Yet Another Ammo Mod (YAAM) Feedback Thread


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Hi all,

**** UPDATE ****
Version 1.1a of YAAM is out. The most significant additions are integration with Timeslip's sfall and much improved localization support.

You can always download the latest version of YAAM from here.

In the meanwhile, here's the FAQ that's lifted almost word-for-word from the ReadMe file, which should answer most of your questions.

Q: What is YAAM?
A: YAAM stands for Yet Another Ammo Mod, and it is an ammo mod for Fallout 2. The latest version of YAAM is always available at the No Mutants Allowed website (

Q: (Updated) Does it work with any other Fallout 2 mod out there?
A: Yes! Thanks to Timeslip, YAAM is now fully integrated with sfall. This means that any mod that uses sfall should be able to use YAAM, at least in theory. As for other mods, as long as they do not touch any weapon protos, armor protos, ammo protos, or the Fallout 2 executable, they should be fine, again at least in theory. The installer batch program that comes with sfall is smart enough to modify ddraw.ini to activate YAAM, while not touching other settings which the user and/or other mods may have enabled/disabled. Note: sfall is not part of the YAAM archive. If you plan to use YAAM with sfall, please download and install sfall prior to installing YAAM.

Q: (Updated) I have a French/German installation of Fallout 2. Will this mod still work?
A: Good question. From what I understand, the US version of the Fallout 2 executable should work with French or German installation, and the changes I had made have nothing to do with display settings or localization options. The only thing that is really missing is the localized version of PROTO.MSG file. As of Version 1.1a of YAAM, a localized version of PROTO.MSG in English, French, and German has been provided, and the installer is smart enough to install the proper localized version as necessary. It will even preserve customized changes from other mods that touch the PROTO.MSG file in almost all cases. See the manual installation instructions for more details.

Q: I have the Mac version of Fallout 2. Will this mod work for me?
A: There are no plans at this time to support the Mac version of Fallout 2. In fact, there are no plans at this time to support any version other than the Windows version. Sorry.

Q: So...another ammo mod for Fallout 2, eh? Aren't there a few of those out there already?
A: Yes.

Q: So what makes YAAM better?
A: Nothing. I never claimed that this was better, just...different.

Q: Fine. What makes YAAM different?
A: YAAM changes the functionality of the DR ammo modifier to a DT ammo modifier. JHP and most normal ammo is given a 0 DT modifier, while AP and FMJ ammo are given a value of anywhere between 2 to 20, with the majority being around the 2-5 range. For balancing issues, changes were also made to the Dmg mod of most ammunition. The readme file contains a complete list of ammunition changes.

Q: Wait a minute. The DT modifier is a positive number? Doesn't that add to the armor DT, thus decreasing damage?
A: Yes, the DT modifier is positive. However, DT modifier is a negative modifier. I have changed the engine to subtract the DT modifier value during damage calculation, so it should decrease damage.

Q: (New) So where does that leave the DR ammo modifier?
A: The DR ammo modifier is no longer an absolute value, but depends on the DT damage resisted. If, as a result of applying the DT ammo modifier the overall DT is reduced to below zero, then DT is set to zero, while DR is dropped by 10% for every DT point below zero. For example, suppose the ammunition has a DT ammo modifier value of 5, and the armor had a DT of 3 and a DR of 50. Then the net result would be an overall DT of 0, and an overall DR of 30, assuming no other factors are impacting DT or DR.

Q: How about adjusting values for weapons and armor?
A: Changes were not made to weapons and armor. Only ammunition (and of course the engine).

Q: Why not? Don't you need to do that to get better balance?
A: Perhaps. YAAM was, until quite recently, part of a much larger and much more ambitious combat mod that completely re-vamps tactical combat in Fallout 2. I have decided to split this small part off once I realized that it could stand alone.

Q: Really? Will we ever get to see the combat mod?
A: Perhaps. But I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.

Q: Fine, so what's the bottom line effect of all your changes?
A: Generally speaking, ranged weapons now do more damage, regardless of the ammo you are using. JHP ammo will really hurt you if you are unarmored or poorly armored, but will barely faze you if you are well armored. AP ammo will not hurt you as much if you are unarmored, but you are guaranteed to still feel its effects even if you are in strong armor.

Q: Anything else?
A: Yes. Flamethrowers can hurt quite a bit now. And rocket launchers are pretty much insta-death if you are poorly armored. Those security bots are no longer a pushover, but a genuine can of "whoop-ass" that the original Fallout 2 developers envisioned them to be.

