Bethesda's Bigotry Exposed

After a long dungeon crawl in Skyrim my character, a level 81 Imperial was ready to call it quits, he was ready to settle down and live a quiet life. So he began with building his houses and was ready for the next step. He wanted a wife, and not just any woman would do, he wanted a voluptuous Khajiit woman. He searched far and wide for his wife to be but from Markarth, to Solitude, to Raven Rock he sighted no Khajiit women willing to be bound to him. After several weeks taking bounties and wallowing in a great depression our Imperial stallion wound up gazing upon a buxom argonian wench in Windhelm and settled for the scaly goddess.
Now that he had a wife, our man wanted children. He swept the adoptees and found not scale nor snout of any beast race child in the whole Country of Skyrim. Not one to be stuck raising disgusting menfolk our Imperial sighed in defeat. That was when I felt I was onto something, seeing this lack of diversity and inclusion for my role-playing purposes I decided to go on to Bethesda's other dating scene in the Commonwealth.
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After countless hours in the wasteland, ole Nate was feeling lonesome and he wanted some love in his life. Now I will complement Fallout 4 on the variety of potential partners in the game and the very normal bisexuality of all the partners that definitely will make sure any character feels comfortable. Now you got you're white women, white men, black man, synth woman, ghoul man. However the exclusion of ghoul women, and synth (black) men, and of course latinx peoples is a slap in the face to their communities. Especially since their are obvious options that are practically THROWN at you WHAT THE FUCK BETHESDA! Nate, after hours supporting settlements came across a dame in the Slog.
After slaving away for this shit hole, I go and talk to her. She was beautiful and charismatic, she damn near swept me off my feet (I'm supposed to do that :evil:) so she flirted with me for a while and I was head over heels... then she pops the question. "WOULD YOU DATE A GHOUL?" Nate had pre-cum dripping down his pants but to my shock all my options were some form of no. This was the LAST fucking straw, Bethesda. GRIEVING FOR MY CUNT WIFE?! MOTHER FUCKER I FUCKED MY WAY THROUGH ALMOST ALL OF MY COMPANIONS (NO STRONG OR X6-88 BECAUSE BETHESDA ARE A BUNCH OF FUCKING XENOPHOBIC RACISTS) AND SOME WHORE SINGER I MET ON THE ROAD! DO YOU THINK FOR A SECOND NATE GAVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT WHORE AND WASN'T FUCKING EVERY WOMAN HE COULD GET HIS HANDS ON? WHEN NATE WAS IN THE ARMY DO YOU THINK HE WASN'T SLAYING SNATCH WHENEVER HE COULD GET IT BECAUSE HE KNEW THAT ANY DAY COULD END WITH HIS HEAD BEING VENTILATED BY SOME DRAGOON WITH A SNIPER RIFLE AND A STEADY HAND! THAT WHEN HE GOT HOME HE JUST GAVE UP THAT LIFESTYLE? HELL, WE ALL KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT MILITARY WIVES, WHOSE TO SAY THAT SHAUN WASN'T SOME FUCKING LAWYERS OR A CLIENT EVEN? I was fuming, Nate replied and we were pissed, If I couldn't have her then no one can have MY HOLLY! I smashed that whore's face in dropping her to the ground, then I made her watch as I methodically brutalized every one of her friends and just stood over her. She wouldn't even look at me as I raised my combat shotgun (legendary) and blew her face in to pulp. This is what Bethesda wanted, I can't in good conscience support Bethesda games until I see that their next game has a romance for each and every race and sentient species. I can't play these games anymore... too many ghosts.
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Not sure what you're talking about? In my game I was pretty sure I remember I was able to use the mesmetron to put her in a ahegao hypnosis state, fuck her in five different positions, impregnate her then put her in chains and added her to the various stockpiles of harem hypno-slaves in my maize-farm settlement, slotting her into the "Electrified Ghoul Box" alongside the other hair-style and clothing coded slavepits . Occasionally cycling her out to till the soil and handle my corn with the others.

I may have had mods installed come to think of it, so not sure if that's vanilla.
Sounds great, my Nate has a fetish for feeling her ghoulified lady parts cave-in and crumble. Sadly vanilla Bethesda games don't cater to gamer's needs. Luckily modders are far more catering to their sensibilities. Although Holly's rejection really was a humbling moment for Nate and really developed his hatred for 'zombies' and their ways.
I imagine it more like making a sand castle, you knead it around when it's moist and shape it, unless you're going all in then it's definitely rotted pulled pork with a liquid you'd expect from an ancient can of meat to contain. it's nutritious, radioactive, but the smell and taste vary. Or it could be like this Enchilada I'm eating right now which is on the verge of being both sustaining and revolting.
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Bethesda you bigots! I am going to go to Twitter right now and rallying up a mob to harass and dox you so you can pay for your bigotry! How dare you! I am so triggered right now!
Bethesda you bigots! I am going to go to Twitter right now and rallying up a mob to harass and dox you so you can pay for your bigotry! How dare you! I am so triggered right now!
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Not with that hypocritical tone you're not, but I agree.
Bethesda's Fallout won't even let you be another race, like a Ghoul or a Supermutant, but a human that starts at a vault. Like most Elder Scrolls games that starts you off in FUCKING PRISON.
They are getting real stale when time goes on, and they need to ante up for some gameplay improvements, not just graphics mind you, and a fleshed out, original story. Not the same story they ripped off from classic Fallout games and New Vegas.
It's time for some motherfounding change in this dull vessel!
I come from the water.
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This thread only exists because somebody was too lazy to download the right mods to sate their degeneracy.

