Vault-113 OOC

Then either she did before joggin off or when she returned. You decide, otherwise conversations are going to be a problem.
Silk, you are metagaming, not only you bring up Fallout 1 story, wich this game is heavily based based on and already sort of kills the purpose revisiting the story in the first place, but you are also reading Markus's mind instead of just reacting only to what he voices out.

It is my mistake, I should not have allowed a PC to be from outside the vault for this particular story, specially ones that come from other games and are intended for a different setting. As of now all new players must come from inside the Vault, only NPC's controlled by the GM will have information about the setting and state of the world.

Silk, I suggest you roll a fresh character from the cryos and let the experienced wastelander Lyla walk into other adventures.
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I can exit the RP if you wish, though I fail to see how I have been meta-gaming. The Vault Dweller's story is well known in the west where she is from, the events of Fallout 2 are the explanation for Enclave presence in Fallout 3, they are all linked and there is crossover of information between them. Not to mention the Brotherhood of Steel which also hails from the West Coast.

Nor do I see where my character has read Markus' mind, if you could give an example of that?

At worst I see that my character finds your character is rude and is reacting accordingly and that creates a tense situation, but that is the nature of when characters have personality clashes. Play wise I wish you would let Carib actually jump in and interact because he's not getting the opportunity to do so and the back and forth cuts him out of participation which is not fair on him.
Quick question, if I am to exit the RP is that for Lyla to just leave them to it? Or delete posts altogether if it has compromised the plan for the RP you have?
You already know Markus is lying and you adjust you character's supposed knowlodge of the wasteland on calling him out on that. And while it is posible for your character to know the events of Fallout 1 (even if they are not that well known in DC since the Brotherhood with their airships and the Enclave with Vertibyrds are the only with the resources to travel such great distances) due to her special status of one of the few wastelanders to make such long trip , it is highly unconvenient that your character brings up the very story this games is trying to revisit, and while this is not your fault, since it is me who should have not allowed you to use that character, you can see why it kills the whole purpose of revisiting the setting.

I will also thank you if you edit your character from mentioning this events since it's not information a wish the PC's to have at this moment.

Lets just say Lyla is angry at Markus and decides not to waste any more time with the dwellers.
No, she knows Markus is lying because of two reasons.

Appearance: His vault suit is visible and she is perceptive enough to notice.
Markus' statements:
- "We are from a small village south of here. We're just exploring and mean you no harm."Generalised statement with no details, evasive, this is his response to her initial question of where they are from. Coupled with the vault suit, dead ringer for someone from a vault.
- "Oh, these pants? You see, we are collectors of old vault technology. Since you seem to know so much about vaults, you don't happen to know any vaults in the area, do you? Or perhaps people who trades or collects this stuff like ourselves? As you can see we already have vault suits, those are of no interest ot us, we are interested in tech, more specifically computer parts specific to vaults, perhaps water purification systems."He is from a village yet he's after high tech information, your average village has people getting by and dealing with local wasteland problems, the class between village and hunting high tech is incongruous. Also, super weak explanation for vault suit. This confirms it well and truly. With her level of intelligence these are fairly easy conclusions to form as opposed to me presuming knowledge for the character.

I'll edit the post with the info you want witheld, then after Carib gets a chance to reply I'll write Lyla leaving them to it.
Edits made, let me know if there is anything else you want changed in terms of knowledge that you don't want in your game.
Bottom line is, if you are going to have your player character argue with another PC and use your knowledge of the game for it and confront him instead of just not believing but playing along/finding a way to smooth your character into an already formed party, then I can't have your character having that knowledge. At this point Markus would never agree to travel with Lyla, there is no reason for the characters to join forces. The only way to have a dysfunctional party work is if the overseer sends the character to the party and Markus is stuck with having to deal with them. If two character that don't know each other and have no reason to travel together start being dysfunctional from the start there is no chance of them joining up.
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There are plenty of reasons.

