The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

Or know about a woman named Hillary Rodham Clinton aka The Queen of Warmongers.

By the way, I heard that the character creation for female characters is bad. Like Andromeda, it seems the devs went out of their way to make the female characters ugly. Can't have that male gaze! There is also almost no long hair styles for girls in this game. Most of the hairs are really short and masculine. Also, you can give your female character facial hair. So now you can finally live out your dream of playing as either the Gamestop tranny or as a non-binary, gender fluid whatever the fuck. In the words of this guy:

I can finally live my dream of being a sideshow freak bearded lady?! Game of the year, idgaf.
Or know about a woman named Hillary Rodham Clinton aka The Queen of Warmongers.

By the way, I heard that the character creation for female characters is bad. Like Andromeda, it seems the devs went out of their way to make the female characters ugly. Can't have that male gaze! There is also almost no long hair styles for girls in this game. Most of the hairs are really short and masculine. Also, you can give your female character facial hair. So now you can finally live out your dream of playing as either the Gamestop tranny or as a non-binary, gender fluid whatever the fuck. In the words of this guy:

I can finally live my dream of being a sideshow freak bearded lady?! Game of the year, idgaf.

No offense (or pun intended) but this right here is why I roll my eyes when people say it's only "the libs" who get easily offended. Who cares my dudes? If this is true, it's not like your being forced to play as a woman with a beard, that would be actually bad. If this is true, this gives people more roleplaying options, whether people are offended by it or not.

Anyways, if you all are super skeptical of getting the outer worlds, apparently Xbox Game Pass has a $1 for the first month deal going on (it might go back to $5 by the time you all see this though), and you can play Outer Worlds for free after paying that $1 subscription fee. It's Microsoft, but from what I can see it's still better than the Epic Launcher (or at least when I last used it). I'll give my impressions when the game finishes downloading on this platform.
So far I'm really enjoying The Outer Worlds. Its essentially Fallout New Vegas by way of Firefly which isn't the hottest of takes. That's what they essentially advertised and as of my first four hours that's what we got. It's interesting to see how much better this type of game can be when it's made with competent tech. It's a pitch black critique of capitalism so if that kinda thing ruffles your feathers, I'd say stay away. So far the writing is solid. The bartender in the first town has more depth to her than anyone in Bethesda's games.
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I'll get it on steam as well and probably during a sale. Even though people are reporting that the game isn't very buggy, i'll still prefer to play the game with a more stable version.

Yeah, I'm not seeing many bugs. Just optimization issues. My frame rate stutters in dense areas, and I noticed some kind of artifacing when looking left or right too quickly.

No offense (or pun intended) but this right here is why I roll my eyes when people say it's only "the libs" who get easily offended. Who cares my dudes? If this is true, it's not like your being forced to play as a woman with a beard, that would be actually bad. If this is true, this gives people more roleplaying options, whether people are offended by it or not.

Anyways, if you all are super skeptical of getting the outer worlds, apparently Xbox Game Pass has a $1 for the first month deal going on (it might go back to $5 by the time you all see this though), and you can play Outer Worlds for free after paying that $1 subscription fee. It's Microsoft, but from what I can see it's still better than the Epic Launcher (or at least when I last used it). I'll give my impressions when the game finishes downloading on this platform.

I'll keep this short then. When libs get offended or need some clout, they call for someone's job and/or livelihood/voice to be lost. Just look at what happened with the Night in the Woods dev a few months ago. When right wingers or folks tired of this increase in propaganda get offended, at best we'll push for someone to lose their job and boycott their products.

Saying it's not a big deal is exactly how these types continue to taint what should be quality products with near impunity, and over time, they'll push for more. The same principle applies to MTX, Season Passes, lootboxes, etc, and this year alone we've seen how bad that's getting.

Oh, and what @RangerBoo said? The Codex is taking notice. Here's a relevant post.

And the image referenced in that post. This is from hitting Randomize nine times when the gender switch is set to female. I just tried it myself and can confirm this is what happens.

So, yeah. The Obsidian we knew years ago is getting taken over by these types. Once my Game Pass runs out, I'm uninstalling this game and never thinking about it again.
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Yeah, I'm not seeing many bugs. Just optimization issues. My frame rate stutters in dense areas, and I noticed some kind of artifacing when looking left or right too quickly.

