Numenera is the setting of Torment Successor

I would also like to see the site keep close tabs on this game. It sounds promising indeed. Very Gene Wolfe-ish. Besides following a few youtubers, this is the the place I check most regularly for gaming related news (and I'm too lazy to look elsewhere).
Gonna toss my hat in with the close watching people.

So, would the game be called Numenera: Torment?
Why would they need to license the "Torment" name to make a game that has nothing to do in story, characters, setting etc. with Planescape Torment? Ah, ofcourse, just because the game tries to ask some fundamental question like The Nameless One had to ask people for. :roll: They could've made this game (or, at this stage, plan to make) just fine without the retarded PR stunt with this "Torment" aquiration. Fargo's gonna Fargo, gotta love PR stunts.

The setting sounds interesting though.
Surf Solar said:
Why would they need to license the "Torment" name to make a game that has nothing to do in story, characters, setting etc. with Planescape Torment? Ah, ofcourse, just because the game tries to ask some fundamental question like The Nameless One had to ask people for. :roll: They could've made this game (or, at this stage, plan to make) just fine without the retarded PR stunt with this "Torment" aquiration. Fargo's gonna Fargo, gotta love PR stunts.

Yeah, but then you wouldn't have had anything to beef about in this news post, no?
Very good,a spiritual sequel for Planescape: Torment (technically NWN 2: Motb was the spiritual sequel), i'm happy but remember that this game won't be ready until the 2017/2020.
Although i'm a big fan of lots of Montes stuff, Numenera is not one of them. It also seems strange to base Torment on it's setting. :/
lazlolazlo said:
Although i'm a big fan of lots of Montes stuff, Numenera is not one of them. It also seems strange to base Torment on it's setting. :/

It bears only "Torment" in marketing lingo.
Surf Solar said:
Why would they need to license the "Torment" name to make a game that has nothing to do in story, characters, setting etc. with Planescape Torment? Ah, ofcourse, just because the game tries to ask some fundamental question like The Nameless One had to ask people for. :roll: They could've made this game (or, at this stage, plan to make) just fine without the retarded PR stunt with this "Torment" aquiration. Fargo's gonna Fargo, gotta love PR stunts.

The setting sounds interesting though.
If this PR stunt helps drive more funds into the game's Kickstarter, then I'm all for it. It should go without saying that RPGs like PST are rare and that more funds equals more content/features.

Edit: It might also be worth noting that Avellone wasn't entirely comfortable with certain D&D mechanics (not sure which right now - would have to re-read some of his recent interviews), so, licensing issues aside, using a different setting with different mechanics is probably a good idea. Jumping to a different setting means that this isn't a direct sequel, of course. Still, having the name Torment attached to the project makes sense: it attracts people who already know PST and implies from the start that they're aiming to make a game with the same roleplaying depth, which was the defining aspect of PST.
So, it seems that some people were confused about these news, which explains this new message at W2 Facebook page:

You might have read the news that we have a pre-production team looking into a Torment game. The link is below for those interested. We are excited to be contemplating a project for the Wasteland 2 team to roll onto AFTER they are done. In the interest of over communicating, we want to make it quite clear that NO production would happen on Torment until after Wasteland 2 is near complete nor would any Wasteland monies be spent on Torment. You have given us a great opportunity to work on Wasteland 2 the way we want and we would never lose sight of that. We are feverishly working on an important update video that show off the HUD, combat, conversation and more.
Would love to follow more news around this.

Also that is how you kickstart a kickstart campain :) Will pledge.

The only thing missing would be an Arcanum(like) sequel for Arcanum.
With ofcourse the original member (etc etc)
Cold Zer0 said:
It's a shame they won't be using Planscape setting (I guess WotC would ask too much money)
WotC doesn't license any setting that has been discontinued so unless they convinced WotC to make Planescape an official campaign setting again, which isn't going to happen, we won't be seeing any more Planescape stuff.

That said, there's no reason that someone couldn't create a setting similar to Planescape only tailored to their own needs.

Surf Solar said:
Why would they need to license the "Torment" name to make a game that has nothing to do in story, characters, setting etc. with Planescape Torment? Ah, ofcourse, just because the game tries to ask some fundamental question like The Nameless One had to ask people for. :roll: They could've made this game (or, at this stage, plan to make) just fine without the retarded PR stunt with this "Torment" aquiration. Fargo's gonna Fargo, gotta love PR stunts.

The setting sounds interesting though.
PR is PR. I hope the game turns out for the best and the idea is exciting but I'm not familiar with the setting and there's little to base an opinion on.

I'm all for keeping a closer eye on it as it's post-apocalyptic and is being created by some of the folks behind Fallout.