My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

No. He's going into seson 2. Big character arc, from our overseer, our father, to you betrayed us all!
2/10 still...

Also, while Fallout (the original series of games and NV) will always be my favorite game series. I don't know how much time I got left to spend with her, so if I have to suffer through this, so be it. And no, she's not outright dying or anything, but her mind is not nearly as sharp as it used to be.

I might make my first thread about my experience on an episode to episode basis, though it won't be in depth as I'm not good at lengthy posts. I already hate it and what it represents, so it's not like it's going to change my outlook or anything.

Edit: Okay so that was a bad idea, I started ranting about half way through the first episode. There's just so much fucking misrepresentation of every God damn aspect of Fallout. Maybe someone outside looking in can get something from this, I can't.
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Also, while Fallout (the original series of games and NV) will always be my favorite game series. I don't know how much time I got left to spend with her, so if I have to suffer through this, so be it. And no, she's not outright dying or anything, but her mind is not nearly as sharp as it used to be.

I might make my first thread about my experience on an episode to episode basis, though it won't be in depth as I'm not good at lengthy posts. I already hate it and what it represents, so it's not like it's going to change my outlook or anything.

Edit: Okay so that was a bad idea, I started ranting about half way through the first episode. There's just so much fucking misrepresentation of every God damn aspect of Fallout. Maybe someone outside looking in can get something from this, I can't.
You just have to turn off your brain like the writers must have. Don't consider it Fallout and just enjoy watching a dumb show with someone you care about. Time spent with family is infinitely more valuable than lore arguments.
You just have to turn off your brain like the writers must have. Don't consider it Fallout and just enjoy watching a dumb show with someone you care about. Time spent with family is infinitely more valuable than lore arguments.

If the first episodes are supposed to be the best, I'd honestly rather staple my dick closed, than make another attempt at watching it. I told her if she has any questions to ask me later and that I'll TRY to explain to the best of my ability.
I'm kind of politically blind when enjoying media, so I haven't given much thought to whether Fallout games are left or right on the spectrum. If I had to take a second I would think that a criticism on militarism, rampant greed, weaponized patriotism, and xenophobia was inherently liberal. Isn't Fallout all about the downfall of resource-hungry warring factions and survival of those that evolve and adapt?

Amazon is such a fine model of socialism, just look at how they treat their workers.
Is this a joke going over my head? Since when does Amazon care about the means of production being controlled by the masses? Even if it calls itself progressive, it certainly thrives in and takes advantage of an under-regulated capitalist system and consolidates money and power into the pockets of the rich.
wait what? He did? Or are you fucking with me? Where did he do that?
Don't you know peoples entire existence is based on where they land on the political spectrum (this is sarcasm). Most people are more nuanced than that, It's only been in recent years that some have started wearing their ideals on their arm as badges of honor. Just because a person is gay and is more left leaning, doesn't mean they are outright socialists.
Is this a joke going over my head? Since when does Amazon care about the means of production being controlled by the masses? Even if it calls itself progressive, it certainly thrives in and takes advantage of an under-regulated capitalist system and consolidates money and power into the pockets of the rich.
My point is that it's extremely disingenuous to be lectured by the evils of capitalism by possibly the most capitalist company that arose in my lifetime. Lots of stories have come out on how amazon craps on their workers in recent years. So much so that they do their propaganda commercials from time to time, on how great it is to work at Amazon.

Hypocrisy is annoying to me. I can't really tell how socialist the show was since I only watched it 20 minutes and got bored. The idea that the corporation started the nuclear war is a deal breaker for me since last I checked, corporations don't have nukes. There's certainly an incestuous relationship in the US between giant corporations and the government but that's just beyond belief.

If Fallout 1 was "socialist" then we can say socialism works fine with a few dozen people in a "town". That doesn't mean it works well with hundreds of millions of people.
Hypocrisy is annoying to me. I can't really tell how socialist the show was since I only watched it 20 minutes and got bored. The idea that the corporation started the nuclear war is a deal breaker for me since last I checked, corporations don't have nukes. There's certainly an incestuous relationship in the US between giant corporations and the government but that's just beyond belief.
From what I've seen, a black lesbian communist is portrayed as the good guy, despite commiting atrocious things, and Vault-Tec is the one who dropped the nukes, not Communist China. Maybe I'm reaching, but it's enough for this show to be a hidden communist propaganda.
Don't you know peoples entire existence is based on where they land on the political spectrum (this is sarcasm). Most people are more nuanced than that, It's only been in recent years that some have started wearing their ideals on their arm as badges of honor. Just because a person is gay and is more left leaning, doesn't mean they are outright socialists.
Recent years? Are the 60s Recent to you?
When I say "recent" I mean from the mid 90's onward, around the birth of online anonymity. Also, as an aside, 40+ year old's acting like they're still in high school is truly sad.

Nobody honestly gives a fuck what you think is "sad." it's no sadder than people being hung up on a video game they played in 97. People have always wore their politics on their sleeves. The internet just gave literally everyone a platform to express it. You only see it more because mass media has changed.
I'm referring to people that actively disrespect someone, knowing the person on the receiving end can't reach through their screen to knock the other persons teeth out.