy, they sure like their privacy and haven't left any obvious entries.

OOC: Rolled 8. +5 points. 13
OOC: I went ahead and bolded that with my super power.
OOC: Stratego time! So if we were to breach this the right way one or two of us needs to go in the front. If we have to we can all sneak in the back which would also be good due to a force multiplier. Either way I hope the person inside is not a good guy because I am popping their fucking tires.
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Bob uses the radio:
I reached the back door without a problem.
I think I saw someone or something moving on a second-floor window, but I can't be sure.

Bob positions himself, ready to stop anyone from getting out of the back door or storm through it in case of an emergency.
Melvin stares at the house scratching the back of his head.

How are we going to do it? Loud and fast or slow and stealthy? Question is- can we even surprise them?
We have plenty of cover from the woods. If the front is too well lit (it appears to be) we might not have much option but to sneak in the back. Let's see what your laptop says when it is done doing it's thing. Still popping them tires though.

Caleb finds some sunflower seeds in the side of the door and starts cracking away. Before long a pile of seeds is amassing around Melvin's feet.
OOC: @Alphons - Roll Result: Minor success, you're able to let George know that there is a house alarm active in the house. It's nothing fancy, but you can't disable it from here.
OOC: @TorontoReign - Roll Result: Partial success. We'll keep this in mind as we're approaching the house together.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The group sits waiting idly in the car as Bob slowly sneaks into the backyard. Melvin taps away on his laptop, before piping up:

Melvin: "How are we going to do it? Loud and fast or slow and stealthy? Question is- can we even surprise them?"

George turns his head. "The way I see it, with this many of us we're not going to be able to breach the house and stay quiet for long. That's why we're going to approach from two sides, Bob in the back and the rest of us through the front. We'll try to stay quiet for as long as we can, but the moment we're spotted we're going to need to be quick. The key thing here is-"

As George is talking, Ted finally lifts his head:

Ted: "Hrmph.....There is somebody in there, who or what, dunno. But they are in there... somewhere."

George looks towards the back seat. "You sure 'bout that detective? This asshole's flight isn't due in until 10:00 P.M. which (George checks his wrist watch) is an hour from now. Meaning if someone's in there... we're going to need to figure out who and more importantly... what to do with them." George's voice lowers to almost a mute. "Usually it isn't good".

Caleb, eating sunflower seeds in the back, joins in on the conversation:

Caleb: "Hey George I'm thinking of disabling their car so the assholes can't make a run for it."

George scratches his chin. "Hmm... that might be a smart move. Ok, we'll do that, but not yet. Wait until we all get ready to go into the house together, you'll take a short detour and then regroup with us when you're done".

George starts coughing violently once again, this time bringing a handkerchief up to his mouth, with the cigarette falling from between his lips and into the handerkerchief. When he pulls it away, Melvin thinks he can just barely caught the sight of blood in the handkerchief. George immediately pockets it, as Caleb weighs in further.

Caleb: "We have plenty of cover from the woods. If the front is too well lit (it appears to be) we might not have much option but to sneak in the back. Let's see what your laptop says when it is done doing it's thing."

George squints to try to make out what's in the distance, and then spots the treeline. He immediately waves his hand. "The trees are too far, look" (he waves his hand over the field between the tree line and the house). "If we were going to use the trees for cover, we'd all need to enter through the back door, which leaves the front open to escape. However, if shit goes sideways, which is always a possibility, we can escape through the trees".

Rain starts to sprinkle lightly on the SUV's windshield.

Just then, everybody's radio statics, following a whisper of a voice...

Bob: "I reached the back door without a problem. I think I saw someone or something moving on a second-floor window, but I can't be sure."

George immediately pulls his radio off his belt and pulls it closer to his mouth. "Understood Bob, wait there and keep an eye on the back door and road".

George looks to his compatriots in the car and starts throwing them each small bags with their equipment inside, "Looks like your hunch was right Detective. Grab your shit boys, we're headin' out". He turns his head to Melvin, "Time's up kid, whatcha got for me?"

At that moment, the small sprinkle of rain turned into a heavy downpour. A rainstorm.

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Active house alarm, but doesn't look like it's anything high grade. I could disable it once we're in.
Melvin looks out the window.
Heavy storm would be a blessing for what we're about to do. Hopefully it takes a while to clear.
George looks out his window. "Agreed. Hopefully it will mask our approach up to the house."

A moment of quiet passes by, as George checks his equipment, grabs his old M-16 rifle, and puts his Green Beret on.

He takes one last look at everyone to make sure they're ready, then nods. "Let's move."

As they approach the house, George points towards the vehicle parked in the driveway and looks at Caleb, who then separates from the group off in that direction.


OOC: Everyone except TR and Risewild, so just GM & Alphons make a roll against your agility stat.
Alphons it'll be +4 to your roll.
GM it'll be -1 to your roll.
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OOC: While we wait for GM to roll, we're quickly going to move over to @TorontoReign's point of view.
TR's roll was 12 (agility 5 so no negative appliers or bonuses), a partial success.

As George, Melvin, and Ted make their way up to the house, Caleb peers off to the left to the parked car.

Kneeling down on the east end of the car out of sight, he unsheathes his knife and plunges it into the two tires on that side, ripping downward to ensure they're out of action. As he moves around to the western side of the car where he is in view however, he thinks that just for a moment, he was able to spot someone on the second floor peeking out of the blinds. Due to the darkness and the rain, he couldn't get a look at the person, he only saw a very small opening in the blinds snap shut. Whether whoever was looking out of them saw him, or was just looking out into the distance, who can say. Hopefully the darkness of the night and the heavy rain obscured him.

Undeterred, he is able to successfully gut the remaining two tires without setting off any car alarm it may have had. This car isn't going anywhere.

He should probably start making his way back to the group. He can return to the main group without further incident, or risk being spotted by making his way over to Bob in order to back him up.

OOC: If you decide to rejoin the main group, then you can easily do that without further incident. If you decide to go find Bob and wait in the back with him until the main group unlocks the door, you need to make another D20 Agility roll. Note however that George and Melvin are fully expecting you to rejoin them as per the plan, not head towards Bob's position.
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Caleb uses the cover of the storm to make it back to the rest of the group.
They aren't going anywhere in that ride, George. Ready when you are.

OOC: I edited my name out of the OOC explanation. If you see a mod edit from now on it will be due to clarity not me monkeying with stuff haha.