I'll keep this short then. When libs get offended or need some clout, they call for someone's job and/or livelihood/voice to be lost. Just look at what happened with the Night in the Woods dev a few months ago. When right wingers or folks tired of this increase in propaganda get offended, at best we'll push for someone to lose their job and boycott their products.

Kiwifarms, other forums dedicated to mocking and ruining people, and plenty of other online trolls, especially on twitter have shown me otherwise.

Saying it's not a big deal is exactly how these types continue to taint what should be quality products with near impunity, and over time, they'll push for more. The same principle applies to MTX, Season Passes, lootboxes, etc, and this year alone we've seen how bad that's getting.

How is giving more roleplaying options to people bad? I don't see giving people more representation as "tainting" something. Hell, if anything this is like Fallout 4's system where you can go all out on your characters face. I have no interest in giving a female character a beard, but think it's pretty cool to see a badass female lead with facial scarring.

Oh, and what @RangerBoo said? The Codex is taking notice. Here's a relevant post.

With that many things to pick, what do you expect from a randomizer? 0_o
This is from hitting Randomize nine times when the gender switch is set to female. I just tried it myself and can confirm this is what happens.
Hits randomize button 9 times.
Is shocked when it comes back random.

So they went with the old Saint's Row character creator, and? Look, if somebody wants to play as a circus freak or a frenchmen or whatever, I don't care. It is not like they did some egregious thing that would make me skip the game and force me play as a non-binary gender fluid otherkin toaster or a blackguy.
Sounds like a bunch of angry white boy whining for the sake of it. This type of thing doesn't directly affect your playthrough and it's not predatory to your wallet. You don't want to play it, then don't, but don't expect this stuff to go away anytime soon if ever.
With that many things to pick, what do you expect from a randomizer? 0_o

I would remind you that the ones this is meant to appeal to make up less than a fraction of a percent of the U.S. population.

Hits randomize button 9 times.
Is shocked when it comes back random.

You're proving my case. Being indifferent about this only lets it spread, and as we've learned from Blizzard, only the west is getting this kind of propaganda because there's no line in the sand.

You don't want to play it, then don't, but don't expect this stuff to go away anytime soon if ever.

See above.
I would remind you that the ones this is meant to appeal to make up less than a fraction of a percent of the U.S. population.
Whose 40-45% kill themselves every year yet we go out of our way to pander to them. My brother is gay and has many friends in the LGBTQ and drag circle and they are all tired of this non-binary, gender fluid shit. Hell, even the feminist who were the ones who championed this shit in the first place are now realizing that they created a monster. Yet the Left wonders why approval towards the LGBTQ went from 65-70% to 43%.
You're proving my case. Being indifferent about this only lets it spread, and as we've learned from Blizzard, only the west is getting this kind of propaganda because there's no line in the sand.
You should probably go back and re-read my post but I doubt it will do much.

Petition to re-name the thread to The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions & Social Justice Outage circle jerk.
Kiwifarms, other forums dedicated to mocking and ruining people, and plenty of other online trolls, especially on twitter have shown me otherwise.

How is giving more roleplaying options to people bad? I don't see giving people more representation as "tainting" something. Hell, if anything this is like Fallout 4's system where you can go all out on your characters face. I have no interest in giving a female character a beard, but think it's pretty cool to see a badass female lead with facial scarring.

With that many things to pick, what do you expect from a randomizer? 0_o

By ruining people you mean bringing attention to disgusting pedos like Yaniv who uses the trans movement to prey on women and children or mock Zoey Quinn who recently murdered a man in a attempt to have her own #MeToo moment? That is what I mostly see from Kiwi Farms.
I've never seen people get so pissy about things that have absolutely nothing to do with them and has no real bearing on their actual lives. That's been my issue with the entire debate since it started. If you're not a part of that community then why do you care?
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I've never seen people get so pissy about things that have absolutely nothing to do with them and has no real bearing on their actual lives. That's been my issue with the entire debate. If you're not a part of that community then why do you care?
It actually does. Hear of the James Younger case? Courts and the jury tried to force a father to agree to have his 7 year old son chemically castrated and to take puberty blockers because his mentally ill mother wanted a girl and decided to force her son to be the daughter she never will have but always wanted. Public heard about it, got pissed, contacted the Texas governor, senators and congressmen and the judge was forced to allow the dad to have a say in his sons well being and are also going to introduce a bill next year that will block hormone and puberty blockers for children under 18 in the state of Texas which will probably pass. I have no problem what so ever with trans people. My cousin in law is trans but you have to draw a line in the sand before the most vulnerable get hurt because their whack job parents want to use them as both a social experiment and a means to virtue signal to whack jobs on Twitter and Instagram.
It actually does. Hear of the James Younger case? Courts and the jury tried to force a father to agree to have his 7 year old son chemically castrated and to take puberty blockers because his mentally ill mother wanted a girl and decided to force her son to be the daughter she never will have but always wanted. Public heard about it, got pissed, contacted the Texas governor, senators and congressmen and the judge was forced to allow the dad to have a say in his sons well being and are also going to introduce a bill next year that will block hormone and puberty blockers for children under 18 in the state of Texas which will probably pass. I have no problem what so ever with trans people. My cousin in law is trans but you have to draw a line in the sand before the most vulnerable get hurt because their whack job parents want to use them as both a social experiment and a means to virtue signal to whack jobs on Twitter and Instagram.

