Armoured talking heads


Vault Senior Citizen
Ok guys:

1) whaddya think?
2) Is it possible to script different talking heads to display when the NPC is wearing different armours in the same way as the NPC armour mod?

I think so. All that should be required is to change the heads.lst file, add the art, and make a check in the talk procedure to determine if a specific armor is worn. Actually, I think it would be quite easy.
I figure you could create PA and APA talking heads. But how you expect to create all the others?
hm modeling? :roll: and jeah i think also that it can be done, the hard job are the frm, the scripting is not a big deal i think!
Yes, as example. But it still will be a lot of work.
Mr.Wolna said:
not more as the npc armor mod ;)

Very true. :)

Yes, the other armours are a little more difficult though.

APA - can be taken from the drill sargent's head. In fact, as none of the NPC's wear APA helmetless, his talking head could be used as is...
PA - I took the above from Rhombus's talking head. It would work for Sulik, Cassidy (though his head kinda looks like it has PA already!) and Myron.
Robe - I can take it from the leader of the Abbey's (i forget his name) talking head. NP.

Combat - would need to be modelled
Leather - Ditto
jacket - Ditto

Maybe Jotisz would be interested in helping with this as he's already made a basic start on CA ....
All that would need to be done is the shoulders.

But for me the key question is: is it worth the effort? i mean, do you guys think it would significantly improve the game?
I think its a great idea, but it is very lot of work to made this!

I think times ago about somethink like that, but with the backgrounds, like when sit nigt day and morning the background will change!

But never finished this!
Mr.Wolna said:
but with the backgrounds, like when sit nigt day and morning the background will change!

Great idea Wolna. You're full of the good ideas! But as you say, a complex task to model the backgrounds.

Well, if someone is prepared to do the (supposedly) easy scripting ( :wink: @ MIB88 :D ) i will definately do the APA, PA & Robe TH's for the appropriate NPC's, as it's really not much work. The other armours will be a bonus if we can find the time and the talent!
Josan12 said:
@ Jotisz: take a look at this thread:
We could join forces (again) and find a use for your CA TH! :)
It would be a good thing I will start to make the armors hope they will look good when I fininsh them
The infiltrator at Cathedral in FO1 was wearing a grey(?) robe and had talking head. You might be able to use that robe and replace her head.
Its kinda sad. The fact that she had a TH shows she was supposed to be important but then her scrapped/used elswhere...
I think this is no new mod! t is an addon to the NPC Armor Mod ;)

So you should make a standalone pack after finishing work.
Here is a try for the combat armor Combat armor (too bright I know) I'm posting it mainly cause I don't know why but ut looks strange I need some idea which parts to change or replace and how

Also I started to create a Leather armor
Jotisz said:
Here is a try for the combat armor Combat armor (too bright I know) I'm posting it mainly cause I don't know why but ut looks strange I need some idea which parts to change or replace and how

The shoulder pads of the combat armor are to small, I think. Take a look at the critter ingame. It is also more "bulky" and harder. In your image it looks like a standard bullet vest.
Yeah, they exaggerated with dimensions because the details would otherwise be lost once you reduce the model to its in-game version