Is it bad that I consider Bethesda Fallout's power armor to be canon?


T-65 Combatant!
I don't consider any interactions in most Bethesda Fallout's canon (I consider 3's major events canon like Project Purity, but that's it), but I do consider Bethesda's power armors canon, like T-60, X-01, Excavator, Hellcat, Ultracite, etc. Am I wrong to think this or is it plausible that these power armors might exist in the canon games?
I think the obsession with canon is because video games and movies have replaced the role of religion for the modern autist. None of the shit matters aside from getting you invested in the product. It is something that Star Wars popularized by namedropping a random place name and event in one line of dialog that happened off screen in between movies then selling that event as EXPANDED CONTENT which then became CANON.

Basically 76 shouldn't be canon due to all the dumb retcons (although there is nothing unsalvageable) but it is. If the entire fanbase says it should not be canon enough by hating the game enough (they haven't) Bethesda would disregard it like they did PoS. I used to get concerned more about canon until I really dove into games like Fallout and Baldur's Gate and Planescape a little more to see that the writing wasn't as good as I thought it was I was just young and didn't read as much. Fallout 2 ripping off modern day politics like Bill Clinton was just as bad as a lot of the dumb shit Bethesda did but it was passable because the game was still a real RPG instead of an action adventure game where you can do everything.
I think the obsession with canon is because video games and movies have replaced the role of religion for the modern autist. None of the shit matters aside from getting you invested in the product. It is something that Star Wars popularized by namedropping a random place name and event in one line of dialog that happened off screen in between movies then selling that event as EXPANDED CONTENT which then became CANON.

Basically 76 shouldn't be canon due to all the dumb retcons (although there is nothing unsalvageable) but it is. If the entire fanbase says it should not be canon enough by hating the game enough (they haven't) Bethesda would disregard it like they did PoS. I used to get concerned more about canon until I really dove into games like Fallout and Baldur's Gate and Planescape a little more to see that the writing wasn't as good as I thought it was I was just young and didn't read as much. Fallout 2 ripping off modern day politics like Bill Clinton was just as bad as a lot of the dumb shit Bethesda did but it was passable because the game was still a real RPG instead of an action adventure game where you can do everything.
Yes, 76 is not canon, but is the armor in 76 canon? I'm asking about material objects, not the retarded lore and lazy ass writing of Emil. Honestly canon doesn't really matter at the end of the day, and I guess it is pretty much just an autist's fever dream for them to argue over
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How can it? The properties are controlled by faceless boardroom executives that don't value artistic integrity they only want more money. 20 years from now the canon will be entirely different with even more retcons on top of retcons. What canon in recent memory has stayed untarnished? Anything that exists for more than a few decades will at some point no longer resemble the original concept much like any story really.

Long story short: You can imagine that sure because that is what Bethesda is trying to do for you. It just doesn't work for some of us since we know it really did not exist in 98.
How can it? The properties are controlled by faceless boardroom executives that don't value artistic integrity they only want more money. 20 years from now the canon will be entirely different with even more retcons on top of retcons. What canon in recent memory has stayed untarnished? Anything that exists for more than a few decades will at some point no longer resemble the original concept much like any story really.

Long story short: You can imagine that sure because that is what Bethesda is trying to do for you. It just doesn't work for some of us since we know it really did not exist in 98.
I guess the armor isn't canon then. I won't take Beth's lore as canon anymore. Can I still enjoy the games without feeling guilty? I do play fallout 1-2 every now and then btw
I consider Tactics canon so you can enjoy whatever you want and if @Norzan comes out of nowhere and says what you like is dumb then tell him I said he is a poopy head.
I consider Tactics canon so you can enjoy whatever you want and if @Norzan comes out of nowhere and says what you like is dumb then tell him I said he is a poopy head.
Ohhh yeah Norzan. I've been browsing NMA for the past couple of months without an account and from what I can tell he's like the grinch of this place. Hates everyone who disagrees with him.
He is one of the guys that I think did not even beat FNV which for the record was great but not as good as a turn-based Fallout but I can appreciate it. I'll let him tell you himself. He is one of the lore guys so that is why he was driven insane.
How canon should be:
"Does this fits in this IP's universe?"
Yes - Canon, keep it.
No - Not Canon, retcon it.