Q: Ok, I'll bite. How do I install this thing?
A: Create a new folder in your main Fallout 2 installation directory, and unzip everything there. Run the batch file YAAM_install.bat. Everything should be set. For more advanced users, there are also instructions for a manual install in the readme file.

Q: What if I run into problems running your mod?
A: Send me a PM or a post on the New Mutants Allowed website, and I'll respond as soon as I can.


-- The Haen.

Edit: Updated post for v1.1a


Last edited by a moderator:
Well, the mods have approved the upload, so now YAAM is available for download. Please check the 1st post, or my signature, for the link.

In the meantime, I suppose some design and technical details behind the mod are in order, so here's a bit more reading for those so inclined. ;) Or better still, go ahead, and download the mod, and browse through the ReadMe file yourself.

2. Summary & Design Philosophy

2.1 Summary (Or "What does this new-fangled mod do")

YAAM stands for Yet Another Ammo Mod, and it is a modification for Interplay's Fallout 2 game. The primary purpose of this mod is to correct the imbalance between armor-piercing (AP) ammunition and other ammunition. However, as a result, several different forms of attack received a boost as well, intentionally or otherwise.

The following is a summary of expected changes as a result of this modification:

  • The single most noticeable change is the existence of a "DT mod" in place of the "DR mod" as an ammo modifier. As the name implies, the DT mod works as a negative modifier against the target armor's DT.
  • DR mod is no longer a hardcoded value, but is calculated based on the value of the DT mod and the target armor's DT rating. See Section 3 for the technical details, but suffice it to say that DR mod increases in value as the value of DT mod increase and as the value of the target armor's DT decrease.
  • JHP ammo still does more damage against soft targets, but AP ammo will inflict more punishment on hard targets. Previously, JHP ammo did more damage than AP ammo regardless of the target's armor.
  • JHP ammo does more or less the same damage against soft targets, while having much less effect against hard targets. By contrast, AP ammo does more general damage overall, though still inferior to JHP ammo with respect to soft targets. (Mathematically speaking, this is forced by making the average damage dealt by JHP ammo slightly higher than their AP counterparts, but making the standard deviation of the damage considerably lower for AP ammo.)
  • Rocket APs still inflict more or less the same damage, but Explosive Rockets had their damage potential greatly increased against soft targets. However, in exchange Explosive Rockets do much less damage against hard targets. In other words, if you get hit by an Explosive Rocket from a rocket launcher, and you don't have adequate protection, expect to suffer a quick and horrible death. Previously, Rocket APs are clearly superior regardless of the target's armor.
  • In the same vein, rockets in general do much more damage, against soft targets. Soft armor offers little to no protection since the bonuses from the rockets pretty much negate almost all resistance.
  • Flamethrower Fuel is now much more effective against hard targets. However, Flamethrower Fuel MK II is still the superior option.
  • Performance of 9mm Ball and 9mm ammo has been tweaked to make them comparable to 10mm JHP and 10mm AP ammo respectively. For example, if a weapon firing 9mm Ball and a weapon firing 10mm JHP inflict the exact same raw damage against the same target, expect the final damage result to be generally the same as well. (Practically speaking, though, 10mm firing weapons should deal out more damage on average since they are generally stronger than their 9mm caliber counterparts.)
  • The damage profile of the 14mm AP ammo has been overhauled. It now causes almost double its original damage against soft targets, maintains around the same damage against medium targets (metal and combat armor types) and has sufficient power to punch through and hurt hard targets. Think about it -- the caliber is 14mm AP! This is close to anti-vehicle territory in real life, so upping the damage to something more realistic (i.e. packing more punch than the 10mm pistol), while still maintaining balance, was relatively high on this mod's to-do list.

2.2 Design Philosophy (Or "Why I did things I did")

YAAM was designed from the ground up as a very simple mod. This meant that changes were kept to as minimal as possible. What follows is a short discussion behind the philosophy and physics behind this mod. Familiarity with the basic damage calculation formula is assumed -- it is covered rather nicely in the Fallout 2 Game Manual. Read up on it if needed, otherwise the following discussion will make little, if any, sense.

