Saving in combat, is it really that bad?


Creator of Fallout Fixt
It seems to be demonized quite a bit here, but I've never personally seen issues caused by saving in combat -- in Fallout 1.
I've done savescumming in combat in Fallout 1 on at least a hundred occaisions (over the years. I've played since it was a brand new game) and I'm pretty sure it never caused issues, but everything you'll see says "SAVE DURING COMBAT IS BAAAAAAAD!"

Are there significant differences between Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 in this regard?

I think I saved during combat a lot in Fallout 2 as well, but, I haven't played that game in 5-to-10 years so don't trust my memory on that one. :roll:
Interestingly I never felt the need to save in combat. If at all, I save *before* combat or after. IMO the generic Fallout combat encounter doesn't last long enough to really justify saving inbetween turns.

If really needed, I would suggest a autosave feature right before combat starts.
As Lexx said, I save before or after combat.
Saving during combat would make my game crash when I try to load it.
After loading such save, enemy is always doing turn first.
All order of combat is new, but supportng enemy.
After 1/2 turns, it doesn't matter.
Atomkilla said:
Saving during combat would make my game crash when I try to load it.
Fallout 1 or 2?

Languorous_Maiar said:
After loading such save, enemy is always doing turn first.
Not always. Depends on character's Sequence.
Sduibek said:
Languorous_Maiar said:
After loading such save, enemy is always doing turn first.
Not always. Depends on character's Sequence.
Tha'ts the point. No matter if I had 10 agility + kamikadze + some addional stuff for sequence, or zero, after loading enemy is always starting the turn for me.
Languorous_Maiar said:
Sduibek said:
Languorous_Maiar said:
After loading such save, enemy is always doing turn first.
Not always. Depends on character's Sequence.
Tha'ts the point. No matter if I had 10 agility + kamikadze + some addional stuff for sequence, or zero, after loading enemy is always starting the turn for me.
Hmm. Fallout 1 or 2?

That's what I'm trying to figure out, maybe there are major differences between the games in how they handle this stuff.
Okay, thanks. I get the feeling it's a difference in how Fallout 1 and 2 handle combat-saving.
I have encountered problems during save/load in combat extremely rare, and I will routinely save during long, drawn out battles where critical failures are right around the corner.

Also, Languorous, that too sounds weird to me. Save while you have 4 AP left to use - and once you load, it is the enemys turn? I load, and got 4 AP to use.

I've always known FO shouldn't be saved and loaded during combat, even told this to people myself, but never had problems with it.
I just tried save/load during combat in Temple of Trials in the RP and it worked fine for me. :shrug:
I tend to avoid saving in mid-combat, seeing as I tend to get issues when loading the file again, examples are game crashes, corrupted savefile, game shuts down unexpectedly (Fallout 2, haven't played 1 for eternity).
Do these crashes and issues also happen when saving at the beginning of combat turn, before any AP have been used?

If someone who specifically gets those crashes is willing to test, that would be excellent :)

It's looking like this is definitely much more of an issue in Fallout 2 than in the first game. Makes sense why I haven't seen it then.
Someone already mentioned the game crashing thing when saving during combat, and that's why I stopped doing it.
I believe it was an old patch version, back when there was self replicating party members and stuff, that would always crash on save mid combat. I'm pretty sure fallout 2 would crash on save/reload as well, during an early version.

So it's kind of superstitious. If I did save, I usually used a separate slot, but that was often too much work.
Ah! Looks like there was some info provided on this recently. Apparently in the F2RP thread as well, although I don't follow that as much since it's so long.

So, generally speaking, if you save at the beginning of the combat round you should be OK.

Makes sense why I never had issues with it.... I was probably just saving in situations where "mess-up-able" scripts weren't involved. Go figure :roll:
This is so weird.
I can't think of anything I have that others don't, XP, basicmost patches, RP, no crashes or issues during combat save, with or without remaining AP. I can load, and begin where I saved, AP and all.
I never save in combat because my mom said if I did my testicles might pack up and leave town for good.