Scenery stuff and such...

Ahhh this is a good thread. :clap:

Question though, it seems like some of the stuff is not available in FRM, only in GIF. What's up with that?
Do you have enough pylons yet?
@Horatio: I praise your modelling, but the scenery's so big, it'd be a major pain in the arse to prototype it. Ensuring you get proper alpha bubble effects and setting up proto properties the right way would be very difficult, if not impossible. Also, the whole map would have to be built around these pylons to make sure they are well highlighted and not just giant pieces of useless scenery. Finally, you'll need to hand-paint over the renders to make the scenery look more in line with the original artworks. Presently, it looks more like Tactics scenery.

Just my bit of (hopefully) constructive feedback.
Sduibek said:
Lavo when do we get to see Guitar Hero Fallout hit the market? ;)

It was cancelled due to developers laziness... Uhm, I mean, lack of playerbase interest :P

It was just sprites. Never intended to do the whole mod ;p
Lavo said:
Sduibek said:
Lavo when do we get to see Guitar Hero Fallout hit the market? ;)

It was cancelled due to developers laziness... Uhm, I mean, lack of playerbase interest :P

It was just sprites. Never intended to do the whole mod ;p
Too bad, I was looking forward to singing Maybe on expert.
Thanks, Ddrenai, i'm flattered by your praise. :D

I shape however not everything by myself, but use also premade stuff, which i edit. (regarding all copyright, ofc)

This RV is a edited Van Buren trailer, with additional wheel pair, corrected UV and corrections in Sai Painter and PS.

Also i don't see it creating but tinkering with premade stuff, like with this very detailed bus model, which was made by Screper. I made the new textures from photoreferences, though.

The lighting is probably all wrong. ;P
Hi guys! I'm new here. Just registered yesterday and since then I downloaded tons of Fallout content, as in game sprites. It's amazing to see this kind of dedication for a game released 15 years ago.

I think I'll stick around and see what else you fans come up with. Cheers! ;)
ArtWhiz said:
Hi guys! I'm new here. Just registered yesterday and since then I downloaded tons of Fallout content, as in game sprites. It's amazing to see this kind of dedication for a game released 15 years ago.

I think I'll stick around and see what else you fans come up with. Cheers! ;)

Stay tuned then! ;)

Btw, i need some ideas what to do next, could you help me out with that?
Horatio, ain't sure who you are and from which Vault did you come, but I do hope there's some persistence in you.

The thing is, although I wouldn't yet use your art, some modders will certainly tear your hands off in the best sense, if you maintain and come along.

Trust me or not, but this is exactly how on-coming excellent artists like Continuum and some others started in.

So keep up your challenge and remember me well because - when the right day comes - I'll definitely PM you for some work :D
Horatio said:
Btw, i need some ideas what to do next, could you help me out with that?

Remove noise, desature, add highlights, and shadows. This should give you overview of what I'm talking about:


Or better: check the original artwork.

Jesterka said:
Trust me or not, but this is exactly how on-coming excellent artists like Continuum and some others started in.
From zero to hero! :freak:
I think the bus it's too desaturated. It needs more rust and some noise. I know, this is just a suggestion for Horatio, I am just giving my humble opinion too...

BTW, Continuum, do you have active projects right now? I really like your style and I'm wondering if you became a game artist or something. Just curious I guess... :)