Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

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Yeah Sure. The companion selection system is identical (minor I know) and the way you seem to talk to them, build relationships and stuff, is pretty similar. They have really non-compelling companion quests, which are pointless since companions are loyal no matter what. Companion quests had a real purpose in mass effect and affected the end game, but I can't comment on that since I haven't beaten Outer Worlds.

Both games feature a large player ship with an expanding crew, and of course an AI voice assistant. The Normandy from Mass Effect was more interesting in my opinion, having an actually emotional impact when it is destroyed. EDI is a much better AI assistant, and the banter between Joker and EDI is till better than any of the banter in Outer Worlds. Exploring the ship in ME you'll always find an interesting conversation, conversations which you look forward to after every mission. Outer Worlds tried to do this too, but the companions have the personality of a dementia victim.

Of course there's the giant ship hubworld (groundbreaker) that's similar to the Citadel. The ground breaker is visually stunning, at least the first time you view it, but it does not have the depth nor interest of the citadel, which is at its best in ME1.

I hope that satisfies your question.

Thanks. I mean, it seems like both Mass Effect AND Outer Worlds just used the formula established by KoTOR. A franchise that both Bioware and Obsidian worked on. Though Bioware established it with the first game, obviously.
I was wasn't overly excited when I saw how it looked in game, Love FO:2 and NV and see no comparison.
I could only play it for 8 hours and had to call it quits, uninstalled.
Brilliant idea for a franchise.
Too much of the same assets being reused.
Not an open world game, but more of a mutli mini sandbox game.
Access to a spaceship seems really static and unimpressive.
Didn't care about any of the factions, builds, weapons and the marauders are just template hostiles, really uninspired.
Though I am happy that people seem to love it. Maybe Obsidian will have enough money to get an engine of their own now? I'm sick of Unreal and limited modding.
Ehhh what? I really have doubts about TOW being like New Vegas and I have doubts about any potential sequel being like New Vegas either.

And I can understand why someone would hate New Vegas. It's not that big of a deal dude.
if you look at it like Outer Worlds == Fallout 3
then microsoft will fund a more hardcore RPG by them next eg. Outer Worlds 2 == New Vegas
although looking at it through this prism is probably hard for people who are very cynical. if you think New Vegas is trash and deserves to rot (because of whatever jaded beliefs you hold yourself to) then it’s not really a glaring review to say one day Outer Worlds can strive to emulate NV.

The gap between Fallout 3 and New Vegas is because those games are made by different people at a different company. I wouldn't expect a second Outer Worlds, made by the same people at the same company, to be comparable.
I tried playing Outer Worlds recently and felt a bit underwhelmed.

The intro sequence with those creepy laughing lizards was cool, I like how it introduces the Bullet Time mechanics, and the walk through the canyon was quite fun. I like how it draws parallels to being on this alien world with the alien society of Edgewater.

By the time I got to the botanical gardens, I ended up feeling a little underwhelmed.

Doesn't really strike that whole "We're literally on another planet' vibe well enough. I mean, I like some of the lore, like about how Primals have that weird skin thing, but when we're trying to set something on another planet, I feel like you could have more diversity with the wildlife, or else some really just out there stuff that just defies our puny Earth logic. A setting about a literal alien world shouldn't be too grounded in reality IMO.

I know this is too early to say this, but also having the first quest have you choose to starve either the Deserters or Edgewater seems a little bit too jamming the central conflict in your face.

Like, what was great about New Vegas for instance, was how the entire game wasn't just the story of the NCR and Caesar's Legion, how the internal politics of all the various tribes of the Mojave all tied in to the major conflict, but it wasn't a two sided blanket war.

I may be wrong about this, but it seems like the entire game is just going to be corporates vs deserters, and that's not necessarily a bad premise but I kinda would rather a more fleshed out world that didn't seem like it existed entirely for a singular conflict.

Has anyone played enough of this to suggest whether or not I can keep going?
Was it better than Fallout 4?
I mean, I actually stuck with Fallout 4 till the end, but I guess that's more to do with me being more stubborn back then.

Outer Worlds IMO is simply underwhelming, it builds up your imagination and then fails to deliver on a cool premise. Fallout 4 on the other hand has no idea what it's actually trying to do.
I mean, I actually stuck with Fallout 4 till the end, but I guess that's more to do with me being more stubborn back then.

Outer Worlds IMO is simply underwhelming, it builds up your imagination and then fails to deliver on a cool premise. Fallout 4 on the other hand has no idea what it's actually trying to do.

