Afterfall Gameplay Video

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Remember Afterfall: Insanity? Well, if you don't, it's a post-apocalyptic third person survival horror that has seemingly been in development forever and is primarily famous for claiming really lofty design goals. ScrawlFX provides a 12 minute gameplay clip, as someone walks his badly animated walk around the streets and buildings of the game. It also features some Engrish.

<center><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></center>
The environments look nice.

Everything else looks really shitty. Combat looks shitty, the horror element looks failed, the sound and music are atrocious, and the animations could teach Bethesda a lesson in shitty.
AF: Insanity is NOT Afterfall RPG (which was suspended - uh did I use correct word? ;] ) - AF: I has been in development since 2008... so not as long as it is stated in the article. Another thing, if u have read about this conference u should know - in this presentation motion-capture is not yet used but it will be in the final game. So animations gonna look much better.
I'm waiting for AF:I because of the atmosphere, truly "post apocalyptic" - full of fear and despair.

Release date is Q1 2011.

<embed src=";hl=pl_PL" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed>
I think they are trying to scare player bit too much. because i find psychological "evil that can not be seen" much more scary than this flood of scary sounds and dead people walking all the time.

As you mentioned, horrible, horrible animations.
nowy said:
I'm waiting for AF:I because of the atmosphere, truly "post apocalyptic" - full of fear and despair.

The environments look nice but the atmosphere? No. The music is shit, as is the sound design, and it's just trying too hard with most of it.

I know but don't care about the distinction between their different vapourware projects. It'll be nice when one of em comes out I guess. I can't imagine a lot of people still care, and putting out public presentations with unfinished animations and notes written in Engrish - and I know this bit is shocking - is not a good way to get people interested. Even Youtube commentators are lulzing it up.

I think they are trying to scare player bit too much. because i find psychological "evil that can not be seen" much more scary than this flood of scary sounds and dead people walking all the time.

Pretty much. Horror games have been failing left and right for trying too hard. This game is about as subtle as a brick to the face. And then when you engage in combat in this game it's a cake walk of gunning people down? Also the whole heartbeat thing looks gimmicky. Just looks like a badly designed horror game.
I think it looks pretty cool but it could use some more emphasis on the horror part. It needs more camera zoom ins/cut scenes or something when something important happens to get the "OMG A DEAD BODY" feeling. People need to take visible damage from the guns too like broken limbs etc. Overall cool but will need a heavy dose of polishing
Also, by the way,

_nowy_ said:
Release date is Q1 2011.

That's nuts. This game does not look remotely ready to be released a quarter from now. If they think they can just plug in some animations and then it's a great game then wow, what fail.
Looks surprisingly good actually, bit of a Dead Space vibe, good environments. But yeah, need a bit of a polish.

If this is a sign of things to come I will probably check this game out.

Combat and AI looks pretty atrocious so far though.
Not impressed at all. This is good for high-school science fair or something, but if devs want to play big, they surely must try a lot harder.

Mad Max RW said:
Get out of here, Stalker?
Yup, but for me STALKER was far better then this one (as I could saw in clips) as far as suspense goes, especially those parts in sewers. Generally suspense is something very hard to achieve in a right way, so I'm usually far more surprised when I see something done as it should be then other way around. I never liked horror stuff (good dose of suspense is right dose for my taste) so I don't care about that part as long as it is not annoying.

Meh, maybe I'm expecting too much again...

p.s. Eh, you can't jump in this game? It's year 2011 not 1989 for God sake...
rehevkor said:
Looks surprisingly good actually, bit of a Dead Space vibe, good environments. But yeah, need a bit of a polish.

If this is a sign of things to come I will probably check this game out.

Combat and AI looks pretty atrocious so far though.
Not even with alcohol.
Crni Vuk said:
Not even with alcohol.
Funny, the PC walks like he's drunk...

Also, if it weren't for the mutant-thing, I would never guess this was Post-apocalyptic, it looks like a back alley in a third-world country...
Faceless_Stranger said:
Crni Vuk said:
Not even with alcohol.
Funny, the PC walks like he's drunk...

Also, if it weren't for the mutant-thing, I would never guess this was Post-apocalyptic, it looks like a back alley in a third-world country...

Hey! im in a third-world country and my back alleys are much better!!