Even though damage calculation is relatively simple in Fallout 2, in practice it is made more interesting by ammunition modifiers - something that wasn't really well documented in the Fallout 2 manual. In Fallout 2, ammunition has 3 modifiers: an AC (Armor Class) modifier, a Dmg (Damage) modifier, and a DR (Damage Resistance) modifier. The AC modifier modifies the chances for scoring a hit on the target, and is outside the scope of this mod. The Dmg modifier is a fraction which is multiplied against any raw damages computed from a weapon. For example, a Dmg modifier of "2/1" doubles initial damage coming out from the gun (ouch). Finally, the DR modifier is a positive or negative number representing percentage. For example, a DR modifier of "-25" means -25%. This percentage is stacked on top of the armor's DR, thus making it stronger or weaker depending on whether or not it is positive or negative.

The key is interpreting each modifier to real-life physics. In armor, this is relatively straight forward. The Damage Threshold (DT) represents the amount of energy from the projectile that is effectively nullified - it may not be completely nullified, but at least some of it would be stopped cold. The DR represents any remaining energy from the projectile that is dispersed as it tunnels through the armor material to get to the flesh below.

For ammunition, the Dmg modifier represents the tendency of the projectile to yaw, fragment, and induce hydrostatic shock once it has impacted the target and broken through the surface material of the armor. The higher the tendency, the higher this number should be. In a similar manner, the DR modifier impacts the projectile's ability to tunnel through the armor material. Think of it this way, all the yawing, fragmenting, and transfer of energy will be useless to the attacker if the projectile fails to tunnel through the armor's material. If the projectile has a high tendency to yaw and fragment on impact, then inevitably some of that energy will be dissipated as it works itself through the armor. It may still ultimately strike the flesh below, but at a much reduced potential energy level and hence a lower level of damage. In other words, the same factors that would justify a high Dmg modifier should also justify a negative DR modifier.

Unfortunately, there is one other factor that has been overlooked, and that is the surface of the armor (i.e. the DT). The surface of the armor does not care about what projectile strikes it. Regardless of the exact caliber and type of projectile, the surface of the armor will absorb a set amount of impact energy before failing and allowing the projectile to start tunneling through the armor material below it (i.e. where DR comes into play). Armor piercing rounds work on this principle: they are generally designed to have higher mass concentration than their hollow point counterparts, which in turn leads to higher force (if we make the simplifying assumption that acceleration is constant for each shot fired), which in turn leads to higher energy potential. Therefore, armor piercing rounds tend to have an easier time breaking the surface and penetrating any body armor, though their more solid mass generally means less yawing and fragmentation, leading to a lower damage potential. This leads to the following observations/conclusions:

  • There really ought to be a "DT modifier" for ammunition in addition to the existing modifiers.
  • The Dmg mod really should be applied after the bullet has broken the surface of the armor but before tunneling through the armor.
  • If the DT is not able to fully absorb the anti-DT potential of the projectile, there should be negative consequences for the underlying DR. That said, DT itself should not be able to be reduced to below zero.
  • Under no circumstances should DR fall below zero or above 100.

Given the above, it is obvious that only two changes need to be made: More specifically, the decision was made to effect changes in:

  • Ammo attributes -- more to the point, the relevant ammo proto files. A "DT mod" attribute will somehow need to be added, to mention nothing of the inevitable adjustments that will need to be made to the DR Mod and Dmg Mod in order to accommodate the DT mod.
  • Damage formula calculation -- since the DT modifier is a totally new attribute, the damage calculation will need to be updated in order to make use of it. Unfortunately, damage calculation is handled entirely by the engine, and this necessitates hacking the executable to get desired results.

Note especially that no changes were made to weapon attributes and armor attributes, nor are there any plans in place to do so. Having said that, it must be admitted that changes to some weapons may be needed to bring about true balance. But this will be the focus of another mod.

4. Technical Details

4.1 New Damage Formula

In Fallout 2, calculation of damage against a critter is the responsibility of one function. It is this function that has been modified. A more precise definition follows:

damage = max[int(total_damage) - int(modified_DR * int(total_damage)), 0]

total_damage = [(raw_damage - max(modified_DT, 0)) * modified_mult] / [dmg_div * 2 * 100]

modified_DR = armor_DR + [10 * min(modified_DT, 0) / 100]

modified_DT = armor_DT - ammo_DT

modified_mult = critical_hit_bonus * dmg_mult * combat_difficulty_modifier

raw_damage = random(damage_range_of_weapon) + 2 * (rank_of_Bonus_Ranged_Damage_perk)

armor_DR = the DR attribute of the victim's armor. Reduce by 80% if a critical hit is deemed to be armor bypassing. Add 30 if player has the Finesse trait.