I have and that's being handled accordingly and correctly. I think a "wait until their 18" legislation is more than fair but again, you wanted a line and their drawing it as we speak and this still doesn't directly effect you. It gives you a soap box to stand on, but still not particularly relevant to you or me.
I have and that's being handled accordingly and correctly. I think a "wait until their 18" legislation is more than fair but again, you wanted a line and their drawing it as we speak and this still doesn't directly effect you. It gives you a soap box to stand on, but still not particularly relevant to you or me.
What I think would have been better, and I hate to say this and give them credit, but Obsidian should have done what EA did with The Sims 4 in regards to character creation. In The Sims 4 you are allowed options on whether or not you want your characters to look or dress feminine or masculine. You have the option to turn facial hair, body types and make up on or off before you hit the randomize button and when you use the randomizer your character doesn't look like a eldritch horror. When EA does a better job and puts more thought into something I can't help but weep. I imagine or at least hope that CDPR does a better job in this regard with Cyberpunk.
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I have and that's being handled accordingly and correctly. I think a "wait until their 18" legislation is more than fair but again, you wanted a line and their drawing it as we speak and this still doesn't directly effect you. It gives you a soap box to stand on, but still not particularly relevant to you or me.

Not yet, anyway, and that's what these types count on. People being ambivalent about things that 'don't concern them' up until they realize that reversing the trends these types put into motion is all but impossible.

But back to the game. There's another reason I won't buy it: Private Division is a publishing branch of Activision, a company I can't stand and who doesn't deserve to be funded after everything they've done for the longest time. As such, Game Pass was the only option I had to get my impressions and it lets users leave reviews, so I put one up and that's that.
The humor is apparently starting to grate on some people. It seems that the devs traded the dark, cynical and sarcastic humor of the original Fallout's and New Vegas for quirky, LOL! So Random! humor that is popular now today with the entertainment industry thanks to the MCU. Can we just all agree that the MCU and its quirky humor is a plauge on writing and storytelling?
What I think would have been better and I hate to say this and give them credit but Obsidian should have done what EA did with The Sims 4 in regards to character creation. In The Sims 4 you are allowed options on whether or not you want your characters to look or dress feminine or masculine. You have the option to turn facial hair, body types and make up on or off before you hit the randomize button and when you use the randomizer your character doesn't look like a eldritch horror. When EA does a better job and puts more thought into something I can't help but weep. I imagine or at least hope that CDPR does a better job in this regard with Cyberpunk.

I suppose being able to turn off whichever elements you would be the preferable solution, but folks making what I would consider an oversight at worst into some grand political statement and that's simply ridiculous to me. I expected more pushback from the game's story and setting than I did it's randomizer.

Not yet, anyway, and that's what these types count on. People being ambivalent about things that 'don't concern them' up until they realize that reversing the trends is all but impossible.

There will never be a situation where gender politics will have any relevant impact on my life directly. They're never gonna cut my dick off and make me be a woman or force my daughter to be a man or whatever crazy agenda folks think they're trying to accomplish. I do not waste my energy on shit that simply doesn't concern me. I think it's the healthiest response to all of it.
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NMA: I swear I won't get political about this game.
*game is not to their liking*
NMA shaking fist angrily:

Ah, never change, you little balls of impotently angry floofs, you :)

Waiting for the Steam release. Maybe it's a game that I'll actually play for once...