Stephen King fucking sucks. A real hack fraud if there ever was... His stories, if not completely trite and eyerolling, are unimaginative and offensive to the senses. Any material of his that is at all worthy of merit "Dark Tower for example", is eventually ruined by his own fucking moronic tasteless decision making. His stories revolve around rape, pedophillia, i hate my marriage, and getting eaten by monsters. Everything he touches ends up as a C filler TV movie that somehow gets airtime because enough sexually repressed catladies read his fucking shit books. He is an example of crap is king, and where your book is placed in the fucking store "next to the fucking candy bars" determines your success. An experiment in fucking geriatrics with diarreah over the open mouth of the average American cuntsumer. The world is a more retarded place that he may be allowed to touch ink to paper. May god have mercy on us all, and punish him for his deeds!