Zegh's Dinosaur Thread


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Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox.
Behold, his strength in his loins, and his power in the muscles of his belly.
He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together.
His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron.
He is the first of the works of God; let him who made him bring near his sword!

"They shall interlock with one another and engage in combat, with his horns the Behemoth shall gore with strength, the fish [Leviathan] shall leap to meet him with his fins, with power. Their Creator shall approach them with his mighty sword [and slay them both];" "then, from the beautiful skin of the Leviathan, God shall construct canopies to shelter the righteous, who shall eat the meat of the Behemoth and the Leviathan amid great joy and merriment."
@zegh8578 Have you seen Prehistoric Planet? If so, what did you think of it? Personally I loved how scientifically accurate the dinosaur designs were but felt like the show got a little repetitive towards the end. Still an amazing show.
@zegh8578 Have you seen Prehistoric Planet? If so, what did you think of it? Personally I loved how scientifically accurate the dinosaur designs were but felt like the show got a little repetitive towards the end. Still an amazing show.

Have not watched, but I know some truly top people were involved in it, and that both hard science as well as speculation were all very accurate.
I've seen a tiny bit of nitpick with some of the dinosaur models, but these are well-meaning observations down on the most minute level; the most "glaring" was that feathered dinosaurs, like the Velociraptor, were depicted with flight-feathers growing beyond the elbow - towards the shoulder, as in - alongside the humerus. Neither theropods nor modern birds (believe it or not) have flight-feathers on the humerus - they grow only along the ulna and the middle (2nd) finger on the hand. They *did* correctly show the hand-feathers growing from the correct finger, but should have had the elbow-shoulder area covered by body-feathers instead.

Albatross for example

Again, these are nitpicks of course, and something done in good humor, by people who loved the show.

Another tiny, tiny nitpick was the Carnotaurus depiction of the outstretched arms was based on a very specific piece of speculative artwork by an artist closely associated with those involved in the scientific advice, but where others have already pointed out, Carnotaurus' arms were *even smaller* than depicted, and - unlike Tyrannosaurus arms - nearly devoid of proper muscle-attachments. Most of the structure would be underneath what was left of the shoulder/chest muscles, and only the hand + a weird little spike would stick out of the skin.

Again, just nitpicks. Seems like a show truly made to both fascinate ordinary people, as well as finally give paleontologists a huge relief, and I'll watch when I get around to it.
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Seriously. Why aren't you working as a pro-palentologist on such shows making top dollars?

They don't make that many dollars, first of all :D most of the time they're sitting there wishing they were consulted in the first place, and so they aren't exactly a highly sough after commodity.

Secondly, I'm way too much of a columnist
They don't make that many dollars, first of all :D most of the time they're sitting there wishing they were consulted in the first place, and so they aren't exactly a highly sough after commodity.

Secondly, I'm way too much of a columnist

In Britain another dig found a new Dino. Not new as in contemporary a new Dinosaur, On the Isle of Wight I think. At least mock ups of Dinosaurs are based on actual full or partial bones so I have no squabbles with that. I saw some stupid TV programme one time were scientist had put up models of what they thought Aliens may look like ! Most of it was laughable. It looked like a hotch potch of existing creatures put together in a 3D programme. The fact is though capitalist pig doggery has captured the small market of pally pallento paleentolo ,, fk dinosaur stuff.

I was a total T.W.A.T Thespians working against theology. I got fired by a B.A.S.T.A.R.D British aristocracy standing against ranting demagogues . I think that bastard was a P.L.A.N.T political liberation advocating terrorism. I searched his locker on the last day and found papers relating to some other F.U.C.K.E.R flora undermining communist kangaroo english resistance. So this confirmed the whole organisation of TWATS was infiltrated by plants. Amen
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I wonder when they reboot Jurassic Park if they will do it right? Hahah sorry that was a dumb comment.


This will be the next Jurassic Park.
I wonder when they reboot Jurassic Park if they will do it right? Hahah sorry that was a dumb comment.

View attachment 23545

This will be the next Jurassic Park.

I'm *up to here* with Jurassic Park - the franchise, and I can't bitch about it on Twittuh, cus I got like 500 paleo-kid-nerds in my mutuals who love the fuck out of it. Thankfully, I see other professionals bite their tongue as well, and even better - sneak me a like, whenever I *do* dare bitch.

The franchise has become such a vapid whore - the first movie was always a good movie, and *not really about dinosaurs* per se. Many paleo-folk are usually quite political, they tend to be informed, they're deep into science, therefore nature, therefore preservation, climate etc - but when it comes to Jurassic Park all conviction flies out the window, just "MORE MERCH PLZ =O" - granted, again, lots of them are litterally children - although not all.

And again, I have to just ":)" through it, cus I can't be *that* guy :D
Here, in the dark shadows of NMA I take a moment to be *that* guy, I guess.
I'm *up to here* with Jurassic Park - the franchise, and I can't bitch about it on Twittuh, cus I got like 500 paleo-kid-nerds in my mutuals who love the fuck out of it. Thankfully, I see other professionals bite their tongue as well, and even better - sneak me a like, whenever I *do* dare bitch.

The franchise has become such a vapid whore - the first movie was always a good movie, and *not really about dinosaurs* per se. Many paleo-folk are usually quite political, they tend to be informed, they're deep into science, therefore nature, therefore preservation, climate etc - but when it comes to Jurassic Park all conviction flies out the window, just "MORE MERCH PLZ =O" - granted, again, lots of them are litterally children - although not all.

And again, I have to just ":)" through it, cus I can't be *that* guy :D
Here, in the dark shadows of NMA I take a moment to be *that* guy, I guess.

We don't mind. We all know the movies are shit!