1. While Markus may not want to have Lyla on their travels, Ramses could have a completely different opinion and it'd be good for him to have the chance to express it.
2. Lyla has knowledge of the area which they could use (need) and has already passed up opportunities to shoot them, likewise she has clearly stated she has no interest in the location of the vault itself.
3. Lyla is armed and capable, a third person who can handle themselves is valuable.
4. Lastly, if need be a situation could be introduced which would have them work together and address Markus' issue of trust. Common threat is an easy scenario. Or Markus could just decide to watch her carefully with the intention of shooting her the first moment he thinks she'll turn. There are plenty of ways to play it that don't involve Lyla pandering which isn't in her personality. Besides, friction is more fun to play at times than everyone just getting along.
Regardless of Ramse's opinion having an experienced wastelander outsider is going to be a problem in the future. From the start this was a game about vault dwellers having no idea of the outside world and finding out little by little. If we already have a character that has plentiful experience of the outside it kills the purpose of the characters starting with no knowledge. I should have seen it coming before your character decided to explain how many years ago someone in the other side of the continent had to go trough exactly the same situation as our current characters, but I didn't and I fracked up by not doing so, I should had not allowed outsider characters in the first place and now the game possibly derailed completely. I see only one way to save the situation.
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I love the nice wedge that has started to spring between them. Still, could be a random encounter, I mean this is Fallout; we can at least agree in that spirit.

Corrupted Saved Data.
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Sex: Male

Age: 30

Race: Asian

Height: 5'6

Weight: 150lbs

Bio: When the first all clears sounded, John Wu was one of the many scouts that would be eventually tasked with reconnoitering of the surrounding area. His prior outdoors-man training along with proficiency in long range weaponry and hand to hand combat, would allow him to survive the predicted dangers of the post apocalyptic wasteland. He was trained to use stealth boys but so far, has had no actual experience with said equipment. His pre-war file mentions his citations including the Chinese Service Ribbon, Armed Forces Expeditionary Ribbon, and the Purple Heart. However, there also exists a classified file, most likely lost, documenting Johns covert activities. He has had a hand in the pacification of U.S. dissidents and those who opposed the war. He was part of the team that sabotaged the chinese oil rig during the race to secure the last resource site. He has fired on U.S. citizens during the various riots that were prominent before the dropping of the bombs. These actions were all part of his CIA/SOG past, that not even he remembers much.
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You can start posting, you wont be able to reach the party until after the deathclaw situation is dealt with.
Gonzalez, do you want me to handle the overseer dialogue or do you? I was thiniking that the overseer is going to take advantage of Johns tendancy to follow orders (as he believes its for the greater good), and have him keep tabs on the other members. His pipboy might secretly record the conversations of other people, actions, and information. To the overseer, he sees in John the soldier that is able but dedicated to the cause. Almost the complete opposite of other soldiers who tend to have an unpredictable nature and problems with authority.
You handle that for the sake of practicality, I trust you won't go over the top with it. The spy in the group sounds good.

If I were to go cliche about this I would say we now have the chaotic good, the lawful good and the lawful neutal.
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Hey Gonzalez, I wanted to know what kind of weapons or armor, are you authorising for John? I mean, isn't a single 10mm pistol a bit lacking for someone of Ramses and Markuses skills?

Also, I am assuming I am lawful neutral, Markus is lawful good, and Ramses is chaotic good.
The alignment thing is more of an in joke, but yes, you guessed it, or not, the wasteland is much greyer than D&D.

You get the same equipment you get in Fallout 1 when you get out of the vault, simply because that's all the weapons they have in the vault, they were supposed to wait for the military to come rescue them and not leave until then. At most they might have a single shotgun in the entire vault, but they are keeping it for themselves. No armors. But the wasteland is full of old rusty stuff to pick up.

You get your pip-boy, and some survival gear, some food and water rations, stimpacks, and flares of course.

Also, a spy is resourceful enough to make do with very little behind enemy lines, the wasteland is just another mission, you'll find the tools along the way.
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