armor_DT = the DT attribute of the victim's armor. Reduce by 80% if a critical hit is deemed to be armor bypassing, if the weapon has the Weapon Penetrate perk, or an armor piercing Unarmed attack was used.

ammo_DT = the DT mod attribute of the ammunition. This number replaces what was the DR mod of ammunition attribute in the vanilla game.

critical_hit_bonus = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8. A non-critical hit will always have a value of 2.

combat_difficulty_modifier = 75, 100, or 125. If the player is attacking, or the combat difficulty is set at Normal, this is 100. Otherwise, it is set at 75 if combat difficulty is set at Wimpy, and 125 if combat difficulty is set at Rough.

dmg_mult = the dividend of the Dmg Mod attribute of ammunition.

dmg_div = the divisor of the Dmg Mod attribute of ammunition.

rank_of_Bonus_Ranged_Damage_perk = 0, 1, or 2

damage_range_of_weapon = damage range of the weapon as shown by its attributes in the Inventory screen. For example, the 10mm Pistol has a damage range of 5 to 12 inclusive.

(Note: Certain perks, such as Living Anatomy, add their damage after the above damage calculation routine is done. This is an artifact from the original damage calculation code. The merits of doing this are debatable, and perhaps a future version of YAAM will address this.)

4.2 New Ammunition Attributes

Due to the changes in the damage formula, the attributes of some of the ammunition is changed. That being said, note that not all ammunition needed to be changed. For example, Flamethrower Fuel MK II had a Dmg Mod of 1/1 and a DR Mod of 0. Under the new system, it has a Dmg Mod of 1/1 and a DT Mod of 0. Since the old DR Mod and the new DT Mod share the same absolute values, no change to the ammo proto file was necessary.

The following is a list of changed ammo protos:<table border="1" width="400">
<tr align="center" valign="center"><td width="50%">Ammunition</td><td width="25%">Dmg Mod</td><td width="25%">DT Mod</td></tr>
<tr><td>Explosive Rocket</td><td>3/2</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>10mm JHP</td><td>3/2</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>10mm AP</td><td>1/1</td><td>4</td></tr>
<tr><td>.44 Magnum JHP</td><td>3/2</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>Flamethrower Fuel</td><td>3/4</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>14mm AP</td><td>1/1</td><td>8</td></tr>
<tr><td>.223 FMJ</td><td>1/1</td><td>5</td></tr>
<tr><td>5mm JHP</td><td>3/2</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>5mm AP</td><td>1/1</td><td>4</td></tr>
<tr><td>Rocket AP</td><td>1/1</td><td>20</td></tr>
<tr><td>.44 Magnum FMJ</td><td>1/1</td><td>5</td></tr>
<tr><td>9mm Ball</td><td>3/2</td><td>2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Robo Rocket Ammo</td><td>1/1</td><td>10</td></tr>
<tr><td>2mm EC</td><td>3/2</td><td>9</td></tr>
<tr><td>4.7mm Caseless</td><td>3/2</td><td>7</td></tr>
<tr><td>HN Needler Cartridge</td><td>1/1</td><td>2</td></tr>
<tr><td>HN AP Needler Cartridge</td><td>2/1</td><td>5</td></tr>

4.3 New Damage Figures

Please see the attached MS Excel file YAAMStats.xls to compare new damage values versus the original damage values. Please see the Introduction tab for details on how to properly understand this file.

4.4 Changes Made to the Engine

Believe it or not, all changes made to the Fallout 2 files in this mod were done using a simple hex editor (Mikersoft's HEXtreme v1.0), though I made use of a few other data analysis tools before actually making the changes. The following documents what was done to the engine

The engine was changed from offsets 0x00424995 to 0x00424A62 and from 0x004FE1C4 to 0x004FE1E7, if you are using a dissembler such as Ollydbg. If you are using a plain hex editor, these would be offsets 0x00014D95 to 0x00014E62 and 0x000EE534 to 0x000EE5E7. The first offset is where the damage calculation function was located in the engine, and changes were made to it. Unfortunately, the space wasn't sufficient for all that needed to be done, so an unconditional jump was made to the second offset location to do additional processing before returning to the routine. This should be safe: offsets 0x004FE1C4 and 0x004FE1E7 were nothing but zeros before the change, so it was unused space in the executable. Nonetheless, any such unconditional jumps are inherently risky, and have a nasty tendency to cause side-effects. While there was testing done to ensure things are working as they should, I cannot guarantee a crash free experience for obvious reasons. On request, a hex dump of the changes can be made available.