"it builds up your imagination and then fails to deliver on a cool premise."
KotOR 2 flashbacks....
Man KotOR 2 was great on console. I can see how PC Master Race back then might have thought it was shit, but I had a fucking Xbox, and that was one of my favorite RPG's of all time up to that point. Playing it now not so much.
Man KotOR 2 was great on console. I can see how PC Master Race back then might have thought it was shit, but I had a fucking Xbox, and that was one of my favorite RPG's of all time up to that point. Playing it now not so much.

I really liked it, and I think I did play it on console. But the whole final section of the game always struck me as rushed and empty compared to the rest. It felt like an epilogue that had nothing to say, preceded by a whole level of generic rooms of enemies, and no companions to talk to. I could never compare it favorably to the end of the first game, or even the previous level of the second.

I've tried and failed several times to go back to both of those games. They feel dated in a particular way that doesn't make them fun to revisit.
But the whole final section of the game always struck me as rushed and empty compared to the rest. It felt like an epilogue that had nothing to say, preceded by a whole level of generic rooms of enemies,
Ah yeah, where it builds up that you have a major ending choice as to whether or not you blow up the planet, and how it will affect the galaxy. Doesn't tell you what that even means, and then blows up the planet regardless of what you actually do.

KOTOR 2 was great, but fucking hell man, that ending kills it.
Obsidian has released quality games over the years, and the Outer Worlds is no different. i have no had more fun running around slaying baddies in a FPS RPG since... HA, New Vegas itself! i did quite enjoy Fallout 4, don't get me wrong, but i struggle to qualify it as a RPG... regardless, i'm glad OE is able to continue to make games due to being saved by Microsoft.

i may get heat for this (especially being a new user and all), but Fallout 76 is not a bad game at all. i haven't had more fun playing with friends in a long time. the game is gorgeous... the only bugs i've encountered are floating objects (including corpses which is pretty funn tbh!). Bethesda made a lot of mistakes handling the hateboners people tried to stick in their asses after the release of 76, but the reality is the game doesn't suck, to me at least, and the circlejerking madness needs to end.
i may get heat for this (especially being a new user and all), but Fallout 76 is not a bad game at all. i haven't had more fun playing with friends in a long time. the game is gorgeous... the only bugs i've encountered are floating objects (including corpses which is pretty funn tbh!). Bethesda made a lot of mistakes handling the hateboners people tried to stick in their asses after the release of 76, but the reality is the game doesn't suck, to me at least, and the circlejerking madness needs to end.
Sir Gravy of Megaton said:
Fallout 3 is greater than New Vegas.
That second statement is worse than the first one. You can like 76 but you can't convince anyone here that it's good. It's really not. As I've said in other threads, it's practically the same experience as many other games (see: any survival game if you want the inventory management, any MMO or MMO-lite if you want the build optimization and grind) just with a Fallout skin and the crafting and settlement system of Fallout 4. That's not really appealing to people who were looking for a Fallout RPG or even something that respectfully moved Fallout's world forward in time (like New Vegas).
Oh lord, another of these. Wondering when another one was gonna show up.

Specifically trying to trigger anyone here with false statements like "Fallout 3 is greater than New Vegas" or "Fallout 76 isn't bad at all" because he has to know the reputation of this site for heavily criticizing Fallout 3 and 76 (the latter funnily enough has been trashed way more outside of the site). Can't wait for him to enter in arguments, get angry, and then run to Fallout reddit or something else and say that we are "toxic".
To be fair, Fallout 3 is greater than New Vegas, not just it will be on a 3D engine that is made for CRPG, and the story will be done by actual good writers.
To bad it died before get its chance to show itself the world.
Maybe we can at the very least get a TC mod for Fallout 2 that's Van Buren. Head developer is back working on it I heard.
Hahaha, there are some things that are just not true. F76 is not a good game at all.

and it's okay to like it. For example, I love Kane & Lynch, but I KNOW the game sucks.

guilty pleasures are like that.
Obsidian has released quality games over the years, and the Outer Worlds is no different. i have no had more fun running around slaying baddies in a FPS RPG since... HA, New Vegas itself! i did quite enjoy Fallout 4, don't get me wrong, but i struggle to qualify it as a RPG... regardless, i'm glad OE is able to continue to make games due to being saved by Microsoft.

i may get heat for this (especially being a new user and all), but Fallout 76 is not a bad game at all. i haven't had more fun playing with friends in a long time. the game is gorgeous... the only bugs i've encountered are floating objects (including corpses which is pretty funn tbh!). Bethesda made a lot of mistakes handling the hateboners people tried to stick in their asses after the release of 76, but the reality is the game doesn't suck, to me at least, and the circlejerking madness needs to end.

I... I don't get the point of posting this here.
The first bit I understand, I agree, I like Outer Worlds too.

But the second part, it just feels like you're trying to get People up.
Honestly, there isn't much talk of 76 on these boards, only when something new is announced that warrants conversation.