[MOD] Original Combat Armour

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(No, I'm not going to abandon British spelling)





Since I felt the in-game Combat Armour from Fallout 3 is lacking (namely, doesn't have the original colours) I threw together a texture mod that rectifies that problem.

Installation is covered in the readme.

<center>Click here to download</center>
Mikael Grizzly said:
Two centuries. Besides, only the armour plates were green, the undergarment was brown.
only 30 years since FO2 and they were green then

Green foliage camouflage works great in large, burnt out, swampy wastes.
so you think it should be more like how the power armor is painted in camo so that the raw steel doesn't reflect the sun and make you visible for miles around right
oihrebwe said:
so you think it should be more like how the power armor is painted in camo so that the raw steel doesn't reflect the sun and make you visible for miles around right

T-51b isn't made from steel. It's made from composites.
Mikael Grizzly said:
oihrebwe said:
so you think it should be more like how the power armor is painted in camo so that the raw steel doesn't reflect the sun and make you visible for miles around right

T-51b isn't made from steel. It's made from composites.
w/e it's still shiny
P R Deltoid said:
Green foliage camouflage works great in large, burnt out, swampy wastes.

It worked great when it was made, when there were still trees and foliage before the bombs fell... :P
I'm currently making a Fallouty combat armour but ya beat me to it. :(
Shame we can't replace the helmet. (Well you sorta can if your bloody good at hex editing.)
Dark Legacy suggested, as a temporary solution, using the Vault 101 Security Helmet as basis for the Combat Armour helmet.
Nicely done, though the originals were not camo but one solid color as you already are well aware. Also I've been thinking about it, wouldn't the colors fade with time rather than darken? This is my thoughts on it though.

Once you get a model editor and can change the helm I think it'll be great. :)
I like it, but I would remove the Camo. Just doesn't feel right I guess.
Oh I wrote you a comment on nexus, I think your installation instruction is a bit wrong. In your Archive~.txt all the / are \
all other textures mods are textures\X\X
yours is textures/x/x
I checked, and everything is correct on my side D:

Anywhoo, the armour isn't camouflaged, it's one, solid colour. The darker splotches are worn parts of the plating. They look like camo under the lighting.
Cool thing! The only thing that gripes me is, that it costs 170 caps at Moira's. It's pretty broken, but still seems too cheap. It cost several thousand caps in the originals.
Mikael Grizzly said:
I checked, and everything is correct on my side D:

Anywhoo, the armour isn't camouflaged, it's one, solid colour. The darker splotches are worn parts of the plating. They look like camo under the lighting.

Ah, wear and tear rather than camo makes sense, but like I said earlier wouldn't it fade with time rather than darken?

Also this is something I JUST noticed and its very minor and prob can't be fixed till there is a model editor out, but the shoulders on the model in the picture differ alot from the original in terms of design. If you notice the model you are using right now has more of an upside down U shape for the shoulders whereas the original incorporates sort of a tortoise shell style.
Update to topic:
Well as it is on the subject of Fallout 1/2 combat armour I thought I would post it here.

The riot helmet looks surprisingly good for a combat helmet. This is just a quick mock up to see if it works. Well I say quick but I spent a while getting the visor's alpha channel the wrong way round which looked sorta funny.
Needs a transparent visor and work on the other maps so the light dosen't shine of the parts of the visor that aren't there.
The bright orange is to just show it more :p