Edit: Fixed minor typo in engine offset. Thanks Timeslip!
Edit2: Fixed minor formatting error.
Edit3: Put new ammo values into a nicer looking table -- can't seem to do much about that huge space and huge font, though...
Excellent mod Haenlomal, I look forward to testing it when I have some spare time, and also thanks for the explanation notes – very helpful.
Changes you made are strange but working. I looked at excel sheet and in my opinion it is good choice to change DRmod to DTmod.
Very usefull explanations about projectiles and I like your vision of how ammo/armors/damage to target works.

Good job! :ok:
Good job Haen!

Everyone should be able to enjoy this as an option in the upcoming RP 2.1 installer.
Re: Yet Another Ammo Mod (YAAM) v1.0a

Haenlomal said:
Q: Does it work with any other Fallout 2 mod out there?
A: YAAM has only been tested against the base installation of the game plus the Official v1.02D Fallout 2 US Patch from Interplay. So "officially", this mod isn't compatible with any other mod. Having said that, it shouldn't be hard to make this mod compatible with most other mods. Please PM me if you are interesting in integrating YAAM with another mod.
The obvious conflict would be sfall, which by extension would cause an incompatibility with most recent mods. I know of at least one change sfall makes in the address range you specified. (0x424AB6, to be precise.)

Edit: There turned out to be a typo in the address range in the readme, so actually there shouldn't be any direct overlaps between the exe ranges modified by this and sfall, so aside from the crc check they should be compatible. I'd still advise waiting for sfall 2.8 and using sfall's inbuilt version if you want to use this with sfall though, since there could be other indirect problems.

In any case, sfall is going to barf at the crc change, and will need an ExtraCRC setting before it'll even let you in game.
Timeslip said:
The obvious conflict would be sfall, which by extension would cause an incompatibility with most recent mods. I know of at least one change sfall makes in the address range you specified. (0x424AB6, to be precise.)

In any case, sfall is going to barf at the crc change, and will need an ExtraCRC setting before it'll even let you in game.

With Timeslip's help (thank! :clap:), I've managed to integrate the engine changes into sfall. This means that YAAM is now compatible with any mod that uses sfall as long as the correct setting is chosen, the modified ammo proto files are in place, and of course PROTO.MSG is also in place (though this last file only affects a display string in Inventory view).
Hi all,

Just a quick heads up that a new version of YAAM (v1.1a) is available -- or it will be, once the mods have approved the file for download. Please see the 1st post for details.

--- The Haen.
I installed F2 Restoration Project and it seemed the YAAM damage formula is the default setting.
;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage.
;Don't set this to anything other than 0 unless another mod you're using explicitly tells you to!
;0 - Fallout default
;1 - Glovz's Damage Fix
;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod.

I'm now having a problem that minigun does minor damage to certain enemies such as Deathclaws(check the screeshot below, I tested with 5mm JHP).


This is another test with 5mm AP.
You can see the normal 29 and the crtical forceful-blow 7, strange.

utunnels said:
I installed F2 Restoration Project and it seemed the YAAM damage formula is the default setting.
;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage.
;Don't set this to anything other than 0 unless another mod you're using explicitly tells you to!
;0 - Fallout default
;1 - Glovz's Damage Fix
;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod.

Actually, YAAM isn't the default setting for the F2 Restoration Project, unless you used the auto-installer and selected all optional install options at some point with the RP 2.x line.

Note that simply seeing the DamageForumla to 5 isn't sufficient to activate YAAM. Certain files have to be located in the proper places in order for YAAM to work. More specifically, the manual installer doesn't come with all of the necessary files in order for YAAM to function properly -- you'll have to download YAAM and integrate it with the RP yourself if you're using the manual installer. Note that the converse is also true: if you have YAAM installed, then simply changing the DamageFormula to 0 (Fallout's default calculations) or 1 (Glovz's Damage Fix) will not deactivate my mod. You'll also need to remove the files installed by YAAM in order for the other two modes to work properly.