Fucking Hippies.
I wonder how people in the elder scrolls react differently to being raped via the race of the perpetrator. Like if it's a dude or a mer they'd be like, "Oh god please, no no no." and try and fight back or just submit and hope they don't kill you or whatever. But a khajiit rapist? They'd probably be in agony, "AW FUCK STOP PLEASE STOP! OW BARBED KHAJIIT COCK RIPPING MY FUCKING INSIDES OPEN AHHHHH MY SHOULDERS ARE SHREDDED BY FUCKING CLAWS PLEASE GOD KILL ME!" At least that's how I'd imagine it going, quite a horrific image if I must say.
Download the rape mod and find out for yourself. Grandma was talking about how that was his favorite mod last night over Steam. I had to scold him for it.
It all was brought to light when I told him how violently I was raped in Halo 2 as a child.
After a long dungeon crawl in Skyrim my character, a level 81 Imperial was ready to call it quits, he was ready to settle down and live a quiet life. So he began with building his houses and was ready for the next step. He wanted a wife, and not just any woman would do, he wanted a voluptuous Khajiit woman. He searched far and wide for his wife to be but from Markarth, to Solitude, to Raven Rock he sighted no Khajiit women willing to be bound to him. After several weeks taking bounties and wallowing in a great depression our Imperial stallion wound up gazing upon a buxom argonian wench in Windhelm and settled for the scaly goddess.
Now that he had a wife, our man wanted children. He swept the adoptees and found not scale nor snout of any beast race child in the whole Country of Skyrim. Not one to be stuck raising disgusting menfolk our Imperial sighed in defeat. That was when I felt I was onto something, seeing this lack of diversity and inclusion for my role-playing purposes I decided to go on to Bethesda's other dating scene in the Commonwealth.
After countless hours in the wasteland, ole Nate was feeling lonesome and he wanted some love in his life. Now I will complement Fallout 4 on the variety of potential partners in the game and the very normal bisexuality of all the partners that definitely will make sure any character feels comfortable. Now you got you're white women, white men, black man, synth woman, ghoul man. However the exclusion of ghoul women, and synth (black) men, and of course latinx peoples is a slap in the face to their communities. Especially since their are obvious options that are practically THROWN at you WHAT THE FUCK BETHESDA! Nate, after hours supporting settlements came across a dame in the Slog.
After slaving away for this shit hole, I go and talk to her. She was beautiful and charismatic, she damn near swept me off my feet (I'm supposed to do that :evil:) so she flirted with me for a while and I was head over heels... then she pops the question. "WOULD YOU DATE A GHOUL?" Nate had pre-cum dripping down his pants but to my shock all my options were some form of no. This was the LAST fucking straw, Bethesda. GRIEVING FOR MY CUNT WIFE?! MOTHER FUCKER I FUCKED MY WAY THROUGH ALMOST ALL OF MY COMPANIONS (NO STRONG OR X6-88 BECAUSE BETHESDA ARE A BUNCH OF FUCKING XENOPHOBIC RACISTS) AND SOME WHORE SINGER I MET ON THE ROAD! DO YOU THINK FOR A SECOND NATE GAVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT WHORE AND WASN'T FUCKING EVERY WOMAN HE COULD GET HIS HANDS ON? WHEN NATE WAS IN THE ARMY DO YOU THINK HE WASN'T SLAYING SNATCH WHENEVER HE COULD GET IT BECAUSE HE KNEW THAT ANY DAY COULD END WITH HIS HEAD BEING VENTILATED BY SOME DRAGOON WITH A SNIPER RIFLE AND A STEADY HAND! THAT WHEN HE GOT HOME HE JUST GAVE UP THAT LIFESTYLE? HELL, WE ALL KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT MILITARY WIVES, WHOSE TO SAY THAT SHAUN WASN'T SOME FUCKING LAWYERS OR A CLIENT EVEN? I was fuming, Nate replied and we were pissed, If I couldn't have her then no one can have MY HOLLY! I smashed that whore's face in dropping her to the ground, then I made her watch as I methodically brutalized every one of her friends and just stood over her. She wouldn't even look at me as I raised my combat shotgun (legendary) and blew her face in to pulp. This is what Bethesda wanted, I can't in good conscience support Bethesda games until I see that their next game has a romance for each and every race and sentient species. I can't play these games anymore... too many ghosts.
