First time out of the vault

I played through Outer Worlds and all its DLC and was curious what other people thought of it. Considering it's made by Obsidian and feels pretty obviously made with FNV as its inspiration, it seemed like a game a lot of people on this forum might have checked it out.
Personally it felt pretty well polished. I play on PC and it worked great with no bugs or crashes, and graphically it was really nice. The companions are all extremely well done, and the writing is generally really solid. In comparison to New Vegas, my one major gripe is that a lot of the choices don't feel as 'roleplayable.' The main antagonists are over the top cartoonishly evil and don't really give you anything to grab onto to justify making the decision to side with them. Doing an evil run through in TOW feels like something you only do just to see what the bad endings are. And the stat system has a similar problem--by splitting skills into 'categories' that you can spec into to raise all the accompanying skills at once, you're forced to spec into skills that don't fit your character.
For example, speccing into charisma options gives you skills in speech, lying, and intimidation. If I'm playing a meek coward who talks themselves out of any situation, I am forced to also make them intimidating if I want to pass regular speech checks. It's a game design decision that just doesn't make sense to me.
Personally it felt pretty well polished. I play on PC and it worked great with no bugs or crashes, and graphically it was really nice. The companions are all extremely well done, and the writing is generally really solid. In comparison to New Vegas, my one major gripe is that a lot of the choices don't feel as 'roleplayable.' The main antagonists are over the top cartoonishly evil and don't really give you anything to grab onto to justify making the decision to side with them. Doing an evil run through in TOW feels like something you only do just to see what the bad endings are. And the stat system has a similar problem--by splitting skills into 'categories' that you can spec into to raise all the accompanying skills at once, you're forced to spec into skills that don't fit your character.
For example, speccing into charisma options gives you skills in speech, lying, and intimidation. If I'm playing a meek coward who talks themselves out of any situation, I am forced to also make them intimidating if I want to pass regular speech checks. It's a game design decision that just doesn't make sense to me.