brotherhood of steel

  1. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    So recently I started replaying Fallout 3 through the Tales of Two Wastelands mod for the first time in over a decade. Now that I'm no longer 16, I definitely understand the massive amount of hate levied at this game. I'm not even that far in and I've already decided to stop playing it. (Totally...
  2. TheKingofVault14

    Would You Consider This To Be A Clever Explanation? Or A Dumb One?

    So I found this on TV Tropes in the "Fridge Brilliance" page for Fallout 3, and as you can see, this gives an explanation as to why The Enclave doesn't just take out The BOS by simply obliterating The Citadel. Now before anyone says anything, no I'm not saying that this was Bethesda's intention...
  3. TheKingofVault14

    Another Conversation That References Fallout Tactics.

    Here's something interesting that many of you probably don't know, whenever you're walking around Boston Airport or The Prydwen, you may overhear this interesting conversation between two Brotherhood Soldiers. Here's the transcript... BOS Soldier 1: "I still can't believe I was posted to the...
  4. KingArthur

    The Enclave: Evil or Machiavellian?

    So I saw a lot of threads with similar reasons for being but 1) I don't wanna gravedig and 2) I was hoping for more of an argument discussion like in @Apollyon's Lanius thread. So without further ado... I believe that the Enclave, as a group, are not strictly "evil", in the conventional sense...
  5. Earth

    Voice Actor Appreciation!

    Thread for talkin' about all the great voice actors over the years. We talk about Tim Cain, and Leonard Boyarsky, and Sawyer and Avellone and the developers and writers a lot, but I'd like to open a thread cataloguing all the voice talent who brought all the great characters to life. So who's...
  6. LeoArcticaa

    Campaign Missions

    This might be a little old but I felt like asking anyway. Is there a way to access the campaign maps in the editor? From what I remember, you cant unless you use Redux/Equilibrium mods and they add a bunch of stuff I don't want in the map, like the new ammo and weapons. Is there a way to get...
  7. LeoArcticaa

    Fallout Tactics utility Item Descriptions

    Hey everyone. I'm new here but its cool to be here ^^ I have a little problem thats been bugging me for a while now. I've been using the Fallout Tactics Editor to make my own characters, items, weapons ect ect ect. It's all working good but I dunno how to add item/character descriptions like...
  8. Filthy696

    T51b Fan art

    My take on the trying to recreate the original T51b feel in 1920x1080....
  9. VIXRE

    A book containing the whole Fallout Lore

    It's been various years since i first started writing a sort of book containing every major and non-major events in the fallout universe sorted by date (DD/MM/YYYY) spanning from the XVII century to the very last years . I am from Italy so the only copy existing online is in italian and has been...
  10. Ranger N

    What will happen to the NCR

    I'm gonna be honest. The NCR is my favorite faction in Fallout. I will give an honest thought to what I think and not because they're the best. The NCR suffer from political corruption,traitorism and much more. But they are probably the best thing that could happen to the Wasteland. They are...
  11. Sn1p3r187

    Cars in the Fallout universe

    Okay since we all know there was a mass shortage of petroleum in the Fallout universe by the later half of the 21st century; that's to say that cars after the Great War would've been useless since there's no gas or oil. But, with the Brotherhood of Steel becoming a major research and development...
  12. C

    GECK Help Power Armor Swaps

    Right now I'm doing a couple tests on Paladin Danse to change his armor. When I click on BosPaladinDanse and modify his power armor furniture to the Midwestern Power Armour (from Nexus) and drag and drop the individual items (helm,torso,legs, etc) into Danse's inventory. I save the file and...
  13. NVMPCaesar

    New Vegas Multiplayer: Groups System (UPDATED)

    You may have heard about the New Vegas Multiplayer mod being developed, right? Well since then the multiplayer has continuously developed, factions have sprung up, including Caesar’s Legion; the faction I currently lead at the moment. The largest and most popular faction on so...
  14. CT Phipps

    I liked the Brotherhood of Steel's portrayal

    I think it's the best thing about Fallout 4, in fact. I imagine part of this is due to the fact I was really invested in the Lyons Brotherhood and actually interested in what happened to it after the events of Fallout 3. I found the idea of Elder Lyons trying to make the reforms which Veronica...
  15. CT Phipps

    Is Elder Lyons a sneering Imperialist?

    I was just going over my old "The Moral Ambiguity of Fallout 3" essay and thought I'd share it with you guys. The Moral Ambiguity of Fallout 3 I'm a huge fan of Fallout 3 and consider it five or...
  16. DR_LaZer

    Synth Relations

    OK, so we all know that in Fallout 4 everyone has their stupid and illogical thoughts on synths. The Brotherhood of Steel thinks they're an abomination that need to be exterminated because..... nature, I think. The Institute thinks that they're nothing more than tools, no more worthy of respect...
  17. Sagez

    Why can't the player become a Knight or a Scribe?

    ... in the first Fallout? I wonder because in Fallout you spent A LOT of time with Brotherhood (don't tell me about the time limit and the general hurry - Lorri surgeries can take weeks! 11 weeks if the player decides to do all of them, according to wiki, so the player ''wastes'' almost 3...
  18. TheWastelander121

    Death of a BOS paladin - A Two Part Story

    Note: construtive criticism is accepted by me and I'm open for any suggestions that you may have for me in making a New Story or adding onto existing ones is greatly appreciated. Note:This is my my first written work i've posted so if you've seen a story on NMA that is realated to mine please...
  19. AccountNameM

    Fallout: BoS vs Fallout 1

    I personally think that Fallout: BoS is equal with the original masterpiece. What do you think? EDIT: I supposedly have to back up this claim as I asked a sort-of-not-really similar question already. BoS has: * Better gameplay * Better graphics * Better dialogue * Invents lore so good that it...
  20. AccountNameM

    Why all the hate for BoS?

    Why is there so much hate in this forum for Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel? I think it's a fantastic game, and truly does the series good.