Why can't the player become a Knight or a Scribe?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
... in the first Fallout? I wonder because in Fallout you spent A LOT of time with Brotherhood (don't tell me about the time limit and the general hurry - Lorri surgeries can take weeks! 11 weeks if the player decides to do all of them, according to wiki, so the player ''wastes'' almost 3 months... ).
One of my favourite moments is when you storm the Mariposa base with the Brotherhood... just look:

How awesome is that? Insanely awesome I say!...
If one day someone would make a mod that allows the player to become either a scribe or a knight (with cool ,,Scribe'' (science bonuses?) or ,,Knight'' (combat bonuses?) perks maybe) then she/he should know I would play the hell out of this mod... What do you think, do you agree?

The same thing goes with the Enclave in Fallout 2 - theoretically, in my opinion, agreement between Chosen One and the Enclave could happen. Enclave is just a genocidal-mad-Nazi organisation and even those stupid ,,techNazis'' would appreciate the story of Vault Dweller, who killed a lot of supermutants, killed the Master himself and stopped Unity (which would be a nightmare for every Enclave member as it means losing the racial, mind and general blood purity). Chosen One and many of his fellow tribals are descendants of Vault Dweller, the racial hero (high speech check needed to convince the Enclave, lol!) and they can endure harsh conditions of the wasteland (that means they could be useful, they are healthy and would make good soldiers even if high tech equipment would fail). Chosen One could help the Enclave in many ways as he's been litteraly everywhere and knows the people in power.
Imagine some nice endgame missions when you and your best pal Frank Horrigan execute town after town! ''Usually, they just go in shooting...'' :cool:

*QUEST - Kill more people than Frank in San Fran/ Shady Sands/ Broken Hills and win the special reward from the President himself, lol*
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If the game was structured differently, sure. But The Vault Dweller is set out for a specific task, not to commit to a random cause. I don't see it making much sense in that context. Just like with the timelimit running out, you've failed if you don't care about it.

With Fallout 2 there should've been an option to agree with the Enclave to get an ending that suits it.
Random cause? Vault 13/BOS cause is the same -> they want the Cathedral and Mariposa destroyed, I see no conflict there. Player rescues BOS member, goes to the Glow, destroys the base and the cathedral (not in the same time)... BOS is ok with him using their best weaponry and armor yet Vaul Dweller can't became a knight, though it would only take a minute (and a handshake with Rhombus, heh). Structured differently? No, just a little touch.
The VD is assumed to be committed to his people in the Vault (or changing his mind with the Master). Joining BoS wouldn't be consistent with ending of being exiled.
No one says you can't leave BOS after some time, so again, there's no conflict. Jacob met Marcus and you know the rest of the story. Or Veronica (she can join Followers). And no one says VD founded Arroyo the day after they exiled him...

Or that could be just a non canonical ending, player can get different outcomes than canon ones, which does not harm the canon. You can for example kill Tandi in F2 and so what? You don't have to kill her, but if you do, canon stands and tells that she died later. No problem again.