Since you mentioned that you are using the the manual installer. I'm guessing that you used the auto installer with all optional installs with RP 2.0 or RP 2.1, and then used the manual installer to upgrade to RP 2.1.1. If this is the case, then YAAM should still be active after the manual upgrade.

utunnels said:
I'm now having a problem that minigun does minor damage to certain enemies such as Deathclaws(check the screeshot below, I tested with 5mm JHP).

(screenshot snipped to cut down on scrolling)

This is another test with 5mm AP.
You can see the normal 29 and the crtical forceful-blow 7, strange.

(screenshot snipped to cut down on scrolling)

YAAM is working exactly as designed. Here's why:

The minigun is a weapon that deals 7-11 damage per hit, and it spits out 40 bullets per attack. The 7-11 damage is further modified by the properties of the bullet which you've decided to use.

The deathclaw target has a Damage Threshold rating of 10 and a Damage Resistance rating of 50%. Note that even with the original damage formula, this is bad news: the damage threshold will totally absorb any attack below 11. And even then, an attack worth 11 points of damage is going to net 1 point of damage, and with the 50% damage resistance, this 1 point of damage will round down to zero. In other words, with no ammo modifiers you'd need to rely to a critical hit to do any damage -- and this is just with the original formula. The formula used in YAAM is even less forgiving!

Anyway, I've crunched some numbers, with the working assumption that no armor piercing and/or critical hits are inflicted. Below is a chart comparing the YAAM damage formulas and Original damage formulas for both 5mm JHP and 5mm AP ammo, assuming Tough Deathclaws (which are what Melchoir's Pets are) are your target:

Minigun Damage Profile using 5mm JHP ammo

Raw Damage          Modified Damage (Original)          Modified Damage (YAAM)
==========          ==========================          ======================
7                            1                                   0
8                            1                                   0
9                            2                                   0
10                           2                                   0
11                           2                                   1
Average:                     1.6                                 0.2
Std Deviation:               0.5477                              0.4472

Minigun Damage Profile using 5mm AP ammo

Raw Damage          Modified Damage (Original)          Modified Damage (YAAM)
==========          ==========================          ======================
7                            0                                   1
8                            0                                   1
9                            0                                   2
10                           0                                   2
11                           0                                   3
Average:                     0                                   1.8
Std Deviation:               0                                   0.8367

Note that this is damage inflicted per bullet hit. Since the Minigun spits out 40 bullets per attack, this can result in quite a bit of damage very quickly.

The tables should be self-explanatory, but here is a summary:

  1. The minigun is simply not a very efficient weapon, at least as far as Tough Deathclaws are concerned: Even if all 40 bullets hit their mark, and you are using AP ammo, the average damage you will do is 1.8*40=72. Against a creature as tough as the Deathclaw, and against enemies as numerous as Melchoir's Pets, this simply isn't dealing out enough damage for you to do a reasonable job. And of course, chances are slim that all 40 bullets would hit!
  2. Thanks to the Deathclaw's tough hide, JHP ammo is practically useless against them. Again assuming all 40 bullets hit, you'll deal an average of 40*0.2=8(!). If you're using YAAM, you're generally speaking much better off to use AP ammo against tougher targets: save those JHP ammo for unarmored or very lightly armored targets.
  3. With the Original Damage formula, AP ammo is totally ineffective, and JHP ammo is minimally effective: assuming all 40 bullets hit, then the average damage would be 40*1.6=64.

The bottom line? I'd use some weapon other than the Minigun if I were you. :) Try non-burst energy weapons aimed for the eyes. If you insist on using the Minigun, then better make sure you're stocked up on 5mm AP ammo. Good luck!


-- The Haen.
Thank you very much for your detailed reply. Now I understand the new ammo damage mod makes AP ammo more worthwhile, right?

I forgot to metion here (as I metioned in Glovz's topic), I eventually tried the auto installer version of 2.1.1 and did a full installation, so does that mean the YAAM mod was already actived?
utunnels said:
I eventually tried the auto installer version of 2.1.1 and did a full installation, so does that mean the YAAM mod was already actived?
YAAM is only activated if you choose it from the installer. Everything is optional.
complete off topic, Regarding miniguns:

chances of all 40 bullets hitting the deathclaw, assuming all bullets have a 95% chance to hit, is just over 12.85% (0.95^40)

Even having at least half of the bullets to hit is only 35.85% chance
But, whether a bullet hits or not in the sequence doesn't affect the chance of the next bullet in the sequence.

And the chance for at least 20 bullets to hit the target = 1 - 0.05^20 = 0.9999....