Post-Apocalyptic books

Might try Battlefield Earth, I got a fallouty vibe when reading it. Maybe even The Postman too
Short story by P.K. Dick called 'the Great C' is a very fallout-like story. The short story was expanded on in the novel 'Deus Irae', although I didn't read much of that book.
Another book that has some fallout themes is 'Not this August' by C.M. Kornbluth. It isn't post apoc at all, although it too has a fallout feel, relating to a part of the 'van buren' cancelled game. I won't say any more, so as not to spoil it for anyone wanting to read it.
IMO Deus Irae and the short story it was based on is closer to Wasteland than to Fallout.
Yes, I'm currently little more than halfway through "The Road," liking it so much that I can't wait to read more.
About the movie, I believe it has been delayed, so instead of coming out this October, it will be out the weekend of November 26. Somewhere around there.
Baba Jaga said:
I'm keen on "Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After The Bomb" by Philip K. Dick.

Can only recommend it as well, just read it some weeks ago, to sad it was over so quickly. :(

But the really strange characters in this book could really come from fallout, a great read.
The Road was an incredible book, I read it in two sittings. I haven't seen the movie, I'm not sure I want to.

I would like it if Fallout were a little more like it.
I just read The Road and I must say the book is outstanding in every way. It's not straightforward or easy to read. It's really touching but also very depressing at times. If you like Faulkner or Hemingway combined with American culture, I think you'll enjoy this book.

Herr Mike, I can tell you know you do want to see the movie. You won't be disappointed
As I understand, english version will be out in march.

There are also three books based on Metro 2033 motifs, part of Glukhovsky's project. And Metro 2034 is free to read online... in Russian.
I just reread the postman.

I remembered it as being much better. The overall plot was ok, but I hated how the author made Gordon so obsessed with Nathan Holn. It got really annoying. I also got annoyed with how the woman scouts/dena plotline went.

I read it years and years ago and remembered it being much better.

I now have the opinion that the best story is somewhere in between the book and the costner version of it. Both were good for their own reasons, but neither is great on its own.

Today I checked my kindle again for the book and it is now available to preorder coming out on the 18. feb. I could read the german translation, still I'm waiting for the english one even being a german myself, strange, isn't it? :|
Read through the whole thread and didn't see anybody mention The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard.

It's post-apocalyptic, but not post-nuclear, dealing with the psychological effects of the apocalypse and isolation on a group of people who are left behind in an abandoned city that is mostly underwater.

I was reading it over Christmas when we had about 7 days of solid rain, which made the book even more immersive. Can't recommend it enough.
.ICBM. said:
Cormac Mccarthy's - The Road


FINALLY! I was shocked it took so many posts for this book to be mentioned.

The Road truly makes you understand how stylized and glorified the majority of post apocalyptic fiction is. Whether it's about surviving the zombie apocalypse or fighting super mutants or being Mel Gibson nearly all of them managed to insert and element of "cool" into a bleak situation.

Cormac's vision of the end of days is very different. There's no bad ass shoot outs or city's of junk. This is one man and his son trying to survive. Not even that. Trying not to die too soon.

This book will make you want put a gun in your mouth. But in a good way. It grabs you by the throat and never let's go. Though ever moment is absolute undiluted misery you must keep going.

The funny thing is though the thick fog of depression makes every tiniest triumph and light in the darkness such a joyest moment that it makes it all worth. Honestly, you have no idea how uplifting finding a can of coke can be.

Strangely enough the book gives very little information away about anything that's happening in the world other than these two survivors struggle. There a little snippets here and there other things happening but none of it is made clear, which makes the book all the more interesting. We never even know how the world came to be this way (I doubt it was nuclear war though).

There are also moments that truly make you question what you'd do to survive. Would you help someone on the road when ever moment of life is differcult as it is? If all the animals and plants began to die would you consider cannibalism? Would you kill your loved one so he/she wouldn't suffer? Would you want to live at all?

It's a very different world from that of Fallout; there's no humor. No heroes. No hope. This is the apocalypse as it would be. Read it, but keep all implements you make be able to harm yourself with locked away when you do.

EDIT: This is also a strange case where the resent film is possibly as good as the book, as well as very faithful. Both are worth checking out.

Herr Mike said:
The Road was an incredible book, I read it in two sittings. I haven't seen the movie, I'm not sure I want to.

I would like it if Fallout were a little more like it.

I don't. I fear I'd batter myself to death with the mouse.

The movie is a very faithful adaption, it's well worth seeing.
I read the Road twice (an amazing book), but I found the ending unrealistic and ultimately unsatisfying. Cormac McCarthy has a great way with words, and his vision is often profound, but Blood Meridian (1985) is an equally apocalyptic vision of the world (set in the United States–Mexico borderlands around 1850).
.Pixote. said:
I read the Road twice (an amazing book), but I found the ending unrealistic and ultimately unsatisfying. Cormac McCarthy has a great way with words, and his vision is often profound, but Blood Meridian (1985) is an equally apocalyptic vision of the world (set in the United States–Mexico borderlands around 1850).

Cormac...Isn't great with endings. I personally didn't mind the Roads ending but No Country for Old Men...Uh...
Not sure if this was mentioned, but there's Deus Irae by R. Zelazny. Not my fav. book of his, but definitely has a falloutish vibe to it. Excellent description and world-building, but the story is somewhat meh.