Hundreds of indie devs, and several bigger studios, beg to differ.
Gaming is more alive and experimental than ever. People are just too pre-occupied with the latest hyped AAA games.
As for my unpopular opinions:
- Black lives do matter.
- Womens rights matter.
- White (and male) privilege is an enormous problem.
- Mainstream media is the best source for non-biased news. And factual news, for that matter.
- Too many rich white dudes telling the world what to think on YouTube and other social media.
- Capitalism is bad.
- Superhero movies are silly, bad, idiotic, done to death and I want them to go away.
- The Mass Effect series is one of the best game series ever made.
My unpopular opinion is the exact opposite of yours
Black lives do matter. Of course they do, everyones life matters until they choose to do something that endangers someone else's life.
Womens rights matter. I seem to be missing something here as I wonder what rights they are denied in a modern western nation.
White (and male) privilege is an enormous problem. Another thing I seem to be missing is this statement that is not supported by any facts and just thrown out there. Statistically Asians have the most privilege as they are the highest earners holding the highest paying jobs and show the highest numbers of university enrollment rates.
Mainstream media is the best source for non-biased news. And factual news, for that matter. I seem to think that most news outlets mainstream or not are just supporting there own viewpoint and nobody is showing all the facts
Too many rich white dudes telling the world what to think on YouTube and other social media ok sure I don't see that but maybe you do
Capitalism is bad. but still better then any other system out there judging by the metrics of which most nations are measured
I really don't care about your last 2 points
My most unpopular opinions
Equality as given by the state should mean everyone has an equal opportunity, but this does not mean an equal outcome.
Government is there to provide a service, not to babysit people.
People need to learn to be responsible for their own actions.