I have no problem with games showing what a character needs to be able to "succeed" dialogue options. It saves time and resources.
For example, if I know how much I need in a skill or attribute to do certain checks, I know if I can up those values with whatever I have available or not, if I didn't know, I would probably just use all the stuff I have to up the values to as high as I can and then pick the option and hope it would work, this would become cumbersome and tiring after a little bit and I would just stop doing it and not care about even trying those dialogue options anymore.
I hate repetitive stuff like that. I hate games where we have to pre-buff our characters with a lot of stuff before combat and have to do it one buff at a time. I hate having to consume or equip a lot of stuff before dialogue just to try and pass some checks, etc.
It's a game, and if I know how much Attribute/Skill/etc. I need to use a weapon properly (or at all), how much do I need to get perks/feats/etc., to do special attacks, etc., why wouldn't I also know how much of those same things I would need to pass a dialogue check?
It's a game where the characters' values are one of the most important things in it, we know how much we need those values for most stuff, so we can plan and play the character we want to, so why hide dialogue values while the player knows all the other values needed for everything else? Why is dialogue special and behaves differently than the rest of the stuff in the game?
So yeah, I have no problem with it showing the values/perks/items/equipment/etc. needed for dialogue options.