Romantically Apocalyptic

Surf Solar said:
Would be nice for some little hands up, I am just interested how this is done. ;)

EDIT: Thanks, watching now!

EDIT²: The video is pretty fast, I can't even see the single steps he does. :shock:

I found another one which is way slower since it's a tutorial. It's too long to watch (30 minutes) but it's interesting to see the progression and how he uses photos.
Hm, I didn't think of that they use so many brushes of photos, thats a really nice example. Thanks again. ;)
I had thought that perhaps some of the backgrounds were rendered, not photos... quite interesting.
love the comic. I like this kind of light (though slightly overused) humor. The visuals are above great.

All in all made me giggle and read all slides before heading to work
Using: Photoshop, live actors, dead actors, sexy assistants, greenscreen, a camera, and a Wacom tablet. Each comic page is meticulously digitally painted and contains 6 years worth of textures: 1 terabyte of stock footage, shot in real abandoned, forgotten places of our world.

This says on the info page of RAC about how it's made.
someone should do a chernobyle comic about some old married couple still living and surviving there.
I diddnt really like it at first but it has grown on me and while the writing could be better, i still chuckled here and there, I thought the lemonade worshippers series was fun.
Yeah, lemonade guys were fun.
But generally, humour isn't anything special.
I like those pages with very little, or without any writing e.g. Titanic, I hate mondays, etc. Those are usually the best, or the worst.
Crni Vuk said:
someone should do a chernobyle comic about some old married couple still living and surviving there.

So "Where the Wind Blows" but in Russia?

Atomkilla said:

Nah a McGuffin is a plot point, this is more Rule of Funny.
How can Homer survive being smashed with a wrecking ball?

It's just insanity!

Simpsons stopped being funny after season 6, when it got too wacky instead of being dark like in the first season when Homer actually got fired and attempted to commit suicide.
generalissimofurioso said:
instead of being dark like in the first season when Homer actually got fired and attempting to commit suicide.
Now that's comedy.

As for this comic... I share the same opinion of others: visuals are great, but the writing is mediocre at best. It's a shame, really. With the same old goofy cookie-cutter webcomic shtick, I feel that the visual art is being wasted.
Though a webcomic that consists of amazing artwork but zany jokes is in itself quite funny.

You would usually think that if someone takes so much time and effort to produce something so impressive looking, that it would have a dark and serious subject matter. (And the post-apocalyptic setting further reinforces that.) But the dialogue/story consists of very silly jokes, that are only sometimes funny.

It's an amazing contrast, and I seem to recall that contradicitions and defying expectations are core elements in comedy. The dichomety between amazing artwork and crude humour is funny in itself.

Also, I did like the telephone booth, where the guy is running to answer it, thinking it is another group of survivors... "So what you you wearing?"

And the early ones with them playing with a toy plane, or reinacting Titanic, those were great. The alien abudction bit was good too, mainly cause of the great alien designs. And "hold still for the probing," "Do they ever hold still for the probing?" "Look at him go!"

Definately has its moments. And even the weaker ones have impressive artwork that make it worth a look.
Looks great, yes, and I agree the humour is a bit hit and miss; but generally it's somewhat giggle-inducing, and some of them are comical in a way that suits me perfectly. Atmospherically it's all quite cozy, though, so I enjoy it. :)
generalissimofurioso said:
How can Homer survive being smashed with a wrecking ball?

It's just insanity!

Simpsons stopped being funny after season 6, when it got too wacky instead of being dark like in the first season when Homer actually got fired and attempted to commit suicide.

Yes. Finally. I have thought about it for some time what bothered me with new simpson episodes. Not that they are just "bad" they are entertaining but the jokes and scenes are just as how you say to "wacky". At the moment they show many old episodes and while the simpsons always have been about the lulz you are correct with what you say.
I stopped watching Simpsons after season 4 or 5 I think. They suddenly stopped airing it on every possible TV station I had on the list. Later, I thought of re-starting and watching the whole series, including the new episodes, but then I saw Simpsons The Movie. Well, it kinda kills the will to watch the show. I don't think that it had anything good in it, except perhaps the visuals.