How canon has always been:
"Does this fits in this IP's universe?"
Who cares? There's no point in answering that question, most (if not all) will be retconned one day. Only keep the IP's name and some iconic things.
Got to keep it "fresh", and always changing to attract new people to buy it.

Some actual evidence of this would be nice.

Four playthroughs and 250 hours. But fuck you too, Toront.

It wasn't meant to be some insult. It was meant to identify your likes/dislike ratio so to speak. It must have been someone else. Anyway you dislike the game the same as I do for the same reasons which is why I said that.

As for evidence you are one of the few people that still actually debates the noobs.
As for evidence you are one of the few people that still actually debates the noobs.
More than just a few do this. Plus i don't consider this the same as hating someone for disagreeing with me.

For the record, i have said plenty of times i don't give a shit what people like as i have not actually given anyone shit for liking anything here except in a joking manner.
I don't consider any interactions in most Bethesda Fallout's canon (I consider 3's major events canon like Project Purity, but that's it), but I do consider Bethesda's power armors canon, like T-60, X-01, Excavator, Hellcat, Ultracite, etc. Am I wrong to think this or is it plausible that these power armors might exist in the canon games?
Yes, you are wrong. But if it makes you feel better you can take solace in the fact that this is all subjective opinion and if anyone’s opinion matters it sure as hell isn’t NMA’s. Bethesda has made sure of that.
It wasn't meant to be some insult. It was meant to identify your likes/dislike ratio so to speak. It must have been someone else. Anyway you dislike the game the same as I do for the same reasons which is why I said that.

As for evidence you are one of the few people that still actually debates the noobs.
Debating noobs? What does that mean?
Yes, you are wrong. But if it makes you feel better you can take solace in the fact that this is all subjective opinion and if anyone’s opinion matters it sure as hell isn’t NMA’s. Bethesda has made sure of that.
Hey, I'm not a Bethesda fanboy, so if you got that impression don't feel that way. I don't have any hard feelings against NMA, nor Bethesda.
Hey, I'm not a Bethesda fanboy, so if you got that impression don't feel that way. I don't have any hard feelings against NMA, nor Bethesda.
Nah I’m not accusing you of such. I’m just letting you know my opinion in a tongue-in-cheek way, while at the same time reassuring you that it’s fine to have your own opinion on such a trivial matter. Some Bethesda power armor is kinda cool, I just think after a certain point the series becomes over-saturated with power armor variants
Nah I’m not accusing you of such. I’m just letting you know my opinion in a tongue-in-cheek way, while at the same time reassuring you that it’s fine to have your own opinion on such a trivial matter. Some Bethesda power armor is kinda cool, I just think after a certain point the series becomes over-saturated with power armor variants
Oh, yeah I'm cool with your opinion. Nice talkin.
Official canon is worthless because they've created lore that contradicts old lore and sometimes even itself.
So what matters is your individual canon. You can decide that you think the power armors are canon if you want to. I just don't understand why you need them to be canon. It's okay to just look at them and go "they're neat". They don't have to be canon. But if you want them to be your personal canon then ok, they are. I'll disagree with that concept of canon but in the end neither of us are authority figures so it doesn't matter who's right or wrong. (my canon is Fallout 1, 2, Tactics (partial), Van Buren and 1.5 (TC mod))
When it comes down to it, you have two types of canon. You have the official canon dictated by IP holders, and then you have fan-canon which is just essentially "What I like and what I don't like". Which is fine to me, as audience members we're not beholden to the minutiae of what some company says. It's all fictional anyway and artistic consistency trumps pointless detail.

I tend to view Fallout canon as such: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Bible, and Fallout: New Vegas. Van Buren and info from J.Sawyer's Fallout tabletop are supplementary semi-canon, filling in gaps and giving detail to areas that aren't contradicted by the primary canon. Fallout 3 and Fallout tactics exist as semi-canon fragments, their events only happen in so much as they're referenced by primary canon (i.e Eastern Enclave and Hellfire Power Armor via Lonesome Road)

Fallout is a closed book to me, a fictional series from the past that's done. For that, nah I don't consider any Bethesda Fallout PA lore canon. They don't really take thier own lore on it seriously: see the Nuka-Cola X-01 or the fact that the only reason the T-60 exists is because they were redesigning T-45 in their new art style and decided the redesign done by that artist was different enough it could be a new model.

For me, PA in Fallout is T-45d, T-51b and the Advanced Power Armor developed post-war by the Enclave.