Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

I was speaking to some of the guys working on the Sonora translation and they were under the impression this mod was dead and buried. Good to see it still being worked on.

Is there anyway people communicate on this mod beyond No Mutants Allowed?
The mods not dead yet...it just needs someone to script the last third of the game - everything else in the game is practically finished - story - quests - dialogue - maps, etc.
The mods not dead yet...it just needs someone to script the last third of the game - everything else in the game is practically finished - story - quests - dialogue - maps, etc.

Why don't you guys look into hiring somebody? Fallout scripting is so easy I believe any junior coder could tackle this.
I'm not spending a dollar on hiring someone to script this, either someone steps up to help or the project dies. To make people feel shittier I'll screen grab every map and load them up here, just to show what the fans are missing out on, and in case you're wondering yes the maps look great, as is the game itself.

The dialogues are very well written, the quests are well thought out, interesting, engaging, etc. Now there are dozens of people here at NMA that can script a Fallout game, but so far no takers.

Question - how to make a 'spoiler' for the thread?

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It's more that it is hard to find folks who don't just disappear again after a week.
I'm not spending a dollar on hiring someone to script this, either someone steps up to help or the project dies. To make people feel shittier I'll screen grab every map and load them up here, just to show what the fans are missing out on, and in case you're wondering yes the maps look great, as is the game itself.

The dialogues are very well written, the quests are well thought out, interesting, engaging, etc. Now there are dozens of people here at NMA that can script a Fallout game, but so far no takers.

Question - how to make a 'spoiler' for the thread?
Maybe asking around at NMA isn't as fruitful as reaching out to some of the other Fallout communities, such as the ones based overseas? If the language barrier could be breached, I bet there'd be Eastern European modders willing to help out.
The mods not dead yet...it just needs someone to script the last third of the game - everything else in the game is practically finished - story - quests - dialogue - maps, etc.
Will you stop salting your patient? he has comatose for 10 years))
Lay out the mod as it is, someone will take it and finish it, it will be better than it will be a dead weight lying around you.
So how easy is Fallout coding. I'm in a BA in games design so I might be able to give it a crack. I'm not a programming wizard or anything but I can give it a shot.
Will you stop salting your patient? he has comatose for 10 years))
Lay out the mod as it is, someone will take it and finish it, it will be better than it will be a dead weight lying around you.
I concur, I see no reason for Pixote not to upload the game if some time passes without anyone stepping up to the job. Although I may be disrespectfull to the Mutants Rising team for not respecting their wishes but, it would be an utter waste of all the work across the years to just let it go like that. With the end being so close in reach after all this time...
Why not reach out to one of the other groups. The guys behind Sonora and Nevada wrapped there projects, could be a good place to start. Other than that, maybe expand the range of the search for help beyond the forums. Perhaps make an appeal for aid on the project. The youtuber's Retrospective Gaming or one of the larger fallout channels might be willing to aid in securing you guys a good programmer well verse in the games script. You'd have to frame the appeal right, for example 'we love the original fallout's' and avoid dogging on Bethesda (as it can be seen as harsh, mean spirited).

But honestly it sucks the mod lying dead. Why not try these discords to drum up some support;

First link is for the Fallout Van Buren project, the second link is for the Sonora translation team. They last a day, ask for new ones if you need them. This would be the place I'd go to too seek help, because they might be able to help or lead you to someone who can. Gotta be someone more connect on there than on here.
Why not reach out to one of the other groups. The guys behind Sonora and Nevada wrapped there projects, could be a good place to start. Other than that, maybe expand the range of the search for help beyond the forums. Perhaps make an appeal for aid on the project. The youtuber's Retrospective Gaming or one of the larger fallout channels might be willing to aid in securing you guys a good programmer well verse in the games script. You'd have to frame the appeal right, for example 'we love the original fallout's' and avoid dogging on Bethesda (as it can be seen as harsh, mean spirited).

But honestly it sucks the mod lying dead. Why not try these discords to drum up some support;

First link is for the Fallout Van Buren project, the second link is for the Sonora translation team. They last a day, ask for new ones if you need them. This would be the place I'd go to too seek help, because they might be able to help or lead you to someone who can. Gotta be someone more connect on there than on here.
We could also set up a paypal for donations so the Mr team can pay someone to script if need be.
You will never get the amount of donations required to pay someone to do this. :D
You will never get the amount of donations required to pay someone to do this. :D
Be that as it may, @Fic_Mon is at least trying to help get someone to complete this project. As far as I can tell, the first time Pixote has publicly asked for a scripter to come along and help was in this thread after it got bumped. I understand that Fallout 2 modding is kind of a dying genre, but there are definitely people capable on this website and others in helping complete Mutants Rising. Unfortunately I'm not one of these people or else I'd put my money where my mouth is.

The way I see it is that Mutants Rising is kind of the Fallout sequel that NMA and similar communities have always wanted. It's the "I'll make my own video game with blackjack and hookers" Fallout 3 that people so often talk about but never make manifest. The fact that so much progress has been made but might not ever get completed is just a testament to how this website is being outmoded in the Fallout fandom landscape. Bethesda hate went mainstream so NMA's not useful for that, and other non-English speaking communities have become the premier Fallout 2 modders.
Will you stop salting your patient? he has comatose for 10 years))
Lay out the mod as it is, someone will take it and finish it, it will be better than it will be a dead weight lying around you.
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